Wu Yingqiu looked at him and said with a smile: "So early in the morning, the general and the empress do not know what they are talking about here?"

Xu Miaoyin did not speak.

And Xu Shifeng already smiled and said: "It's nothing, the empress is worried about the affairs of His Royal Highness King Wei."

"Oh, His Royal Highness Wang Wei."

Hearing this, Wu Yingqi raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Xu Miaoyin with deep eyes, and then said with a smile: "Don't be too deliberate about the empress. His Royal Highness Wei has a kind heart. Who in the court does not know his talents? The veteran often told his family members that His Royal Highness King Wei will definitely do great things in the future."



For some reason, he would actually say such things at this time.

Although Xu Shifeng provoked the conversation, there was only such an unwritten taboo inside and outside the palace, and the concubines and officials could not talk about the prince casually.

Especially, a prince with such a sensitive identity.

Even Xu Miaoyin was taken aback for a while, but she reacted quickly and immediately smiled and said, "Xie Guogong is very good. I also hope that this child can be a bit sensible and share the worries for the emperor."

Wu Yingqiu smiled and said, "It's coming, it's coming."

Xu Shifeng listened to the side, and a little light flashed in his eyes, only smiling and saying: "By the way, I don't know if Guo Duke came here this early, what's the matter?"

Wu Ying begged: "Oh, there are some things to report to the emperor."

"Then the Lord, go, the emperor is in the royal study room, I'm afraid he will have dinner later."

"Well, the old man has passed."

With that said, he bowed to the queen and Xu Shifeng, then turned and walked towards the Imperial Study Room.

Xu Shifeng stood there, looking at his back, slightly lost in thought.

Xu Miaoyin said: "What did he mean by that?"

Xu Shifeng turned his head and looked at her solemnly, only to see Xu Miaoyin's face full of doubts: "Why would he suddenly say such things to this palace.'Great deeds'? What does he say that King Wei will have'great deeds' meaning?"

Xu Shifeng was silent for a moment, and said, "The mother, don't care about what he said."

Although he said he didn't care about it, the folds between his brows were deeper than when he just came out of the Imperial Study Room.

Who is Xu Miaoyin? Even if she doesn't care about the previous affairs, she can still see people's hearts.

Obviously, Xu Shifeng took these words to heart.

She looked at Xu Shifeng and said softly, "On earth, is there something going to happen?"

Xu Shifeng gave her a complicated look.

But he still said: "Niangniang, don't ask too much, the emperor has arrangements for all this. In short, don't go against the emperor's meaning, Niangniang."


Xu Miaoyin looked at him for a while, then thought about it again.

Then said: "My palace knows."

After speaking, the two didn't say anything, they turned around and separated and walked in their respective directions.

After Xu Shifeng made progress, he suddenly stopped, silently reciting the last few words Wu Yingqiu said just now--

Almost, almost...

He frowned, and then looked back at the door of the Yushufang, Xiao Shunzi had already gone in and reported that he had come out and invited Wu Yingqin in.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "It turns out that this is the plan."

He turned and left.


On the other side, Xu Miaoyin walked slowly toward the harem, slow and heavy.

She was also thinking about the meaning of those few words just now.

Cheng Guogong said that Wang Wei "will definitely make great achievements in the future", and then he said "coming soon, soon". Could it be that what he is going to do is related to this matter?

You know, ordinary ministers dare not speak like this!

And he spoke without hiding, even in front of himself and Xu Shifeng!

Reminiscent of this time going to the altar to celebrate the birthday of the first emperor, the emperor insisted not to bring King Wei, and not even Princess Xinping, which is very unreasonable in normal times.

What is he going to do?

Seeing her thoughtful way, Chun'er who was next to her whispered: "Manny, your face is not very good, do you want to go back to rest?"

Xu Miaoyin shook his head: "Don't rush back."

"Where are you going?"

"Let's go and see Chengqian Palace."


Chun'er carefully helped her walk forward, and after a while, she went outside Chengqian Palace.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a burst of youthful laughter.

Chengqian Palace, which is usually quiet, seems very lively at this moment, and, because of the youthful laughter, it is full of youthful vitality, completely different from the past.

Since the incident occurred in Yikun Palace, although the emperor did not forcibly close Chengqian Palace, he still asked him not to walk in the palace. Therefore, King Wei returned to the days when he was "closed" in Chengqian Palace.

But this time, it was different from before.

To be precise, he is different.

Although he could not leave Chengqian Palace, he let people find a dozen young men of his own age among the children of the nobles, let them live in the row house behind Chengqian Palace, and accompany him to practice martial arts every day.

The children of the nobles who were found were naturally selected carefully.

All of them were young and tall and handsome.

Moreover, they all like martial arts and are good at martial arts.

In their company, Zhu Chengxuan insisted on practicing martial arts every day. In addition, they were also studying the art of war in Chengqian Palace together, discussing some major events nowadays, and talking about them late into the night.

With their company, Zhu Chengxuan is no longer as dull as before.

On the contrary, there is more innocence and recklessness on his face that young people should have, and he is much healthier.

At this moment, Xu Miaoyin walked in and saw a group of young people practicing wrestling in the yard. Zhu Chengxuan had just been thrown to the ground by a tall young man.


Chun'er whispered.

She was about to step forward to stop, but was stopped by Xu Miaoyin's hand.

Xu Miaoyin said, "Look at it before you talk."

Two people stood at the door, and saw Zhu Chengxuan stand up from the ground, facing the young man who was half a head taller than himself, without any fear, said, "Come again!"

The two confronted each other.

Suddenly, Zhu Chengxuan saw a gap at the opponent's feet, and immediately stepped forward, with one leg inserted in it, and directly strangled the opponent's popliteal, and moved the opponent's shoulder to press down forcefully.

The boy was caught off guard, and almost his upper body was flattened by him.

But this person is not a person who is waiting for leisure, and the next game is very stable.

Suddenly holding on to Zhu Chengxuan with both hands, the two people formed a stalemate.

After a while, the young man smiled and said to Zhu Chengxuan: "His Royal Highness, let's stick to it like this. You can't win, and I won't lose. It's better—"

Zhu Chengxuan thought for a while and said, "Let's let go."

The boy said: "Okay."

After speaking, the two let go of their hands together.

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