On the other side of the lobby, while Ye Xu and Nada were still talking about some small issues, suddenly the soldiers guarding outside suddenly became confused.

Then, Ying Shao strode in from outside.

Zhu Feng frowned.

Although their conversation is no longer afraid of being heard, his imperial soldiers should have completely obeyed the order and have not let them in. Why did Ying Shao come back on his own initiative?

Even Ye Yu's face sank. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Ying Shao standing at the door, arching his hand at them: "My lord, there is a fire outside."


Ye Yu immediately got up from his seat.

Omri also hurriedly relayed this sentence to the special envoy Nada. Suddenly, all the special envoys of the Parthian nation were a little panicked. They hurriedly got up and said: "What's the matter?"

"Is it dangerous?"

"Where should we go?"

At this time, Zhu Feng took a step forward.

Although it was a fire, Yingshao didn't panic. He just let a few soldiers guard outside to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the chaos. He took a look, then turned around and said to the members of the special mission: "You guys don't worry. "


"I'll go out and see."

After speaking, we have to go out.

"Hey! Emperor--"

When Ye Yin saw that he was about to go outside, he was immediately anxious. He stretched out his hand and grabbed his sleeve. Just as he was about to say something, he swallowed the words behind Zhu Feng's look back.

Just said: "There is danger outside, you can't go!"

Omri stood aside, watching them silently.

But Zhu Feng said: "Don't worry, adults, the villain will check it out and come back immediately."


"My sir, and your envoys, don't be scared."

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

Ye Xu couldn't stop him, but the fire was blazing outside and he didn't know what was going on. He hurriedly said to Ying Shao: "Follow right away, follow up and see what's going on?"


Ying Shao didn't wait for his instructions, and immediately turned around and followed Zhu Feng out.

Zhu Feng walked out all the way, but several soldiers were afraid to speak. Everyone saw the fire and smoke billowing into the sky, and realized that the situation was not right. The workers in the Lotus Heart Hall who had been ordered to serve underneath before were all at this time. Ran out.

Yelling outside.

"It's water, it's water!"

"What's going on? How could the river—"

"Hurry up and put out the fire!"

The messy sound outside adds a bit of anxiety and irritability to people outside the fire.

Zhu Feng walked over. The courtyard where they were located was surrounded by high walls. Only a few green bamboos emerged from the wall, swaying in the light of the fire, and the gate was locked tightly because they had previously tried not to be disturbed. Preparation.

He was about to step forward to open the gate, but the soldiers on both sides hurriedly stopped him.

"Emperor, no!"

He hesitated for a moment, and looked at the towering fire outside, so he didn't open the door immediately, but reached out and touched the nail on the door frame, and he was immediately scalded to withdraw his hand.


The iron nails were already hot by the fire outside.

It's so hot, it looks like the fire has reached the door.

At this time, even if you open the door, you can’t go out. Instead, fire will be brought in. Yingshao and the others immediately stepped forward and lowered their voices: "The emperor--"

Zhu Feng raised his hand and stopped them from continuing to say: "It's okay."

"what should we do?"

"Go in immediately, take Ye Yu, and the people from the special envoy back to the back."

"How about you, the emperor?"


At this time, the workers under the Lotus Heart Hall had already ran over.

However, facing this manor surrounded by big fire, they were helpless and could only quickly get water to put out the fire.


The fire is on the river!

Such a flame, how can they put out buckets of water?

Seeing that the situation was not right, Yun, who had already run over the bridge, wanted to watch the growing fire, and immediately burst into tears. He hurriedly grabbed those people: "You guys hurry up and put out the fire, why aren't you moving?"

The workers also said: "We can't help it!"

"Who knows that fire is not afraid of water."

Yun thought: "But my son is still inside, you have to rescue them!"

"How to save it?"

Those people were also panicked.

This fire is different from an ordinary fire. It spreads fast and fiercely with the speed of the river. Just now, when Yun wanted to come over from the bridge, there was only a little flame under the stone bridge, but now, the entire stone bridge It has been completely engulfed by the fire, and there is no way to survive.

She burst into tears: "My son, where are you my son?"

Although Yun Xiang's cries were tragic, there was no way to reach Xue Yun's ears, because at this moment, she had already ran deep into the courtyard.

Just now, she wanted to go past the road where she met Young Master Huang last night, only to find that the place had also been attacked by the flames spreading in the river, and she couldn't make it through.

Fortunately, she remembered that there should be a back door behind.

Although she is not familiar with the Lotus Heart Hall, it is impossible for an ordinary courtyard to have only one front door, so she avoided the clusters of flames on the ground and ran to the back door.

This place is covered by green bamboo.

However, some withered bamboos were too late to be cut and repaired, and a fire was already ablaze at this time.

Faintly, from the fire, I saw that the back door over there was also tightly closed.


Where Mr. Huang lived, the front door was also a fire, and the back door was locked again.

Wouldn't he be trapped inside?

Thinking of this, Xue Yun rushed forward desperately, and the corners of her clothes were soon dyed by the surrounding flames, burning her ankles, but she did not care.

"Young Master Huang! Young Master Huang!"

She patted the back door, which was already hot by the flames: "Are you inside? Come out!"

But no one inside responded to her at all.

Could it be that you have been unconscious by the smoke?

Thinking of this, Xue Yun was even more anxious. He patted the flames at his feet two or three times, and was ignorant of his ankle being burned. Seeing that the back door was locked, she looked around and hurried to the roadside to pick up a piece. The stone comes.

However, even the stones were burned hot.

As soon as she held it, her hand was hot immediately, but at this time, she could only grit her teeth and endure, picking up a rock and slamming it against the brass lock of the back door.

"Young Master Huang! I'm here to save you!"

The sound of "Kang Klang" sounded in the raging flames, like thunder, the surrounding fire was not extinguished because of her arrival, but became more and more hot.

The sweat on Xue Yun's face fell drop by drop, and was quickly dried by the temperature of the flame.

However, the brass locks had been smashed and deformed, but they still couldn't be opened.

Xue Yun was almost desperate, and tears fell in big drops.

"Young Master Huang, what should I do?!"

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