Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2150: The movement is getting bigger and bigger

Zhu Chengxuan thought for a while and said, "Let's let go."

The boy said: "Okay."

After speaking, the two let go of their hands together.

However, when the two of them let go of their hands together, Zhu Chengxuan suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed the boy's shoulder down firmly.

And almost at the same time, the young man stretched out his long arms and grabbed his shirt.

Zhu Chengxuan was caught off guard, only uttered a "hey" sound, and was caught by the boy and threw himself down.

The young man fell to the ground on his back, and Zhu Chengxuan directly pressed on him.


Both people let out a scream.

The surrounding teenagers hurriedly gathered around and laughed when they saw him doing this.

And that boy and Zhu Chengxuan, the two of them almost hugged and fell to the ground, and both laughed at this moment.

Zhu Chengxuan said: "You are swindling!"

The young man looked at Zhu Chengxuan and smiled: "His Royal Highness is also cheating."

It seems that the two people are pitted against each other.

Zhu Chengxuan was not convinced. He hugged him and scuffled together and rolled around on the grass. The teenagers on both sides looked at them like this, laughing and making noise. The whole Chengqian Palace was full of youthful vitality, Xu Miaoyin's face Shang also smiled and walked over slowly.

At last someone saw her and immediately said: "The queen empress is here!"

A group of teenagers hurriedly backed away and stood in a row behind them.

As soon as Zhu Chengxuan and the young man saw that the queen was coming, they hurriedly got up from the ground. Zhu Chengxuan didn't even have time to tidy up their clothes, and immediately said to the queen: "Mother, the son and the minister pays respects to the mother."

Those teenagers also bowed down to the queen.

Xu Miaoyin looked at them with a smile, and then at Zhu Chengxuan. His clothes were messy and his hair was stained with withered leaves, making him look a little embarrassed.

She stepped forward, stretched out her hand to twist the leaves of his hair, and patted his clothes again.

Smiled and said: "It doesn't hurt, right?"

Zhu Chengxuan immediately shook his head: "Erchen is fine."

Xu Miaoyin looked at the boy again. This boy was about two or three years older than Zhu Chengxuan. He was tall and straight, and his appearance was mediocre and upright. There was a distinctive calmness all over his body. Instead, there were a bunch of handsome boys. China is exceptionally good.

Xu Miaoyin looked at him familiarly and said, "You are—"

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Mother, he is Wu Yinghou's son Wei Ying."

Na Weiying immediately said: "Meet the empress."

Xu Miaoyin looked at him and nodded softly: "It turned out to be Master Xiaohou."

Wei Ying lowered her head and said, "Don't dare."

He said "Don't dare", it was not because of the queen's position, but because the marquis of his family could not be hereditary, he was a son, not a son, so the queen called him "Little Lord", obviously inappropriate .

But Xu Miaoyin didn't seem to care about her mistakes.

Just smiled and said, "You just practiced well, do you practice like this every day?"

Everyone said: "Yes."

Xu Miaoyin said: "Be careful not to get hurt."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and said to Chun'er: "Go and give the imperial dining room some cakes. Only when you are full can you have strength."

When these teenagers heard it, they all said happily: "Thank you, Empress!"

Xu Miaoyin exhorted a few more words, then turned to leave, Zhu Chengxuan followed her to **** her, and while walking out, he whispered: "Is the queen mother's body still not getting better? These heavenly fathers will not let the children leave Chengqian Palace. , The sons and ministers can't serve by the mother empress."

Xu Miaoyin smiled and said, "It's okay in this palace."


"It's you," she said, and looked at him tenderly: "It's good to practice with them every day, and be careful not to hurt yourself."


"Also, don't fall in the literature class. As the prince, you have to work harder than others to get the approval of the father and the people of the world."

"Children understand."

Seeing his serious and steady attitude, Xu Miaoyin was very relieved, and smiled softly: "Looking at Cheng Xuan like this, the mother is very relieved."

Zhu Chengxuan also looked at her and said: "In the past, it was the child minister who was ignorant. He kept worrying about her mother and making her sad. It won't be anymore."

"Good, good."

Xu Miaoyin patted him on the shoulder, and then said: "In a few days it will be your grandfather's birthday, but this time your father doesn't plan to take you there. You, you just stay in the palace."


If he heard that the emperor father did not take him out, Zhu Chengxuan would definitely be anxious, worried about what he did wrong, and fear that he would be blamed by the emperor.

But this time, he was very calm.

He just said softly: "Father's arrangement is naturally due to his arrangement."


"The sons are obedient."

Seeing his attitude, Xu Miaoyin was even more relieved.

Said: "Okay, okay. You work hard in the palace, you know?"

"Erchen knows."

While they were talking, the two had already reached the door of Chengqian Palace. As a rule, King Wei could not go outside.

Xu Miaoyin said: "Go back, be careful not to get hurt."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "The queen mother, please take care of yourself. When the father and the emperor let the children come out, the children will come to serve the mother and the queen."

Xu Miaoyin nodded, then turned and left.

When her back disappeared in front, Zhu Chengxuan turned and returned to Chengqian Palace. A group of teenagers ran up with a smile, and Wei Ying also smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, the empress was not angry just now?"

Zhu Chengxuan smiled and said, "Where did you go? How can the queen be angry? Okay, let's continue!"

As a result, a group of people laughed together again.


In a blink of an eye, a few more days passed.

In another day, it will be the big day of the first emperor's birthday at the altar.

Inside and outside the palace, everything was busy, and the only quiet place was Nanyan's Yikun Palace.

Of course, it is not absolutely quiet.

Every day those concubines would come to the house to make noise. Although Nan Yan didn’t like to deal with them and listened to those flattering words, but he didn’t reach out to smiley people, and as a noble concubine, he had the responsibility of coordinating the sixth house. They are perfunctory.

There is also his own belly.

This child is getting louder and louder.

From time to time, a small fist is arched on the belly, a small foot is printed, or I feel a moment of abdominal tightness.

Nan Yan couldn't help but smile wryly at his stomach.

This is born, I am afraid that he is a little magic star again, with a calm mind, and Zhu Feng's energy. Wouldn't it be necessary to tear down the entire palace?

She said to her belly: "You can give your mother some peace these days, you know!"

"If you dare to behave, hum..."

As he was speaking, a voice came from the door.

"Don't scare my son."

Turning his head, Zhu Feng walked in from the outside with his hands behind his back, smiling.


When he saw him, Nan Yan happily stood up with Ran Xiaoyu's hand. Knowing that Zhu Feng was busy, she didn't bother. The two hadn't seen each other for several days.

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