Zhu Feng said: "Speaking of which, Xue Ling was doing things in your captain's mansion, and she shot you with a crossbow arrow. Do you think the method Ran Xiaoyu just said is feasible?"


Ye Yin walked over in silence, looked at Ran Xiaoyu, then looked up at Zhu Feng.

After a while, he said, "Girl Xiaoyu...well said it."


Ye Xun thought it was enough for him to say that, but Zhu Feng then asked again, "Where is it?"


Ye Xu coughed lightly and said, "There is a clear distinction between public and private."


"As far as Yu Gong is concerned, Xue Ling shot the Weissier, which is indeed a necessary move to win the trust of the sand bandits. If there is no such move, there will be no internal and external cooperation by Ji Santing later to completely eradicate the sand bandits in Reyue Bend."


"In this way, it is only a trivial matter that they shot and injured the minister."


"Weichen is willing to give up personal grievances."


Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows again, and said with a faint smile, "You are willing to listen to her."

With that said, Ye Hao let out a continuous cough, and Ran Xiaoyu's cheeks were flushed, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

Ye Yu hurriedly said: "Besides, Weichen also thinks that Ji Santing is courageous and strategic, which is regarded as a personal talent. After the merits and demerits are paid off, you may as well keep it. If he is willing to serve the court and be loyal to the emperor, it is not buried. he."

In fact, this is what Ran Xiaoyu meant just now.

It’s just that, as an ordinary maid, a slave, she is already bold enough to say her views on things. If she wants to propose who the court should use, she is arrogant. If the admonishers know about it, it must be To cure her sin, to behead her.

But these words made Ye Xun say that it was no problem.

Zhu Feng looked at them for a long while and smiled.

Waved his hand: "Okay, I know. You two go down, I'm a little tired and want to rest."

So they immediately bowed to Zhu Feng, then turned and went out.

Nan Yan stayed.

When both of them went out and the door was closed, she got up and walked to Zhu Feng's face: "The emperor is really true. Just that moment, Xiaoyu was terrified."

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "You are well trained."


"This girl is indeed different from before."

Nan Yan recalled just now and couldn't help but laugh.

Although these days, I am constantly mentoring Ran Xiaoyu from major issues and minor EQs, but it also depends on her personal savvy. From what she just said, she can see that her behavior, including her thoughts and attitudes. , Are very different from before.

There is a clear distinction between public and private. It is very difficult for a girl to do this.

As the saying goes, men and women are different, and men and women are different. Nan Yan feels that the biggest difference is that when men deal with things, they can suppress reason to emotion and make the most appropriate judgments, while girls often use emotions.

Ran Xiaoyu was like that before.

In fact, such a person is not bad, on the contrary, such a person is straightforward and cute, and can communicate with each other with sincerity.

It's just that they live around the imperial power.

The palace is not a hotbed of emotions. On the contrary, people who use emotions often bring great disasters.

It is necessary for Xiaoyu to be with Ye Xian and change herself.

Nan Yan smiled and said: "Only when I heard that day, Xiaoyu and Ye Xun agreed to let Ye Xuan see what she looked like after the change. If she does change, Ye Xun will be with her obediently."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Zhu Feng smiled: "It's what this girl can say."


"Alright. There is a reliable woman next to Ye Xu, so I can rest assured."

Nan Yan smiled.

She didn't guess wrong. Ye Yu was by Zhu Feng's side and wanted to be of great use. Therefore, Zhu Feng would naturally choose the women around him carefully and look down on them, I'm afraid they will be all one by one. Brush off.

And Xiaoyu passed the test.

She smiled and said: "If this is the case, why didn't the emperor add a fire and point them to marriage?"

"Meaning of marriage?"

"Yes, it's great that lovers will eventually become married."

Zhu Feng shook his head when he heard this, "I don't plan to point them to marriage now, let alone let them get married so early."

"Why? Isn't it a good thing to have lovers finally get married?"

Zhu Feng said: "They are married, what about you?"


Nan Yan was even more surprised. What does this have to do with him? If they can be together, I would be happy to see it happen.

Seeing that she was still at a loss, Zhu Feng shook his head and poked her forehead with his hand.

"You are really not smart when you say you are stupid!"


"Ran Xiaoyu is the grand maid of your Yikun Palace. Now you are pregnant again. If she marries Ye Yu and leaves you, who will take care of you?"


"She has been with you for so many years, knowing the roots and knowing the bottom is also a confidant, and I can rest assured if there is anything to do. Now if you promote someone, let alone you are not used to it, I will not be relieved."

"So the emperor was worried about this,"

Nan Yan blinked his eyes, just as if he had just recovered.


The child in his stomach is almost four months old.

There is still nearly half a year to give birth. After giving birth, there is still such a long time, and the people in the palace are unpredictable and awkward. If she is not by her side, I am afraid it will be really difficult to deal with.

She thought for a while, then said softly, "Even without her, there are other people available to my concubine."

Zhu Feng still shook his head: "The people in your palace are usable, but not very useful. Tongyun is also considered prudent, but he is not decisive enough; Nianqiu is too young to be clever and smart enough; let alone a few rude maids. "


"Anyway, you can't live without Ran Xiaoyu."


As Nan Yan listened, her heart warmed, and she couldn't help stepping forward and leaning on Zhu Feng's side.

It turned out that Zhu Feng had considered everything.

For himself, he really knows everything.

Zhu Feng stretched out his hand to embrace her, and said softly: "So at least these few years, Ran Xiaoyu can't leave you."


"Even after the child is born, I plan to let you raise it by yourself."


"If he is a prince, he will of course learn martial arts from an early age. With Ran Xiaoyu following to serve and teach, he can have a better foundation, and when he is older, I will teach him personally, and I am not afraid that he will not be able to raise a literary and martial artist."

Hearing him say this, Nan Yan was moved and wanted to laugh again.

"The emperor has thought too far!"


"Now that this kid is not as big as a concubine's fist, the emperor thinks of all talents in civil and military affairs. Really..."

Zhu Feng also laughed: "Why not?"

As he said, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked Nan Yan's slightly raised belly.

The light in the eyes flickered: "I, I have been looking forward to him."

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