Ran Xiaoyu nodded obediently.

But she hesitated for a while, and then said: "Manny, the emperor, he..."

Nan Yan said calmly: "The emperor has always done everything he wants to do with himself. He knows what he wants, and he knows what he should do. My palace never worried about him."


"So, you can be at ease and be yourself."



On the day of the empress’s birthday, the emperor “publicly tried” the criminal woman Gao in Yonghe Palace. The news soon flew throughout the palace like wings. Within two days, the people in the capital also knew the news. .

There was a lot of noise among the people.

The previous news, including the death of Si Muzhen, and her offending the imperial concubine, also spread throughout the capital, and for a while became the hottest talk for everyone after dinner.

Everyone sighed that the Miss Si Jia's mentality was not righteous, and they also spurned the viciousness of the An Bi empress.

The most said, it was the poor Royal Highness Wei.

In the restaurant, many people said loudly: "Let me just say, His Royal Highness Wei is the only heir of today's sage. Of course, he is the most important to his cultivation. How can such a gentleman cause such a scandal?"

"Yes, I didn't expect to be framed."

"The poisonous woman of the Si family, and the wife of An 嫔, are so vicious."

"But they are also considered evil and repaid."

"Yes, yes. The young lady of the Si family is dead, but I don't know when that lady confessed to the law."

"It's strange to say that our emperor always pays attention to severe punishments. Why haven't we dealt with her this time?"

"Okay, it's okay. These things are thought of by the officials, you guys, how can you worry about this."

"That said, hahahaha, drink and drink!"

Also sitting by the window on the second floor of the restaurant, quietly drinking, and a table of four young people, it is Si Muyun, Gu Yiyou, Tong Sinian and Liu Yueze.

Listening to these people's comments, they looked different.

Si Muyun let out a long sigh of relief.

Liu Yueze looked at him and said, "Brother Mu Yun is still sad about this incident?"

Si Muyun shook his head and said: "It's not sad to be sad, just a little emotional."


"A compatriot, I didn't expect that the two younger sisters would have caused such a thing. If they were seen by the ancestors of the Si family, I don’t know how they would feel. It’s me who is a bad brother and didn’t teach them properly And did not correct them when they made mistakes."

"Brother Mu Yun don't say that. You have done a good job."

"Yes, the imperial concubine is right. People are different from people after all. Since they are different people, they will inevitably have to go on different paths."


"As long as you take the path that you think is right, you are worthy of the ancestors of the cheese family."


Several people were talking, and they had another drink. Tong Sinian turned to look at Gu Yiyou, who had been frowning, and said, "What's wrong with you? Usually you like to drink the most, but today you never drink. What are you thinking about?"

When he said this, the other two also looked at Gu Yiyou.

I saw his brows furrowed slightly, indeed he looked thoughtful.

Si Muyun said: "The matter has been resolved, is there anything wrong with Brother Yiyou?"

Gu Yiyou looked up at them and sighed: "Although the matter has been resolved, father, hasn't released Qingqing yet."

Everyone was taken aback: "Not released yet?"

Gu Yiyou shook his head and said, "Not only was it not released, but I also got news that my father had sent a letter back to his hometown and asked the people in his hometown to help find and prepare to marry Qingqing."


Upon hearing this, Liu Yueze frowned.

He said: "Why is the teacher still so persistent?"

Originally, on that day, he dared to go to Gu Mansion and said those things to Gu Tingqiu, hoping that Gu Tingqiu could figure out this matter, not only to make things easier when encountering things in the future, but also to help Gu Qiqing. A handful.

Unexpectedly, Gu Tingqiu was still so stubborn.

Tong Sinian was silent for a while, and said: "Let me say that since this is the case, it has spread among the people, and Wei Wang and Miss Qingqing were originally-why didn't you just fulfill them? Fame and face are a good thing for the future."


"Even if... you can't be Wei Wang's concubine, at least--"

Having said that, he himself didn't know what to say.

After all, this kind of thing about children is not something he can consider.

Gu Yiyou sighed: "I mean the same thing, but he doesn't agree with his father. Other things are easy to say, but in this matter, my father is so stubborn that he seems to have made up his mind."

Everyone sighed after hearing him so much.

As an elder, Gu Tingqiu is worthy of respect, but his stubbornness also makes these young people dumbfounded, and even somewhat powerless.

Almost all people in the capital are happy or sad about this matter.

The only person who didn't know about this and kept quiet amidst the noise was the only person named Zhu Chengxuan, Wei Wang, who was a party involved but confined in Chengqian Palace.

In the hot summer, Chengqian Palace did not even open a window.

Even if he was leaning against the window, he could not feel any breath of the cool breeze. He remained motionless for a long time. The sweat slid down his cheeks, dripping one by one from his chin, almost all of them accumulated on the book case. Small puddles.

No matter it was inside or outside the palace, there was no sound at all.

The only thing he could hear was his breathing.

Although he was a child who was able to endure loneliness since he was a child, but by this time, even he was a little uncomfortable.

Especially in my heart, there is still a place slowly suffering in the oil pan.


How is she?

After this incident, they never met again. When he was ordered to be confined in Chengqian Palace by his mother and thought behind closed doors, he also asked his mother about Qingqing, but the mother didn't say anything.

However, thinking of Qingqing's usual strict tutoring, I am afraid that Master Gu will not spare her lightly if something like this happens.

Will you scold her?

Will it, will you still hit her?

If so, can she withstand such a delicate girl?

Zhu Chengxuan only feels that all five are burned, and he has never felt so uncomfortable.

He finally couldn't bear it, stretched out his hand to push the window aside, and said to the outside: "Come on."

After the call, he was quiet, but no one answered him outside.

He frowned and said loudly, "Come here! Come here!"

The entire Chengqian Palace was silent and there was no voice at all.

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