She walked over and took a look, and was shocked.


There were large swaths of dark things floating on the surface of the river. No wonder that there was no wave of light tonight. This thing almost obscured the surface of the river, and the moonlight could not shine on the river at all.

Moreover, it exudes a pungent smell.

Xue Yun felt strange, and took a closer look at the moonlight, and found that it was actually a large piece of tung oil.

"Well, what is going on?"

How can so much tung oil appear on the river?

Just when she was wondering, suddenly, a little light flashed in the dark night before her eyes.


Xue Yun hurriedly raised his head and took a closer look, only to see a light shining on the river in the distance.

"That is--"

Before she could react, a ball of flames burst into flames

Xue Yun's eyes widened suddenly, and the flames were already burning on the river in an instant, and after a while, it was like a roaring fire dragon, flying directly towards them.


Their Lianxin Guild Hall originally brought in the river water for the scenery, making this place look like a Jiangnan water town, but just like this, the river is completely entangled in the whole guild hall, especially where they live, Surrounded by water, it is like a small island.

Now, a fire on this river is equivalent to trapping them in the sea of ​​fire!

It’s fine, but the lotus heart guild hall is rich in vegetation, especially this place that looks like a small island. It is full of various flowers and trees. There are also a lot of bamboos. Although it has just entered spring, the dead trees in winter are also a lot of.

The flames ignited from the river surface, and soon ignited the dry wood on the bank.

After a while, the flames on the shore also burst.


Just when Xue Yun was shocked, the cloud inside wanted to see the fire, and immediately ran out, unexpectedly seeing a flame on the river surface.

She was shocked immediately.

"This, what's wrong?"


"Why is there a fire in the river?"

She had never seen such a spectacle before, and she was terrified.

And when Xue Yun looked back and saw her, he immediately said, "Yun thinks, you run quickly!"

There is also a small bridge in their place. Because it is the end of the river, there is not much tung oil flowing along with the river, and the flame has not completely sealed the surface of the river.

There is also a stone bridge on their side, which leads to the outside.

Yun thought about it, but ignored the luggage they brought, and hurriedly said, "My son, you go with me!"

Xue Yun said, "No!"


"I can't go yet!"


"Young Master Huang, they are there!"

As she said, she turned her head and looked to the other side. Young Master Huang and the others lived in a deeper place, and the high walls were towering, and the doors and windows were closed tightly.

When the flames burst past, they were all hopeless!

At this time, Xue Yun also wanted to understand.

Someone must have set fire outside!

You know, tung oil is very precious and no one will dump it at will. Moreover, so much is poured in order to let the flames burning on the river rush to the shore.

In this way, the people who live here cannot escape.

Then, their goal is--

Lord Huang!

Thinking that Young Master Huang might be caught in the fire, Xue Yun suddenly found courage and gritted his teeth and said: "I'm going to save him!"

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