Upon hearing this, Wu Han's heart suddenly shook.

Her face suddenly sank, her eyes sullen, and she said coldly: "My palace knows who is doing the ghost."

Chen Lianxiang asked quickly: "Who is it?"

Wu Wan gritted his teeth, and a few words popped out between his teeth: "Apart from the imperial concubine, who else?"

"The imperial concubine..."

Shen Lianxiang recalled the situation in Yonghe Palace that day, and muttered: "When the emperor entered Yonghe Palace that day, he didn't talk to the noble concubine too much."

"what do you know!"

Wu Wan said angrily: "This bitch, from the moment she appeared, everything went wrong in my palace, and she was against my palace everywhere."


"For so many years, if it weren't for her Hu Meizi to seduce the emperor and seize the emperor's favor, would the harem only have two children, Wei Wang and her **** daughter?"


"This time, the emperor only took her to the northwest. No one but her can get close."


"She is pregnant with Dragonborn. The emperor naturally wants to go to her from time to time. Who can control what she wants to say?"

Thinking of this, Wu Wan bit his nails vigorously and said: "The emperor hasn't executed Gao for a long time, I'm afraid she is the one who caused the trouble."

"She is silly, what do you want?"

"How does she want..."

A cold light flashed in Wu Wan's eyes.

You must know that this time, what affected not only the reputation of Wei Wang, but also the reputation of the imperial concubine, Gu's family, and even she deliberately provoked a feud between the queen and the imperial concubine.

If the imperial concubine really doubts her, it must be to find out the truth and put her to death.

Then she certainly did not want Gao to die.


Wu Wan snorted again. Now all the evidence points to the Gao family, and has nothing to do with him. Besides, there is a father behind him, such a towering backer, how can she be a noble concubine? Can a newly emerging Gu family be able to move?

It's just that she always **** herself like this behind her back, which is really annoying.

Wu Wan said: "You have to think of a way."

Shen Lianxiang said: "The mother wanted to--"

"Get rid of her!"


Chen Lianxiang's heart jumped slightly, but Xiuzhi's face was calm, and Wu Wan looked up at her, a little coldness appeared on her face, and said, "Don't forget, your father, With your family, you can only have a place with the family of the palace."

Chen Lianxiang lowered his head: "The concubine dare not forget."

Wu Wan said: "Just know."


"Starting from today, you will find someone to stare at the concubine, and she must find a way to report back to the palace for her every move every day."


Chen Lianxiang was a little embarrassed.

Apart from other things, she is just a Jieyu, and she doesn't have much ability in the palace. Even if she wants to use money to make people, she can't rely on her family background and the salary in the palace.

Besides, the whereabouts of the imperial concubine, can she actually follow her little Jieyu?

She could only speak out her difficulties carefully.

Wu Wan glanced at her coldly and said, "Useless things."

Chen Lianxiang lowered her head, her thick eyelashes concealed the soft light in her eyes, and Wu Wan said impatiently: "You don't have to worry about money. There is no shortage of money here in this palace. As for your grade--"

With that, she glanced at Chen Lianxiang.

Chen Lianxiang gave birth to a soft and weak appearance, indeed like her name, which made people easy to feel pity and cherishing jade. However, the emperor had entered the harem too few times over the years, and even the queen and her did not have a few turns. Not to mention these newcomers?

So he said: "The promotion is not the responsibility of this palace. It is all about the emperor and the queen."


"Think of a solution for yourself."

Chen Lianxiang said: "Concubine understands."

After speaking, she took a step back and said to Wu Wan: "The concubine has resigned."

Just when she turned to leave, Wu Wan suddenly said: "You can't do other things well, but this palace wants the concubine to be unhappy. It's not difficult for you to do it?"

Chen Lianxiang looked at her: "The empress said--"

Wu Wan said coldly: "My palace just wants her to be unhappy, and I don't want to see her domineering in the palace."


Shen Lianxiang thought for a while, and said, "This is not difficult."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Niang Niang, the sergeant kills with his pen, the sergeant kills with his tongue, the sergeant kills with a kaiseki."

Wu Wan got a headache when he heard these words, frowned and said, "Speaking of people!"

Chen Lianxiang said: "In short, the best thing in the palace should be rumors."


"Yes, rumors can kill people invisible."


"The empress wants to make her unhappy, this is also a way."

Wu Wan raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, just use this method. You go down and do it."


When Chen Lianxiang retired, Wu Wan sighed and leaned against the couch. Although the matter was over, he was still impatient.

If you knew it, it would be nice not to sacrifice Gao Yurong so easily.

After all, she has a high grade, and she has been with herself for so long, and she can use it easily. Now that new people come, just upgrading her grade is troublesome, let alone other things.


She sighed heavily.


On this day, Xue Yun went to Yikun Palace again to ask for a peace of mind for Nanyan.

After the pulse was diagnosed, she thought for a while, and said gently: "The lady has been pregnant for more than eight months, and she will give birth soon. Now she must pay attention to rest and avoid excessive worry.


"If you don't have a good rest at this time, when it comes to giving birth, your physical strength will not keep up."

Nan Yan listened to her and couldn't help but sighed with a wry smile: "Why don't this palace know it?"

It was only recent events that made it difficult for her to be quiet.

Xue Yun glanced at her, and said in a puzzled way: "Weichen talked a lot. I heard that Miss Gu's matter has been solved before--hasn't it been resolved? The case has come to light, and the lady should feel relieved."

Ran Xiaoyu stood by and gave her a blank glance.

Nan Yan glared at Ran Xiaoyu before smiling, "This matter is resolved."


"But my palace is more annoying than this one."

Outsiders saw that the matter was resolved, but she knew in her heart that this was only the surface, not to mention that Chengqian Palace was still closed, and the future of Qingqing was still unknown. Just talk about the problem between her and the queen now. No solution yet.

Xue Yun looked at her and asked too much.

At this moment, Nianqiu walked in from outside, talking lively with the two people Tingfu.

Ran Xiaoyu said angrily: "Where are you two crazy again? The yard does not sweep the ground or water the flowers."

Nianqiu hurriedly came to plead guilty, but smiled and said: "Manny, it's bustling outside."

South flue: "Lively? What lively?"

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