Nan Yan hurriedly felt Zhu Feng's study. As soon as he walked in, he saw Li Lai with a shackle on his body, followed by Chu Ping, and the two of them kept knocking their heads against Zhu Feng and bumping.

"Grandmaster Xie, Grandmaster Xie!"

"Thank the emperor for not killing, thank the emperor for long grace!"

Ye Xun was already able to get up at this time. Standing aside, Ran Xiaoyu was by his side. There was Xiao Shunzi and the other man, everyone looked at them.

And Zhu Feng sat behind the table, his face was calm, neither happy nor angry, he only waved his hand faintly: "Get up."

Nan Yan walked over: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng looked up at her: "You are here."

After Nan Yan bowed to him, he turned his head again. Seeing her coming, Li Lai and Chu Ping were also busy bowing their heads to her. The two of them burst into tears and said: "Xie Niangniang, Xie Guifei Niangniang. ."

Nan Yan saw it clearly, and Li Lai's face was tattooed.

Nan Yan said, "You are--"

Zhu Feng first said: "The time has come, you should go."

As a result, the two slowly stood up from the ground. Li Lai had a shackle on his body and was inconvenient to move, so Chu Ping could only help him; and Chu Ping could not see, Li Lai had to show her the direction.

The man next to him walked over and bowed to the emperor and concubine.

Then he took them out.

Nan Yan hadn’t figured out what was going on. He watched the two slowly walking out and walking away while supporting each other. Then he turned his head and looked at Xiang Zhufeng: "The emperor, they are—"

Zhu Feng said: "Li Lai tattooed and exiled to the southwest."


"This is my punishment for him."


"As for Chu Ping, she didn't do anything evil, so I naturally didn't deal with her. Where she wants to go, who wants to stay by her side and suffer, that's her business."

Nan Yan immediately understood.

This is what Zhu Feng did to them.

Li Lai helped Zhou to abuse and helped the sand bandits. Zhu Feng did not kill him but assassinate him. Such punishment can be regarded as a canonical punishment; let Chu Ping stay by his side, although the two are to be exiled to the southwest, they can be together and fight each other. Personally, it is very good.

However, Nan Yan suddenly remembered and asked, "But Chuping's illness--"

Zhu Feng said: "In the past two days, I have sent people to White Dragon City. First, I explored the road there and found a place to meet with the special envoy of the Anxi Kingdom. Second, I also sent people to Xue's house. A little bit of the medicine she needs, cyclamen."

Nan Yan said in surprise: "So, she has recovered?"

"Not bad."

"This, this is great!"

Nan Yan laughed happily, this is a good thing.

Zhu Feng glanced at her and smiled faintly: "What are you doing so happy?"

Nan Yan smiled and walked over and said: "The concubine has always been worried that the emperor will kill Li Lai-he has committed a crime and it is not an exaggeration to kill him, but the emperor still spared his life."

Zhu Feng glared at her, as if saying: I am such a tyrant before your eyes?

Nan Yan only smiled.

Zhu Feng said: "There must be severe punishments, and there must be gentle education. For these people, we cannot generalize. Besides, this person is not a mediocre person if he can conceal the two of us at the beginning. God has the virtue of being good."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Exactly."

"I just hope that he will be a good man next time, and don't use Fei Chuping to propose it himself, and accompany him to exile the heart of Southwest."

Nan Yan looked out the door with some emotion. The man took Li Lai and Chu Ping away without a trace. He imagined the life of the two in the future, but it would be very difficult.

But two people together are the happiness of enduring hardship together.

Nan Yan said again: "The two of them have already dealt with it. Then Xue Ling and Ji Santing--how did the emperor plan?"

Speaking of them, Zhu Feng hadn't moved yet, and Ran Xiaoyu raised her head first.

Ye Yin was quiet, but obviously a little moved.

You know, it was Xue Ling who did it on Ye Yu.

Zhu Feng can be completely generous when dealing with Li Lai and Chu Ping, because neither of them hurt others; but how to deal with Xue Ling, like Ji Santing, who had been the bandit leader, is not that simple.

Zhu Feng was silent for a while.

Suddenly said: "Ran Xiaoyu, what do you think."


Ran Xiaoyu widened her eyes in a little astonishment, and looked at Zhu Feng: "...The emperor?"

Even if they heard this kind of thing when they were serving as slaves, they could only say they didn't hear it. Why did the emperor come to ask her? !


Nan Yan was also taken aback and turned to look at Zhu Feng: "The emperor, why do you ask her?"

"It's okay,"

Zhu Feng waved her hand, motioned her to sit down, and put one hand on the edge of the table, posing as if she was just chatting with them, saying: "Just talk about it, let me listen. "

Ran Xiaoyu cautiously walked to the front.

Ye Zhen was aside, looking at her quietly.

Ran Xiaoyu bit her lower lip and pondered for a long time, and then said carefully: "The servant girl thought that although Ji Santang was the bandit leader, he was framed and fell into the bandit's den. It is a pity to fall into the grass for self-protection. Yuan; In addition, he awakened in time and merged with Xue Lingliying to become the emperor to calm the Hot Moon Bend, which is considered to be a merit. So—"

Zhu Feng looked up at her: "How?"

Ran Xiaoyu thought for a long time, and said: "The slave servant thinks that he has made up for his merits and demerits."

After speaking, he closed his mouth and looked at Zhu Feng carefully.

Although Zhu Feng asked her to say, but the rules are here, she still dare not speak as freely as in front of Nan Yan, but after listening to her words, Zhu Feng has no expression, only one hand gently taps on the table .

That voice makes people particularly disturbed.

After a while, Zhu Feng asked again: "What about Xue Ling?"


Speaking of Xue Ling, Ran Xiaoyu hesitated again.

After a long while, he said, "She, the situation is similar to Ji Santing."

Zhu Feng said: "But she shot my person."

As he said, he glanced at Ye Wei from the corner of his eyes.

Ye Wei coughed slightly, lowered his head, and Ran Xiaoyu also bit her lower lip, tangled for a long time, then said: "She did shoot Master Ye, but from the future plan, if not, she Nor can it be trusted by sand bandits."


"So, even if you are wronged Master Ye."


"If Master Ye is willing to give up personal grievances, then--"

Ye Wei looked up at her, silent for a long while.

And Zhu Feng looked at them, and there was a smile on his face, but his tone was calm and fluctuated: "So you think I should spare them too?"

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly lowered her head and said, "The slave and maid dare not speak falsely."

Nan Yan looked at her and said hurriedly: "The emperor, Xiaoyu is talking nonsense. Don't blame the emperor."

With that, he made a gesture to Ran Xiaoyu and asked her to step aside.

Zhu Feng remained calm and said, "Ye Yu, what do you think?"

Ye Xu raised his head: "Uh."

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