Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2098: Why is the emperor uncharacteristically?

He frowned and said loudly, "Come here! Come here!"

The entire Chengqian Palace was silent and there was no voice at all.

Zhu Chengxuan was stunned for a while before he suddenly remembered that his father had closed the entire Chengqian Palace, and even Xin Ping had been sent to Yikun Palace.

The gate of the palace was locked, and now, there is no one guarded here.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt cold all over, as if he had been taken away by something, he suddenly leaned against the window frame.

At this time, Yun Jian, the little palace lady who served him, ran from the row room on the other side and asked softly: "What do you want?"


Zhu Chengxuan looked up at her with empty eyes.

Yun Jian couldn't help but worry.

Since being ordered by the queen to think behind closed doors, King Wei has been very quiet, and after the emperor ordered to close the Chengqian Palace, he even refused to let them wait close to him. He shut himself in the room for several days.

This looks worrying.

She stepped forward and asked softly: "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Zhu Chengxuan was stunned for a long time before asking in a voice that was so calm that there was even a little fluctuation, or even no temperature at all, "What's going on outside?"


"How is Qingqing?"


Yun Jian looked at him embarrassedly, and whispered softly: "Your Majesty, the slave and maid don't know."


"The emperor ordered the blockade of Chengqian Palace, and servants and other servants were not allowed to go out. No news from the outside could come in."

Hearing her say so, Zhu Chengxuan smiled suddenly.

Said: "Yes, why did I forget."


"You are all locked up like me, why would I still think about asking you?"

"Your Highness."

"Okay, go down."

"His Royal Highness, what do you want the servants to do?"

"Nothing, you go down."


Yun Jian could only retreat cautiously.

After she was gone, Zhu Chengxuan leaned against the window and looked at the hot scene outside. The hotness seemed to burn into his heart.

His surface was still calm.

But inside, it is faintly hot and boiling.

Qing Qing... Qing Qing... how are you doing? Is it true that we will never be able to meet again in the future? Is it true that you and I can't...

No, I can’t, I can’t...

In such a quiet Chengqian Palace, something faintly grew in Zhu Chengxuan's heart.


In the Chonghua Palace on the other side, the atmosphere was not only tense, but some faint anger spread in the air.

When Jieyu Chen Lianxiang came in, she really saw Wu Wan's angry face.

Because something like that happened before, the concubines from all palaces have come to visit her in the past two days.

Some came to comfort her, but some were not so "kind", especially Li Pan'er and the others, who came to visit in name, but they were ridiculing her, and she was so angry that she smoked. .

At this time, grabbed the tea cup at hand and pinched it to the ground.

With a "clang", the harsh voice echoed in Chonghua Palace.

The court lady Qiaoyun Hexiang hurried forward to clean up, but Chen Lianxiang took a step forward and waved her hand to let the two of them go down first.

Upon seeing this, the two had to retreat.

Close the door.

Wu Wan raised his head, glared at her, and said, "Shen Jieyu, you, do you still know?"

Shen Lianxiang stepped forward and bowed to her and saluted her: "Concubine Hui."


"Why is the mother so angry? Is it because of the Gao family?"


Speaking of Gao Yurong, Wu Wan's face was angry and regretful—not that she was sorry for her, but that she had been by her side. Now that she was suddenly missing such a person, she indeed lost an arm.

Besides, Gao Yurong's grade is 嫔, more capable than Xu Jieyu and others.

Now Gao Yurong has been sacrificed by her strong man with a broken arm, but the emperor has not sentenced her to death, although she can threaten her with the life of an old and young Gao family and make her shut up, but the night has many dreams.

She urged countless times, hoping that Zhu Feng would kill Gao Yurong as soon as possible.

But I don't know why, His Majesty the Emperor, who is never soft in killing people, has never moved this time.

This point is always like a thorn, stuck in her heart.

But now the people around her only know flattery and flattery, they can't even think of a practical way, all of them are rubbish.

And this Chen Lianxiang--

She looked up at each other coldly, and snorted coldly: "My palace is only for it, Shen Jieyu won't go to the gate of my Chonghua Palace."

Chen Lianxiang stepped forward and said softly, "Don't get me wrong."


"This time it was the empress empress who chose the concubine into the palace, and the concubine had to be shown to the empress empress for the sake of face."


"In recent days, people in the Empress’s Chonghua Palace are coming and going. If the concubine comes, the words will be passed to the empress’s ears, I’m afraid she will doubt the concubine. This is also for the long-term consideration of the empress and concubine, and I hope the empress will forgive me. ."


Wu Wan didn't say anything, but the anger in his heart was still uneven.

The queen helped the emperor choose the concubine, although it was said to enrich the harem for the emperor and extend the heirs, but she still had to choose something secretly. It was not good for her. Naturally, she would not be elected to the palace. The one who could enter the harem was not with them. The close contacts between the Xu family are the daughters of the official family who is completely neutral in the middle of the DPRK, at least it will not affect her.

Chen Lianxiang was one of them.

It's just that, no matter how great the queen is, she doesn't know that Chen Lianxiang's family has already got on the line with the grandpa secretly.

So this time, Shen Lianxiang was able to pass the selection of a girl into the palace and successfully canonized it as Jieyu. It was all due to the secret support of the Guogong who stayed in the court, and even the queen did not notice it; but her actions in the palace were still very cautious.

Before and after Chen Lianxiang came up, she picked up a few large pieces of the ground quietly, put them on the table, and walked to Wu Wan's side, and said softly, "Is the empress still unhappy about the Gao family?"

Wu Wan gritted his teeth and said, "Why the emperor has not executed her in an uncharacteristic manner?"


"Do you want to stay for something?"

Shen Lianxiang thought for a while, and said, "Niang, before entering the palace, my concubine heard that the emperor's decision to kill and execute those who can be executed will definitely not slow down the penalty."

"Of course!"


"The emperor has always been like this!"

"But after entering the palace, my concubine heard some people say that since someone came to the emperor, the emperor has not been so severely punished...Who is it?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Han's heart suddenly shook.

Her face suddenly sank, her eyes sullen, and she said coldly: "My palace knows who is doing the ghost."

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