As soon as she stepped onto the steps, Nan Yan suddenly felt her abdomen fall.


This time, it was different from the tightness of the abdomen before. Not only was the abdomen falling, but she clearly felt the contractions, and a pain came from her lower body.


Nan Yan couldn't help it, and gritted his teeth again and whispered. Xue Yun on the side saw that she was wrong, and hurriedly came forward: "Niang? Concubine? What's wrong with you?"

Nan Yan was almost unsteady by the sudden pain. Two hands firmly grasped the arms of Aunt Tongyun and Nianqiu who were supporting her. Xue Yun leaned down and saw her face. The sweat coming out of his forehead suddenly changed his face.

She said: "Manny, you, do you feel a pain in your stomach?"


"Not only it hurts, but it's falling down?"


"is not it?"

She kept asking, but Nan Yan couldn't answer a single answer.

It's not that she didn't want to answer, but that there was a burst of falling pain after another, as if she was about to make her fall to the ground, and the gate of Yikun Palace was constantly being hit by people outside, and there was a loud noise Hit her heart all at once.

She only felt the pain in her abdomen, almost hitting her body with the loud noise.

At this time, she gritted her teeth hard.

It took a while to take a breath, then slowly raised his head and looked at Xue Yun.

Xue Yun hurriedly stepped forward, even ignoring the "men and women's defense", and he held her arm: "Manny, what's wrong with you?"

Nan Yan looked at her and said Shen Shen: "My palace, I'm afraid it's about to give birth."


Upon hearing this, Nianqiu and Aunt Tongyun were shocked.

Ran Xiaoyu was originally instructing the little eunuchs to find something to come over to the door so that the door wouldn’t hold up, but when she heard Nan Yan’s words, she was shocked and hurried back to Nan Yan. By your side.

"Manny, what are you talking about?"

Nan Yan's face was already pale, and her lips were pale.

Sweat, like a broken string, kept slipping from his forehead.

She was panting, her voice was almost inaudible, and said, "My palace, my palace is about to give birth."


At this time, Ran Xiaoyu also panicked.

Although Nan Yan had given birth to Princess Xinping and had a miscarriage experience before, she was guided by the imperial physicians, and she only assisted her, but she still knew nothing about delivering births.

She hurriedly raised her head to look at Xue Yun.

She saw that Xue Yun was also in a cold sweat, but she reacted quickly and hurriedly said: "First help the mother in, let the mother lie down!"

Everyone came back to their senses.

At this time, Nan Yan’s two legs were already filled with lead, and she couldn’t get through at all. The crowd almost embraced her and walked into the gate of Yikun Palace. Ran Xiaoyu closed the gate, but even In this way, it can't stop the loud rumbling noise of the outside door being hit.

The loud noise, at this moment, seems to have been replaced by an entity.

Every time it sounded, it was as if it hit Nan Yan's body heavily. On her stomach, she felt waves of sharp pain coming from her abdomen and lower body. The familiar falling pain made her painful.

Although, I have already given birth to a child.

However, the last miscarriage caused a lot of damage to her body. These days, she has been taking care of it carefully, hoping that everything will go smoothly during this time of delivery.

Unexpectedly, it happened tonight.

It happened tonight!

After Nan Yan lay down, he gritted his teeth and raised his neck, and said to his painful stomach: "You, you give me a peace of mind--ah!"

Without finishing speaking, he whispered in pain.

This time, the child did not listen to her at all.

Not only did he not listen to her, but he seemed to be deliberately writhing. Nan Yan couldn't clenched his teeth with pain and almost rolled on the bed. Fortunately, Ran Xiaoyu saw her intentions and hurriedly pressed her shoulders with both hands.

Then looked up at Xue Yun: "You, can you deliver the baby?"

Xue Yun also paled.

She said, "I, I—"

Ran Xiaoyu was anxious, and said sharply: "Speak!"

Xue Yun said: "I, I have only read medical books, but this is the first time delivering a baby."

Ran Xiaoyu's heart sank when they heard it.

Of course, none of them expect the imperial doctor to be able to deliver babies, even if it is a gynecological sacred hand, that is, it can cure gynecological diseases. If you want to deliver a baby, you still have to let the midwife come.


Nianqiu was so anxious that she was crying: "But are the midwives living in the row houses outside?"


"Now, can I still go out now?"

Everyone knows that it is impossible.

Just looking at Wu Wan's intentions, you can understand that once the gate of Yikun Palace is opened, these people will be fierce and lucky. When the time comes, don't mention Nan Yan's belly.

Aunt Tongyun was also a little anxious, and said, "Then, what should I do?"


"Manny, although the servant girl has also seen someone deliver a baby, the servant girl has never actually delivered a baby."


This time, Nan Yan's painful voice had escaped from her painful teeth, and the cold sweat fell drop by drop, moistening most of the pillow under her head in a short while.

Ran Xiaoyu said, "Otherwise, the slave and maid will try to get out of the wall and find a midwife to come in?"

At this time, the sound of impact outside stopped.

Wu Wan stood at the door, glaring at Gao Ce who led the soldiers in, and said, "Why did you stop them?"


"No stop, my palace says no stop, have you heard?"


"Keep hitting the door for me until you hit the door open!"


"If you let this **** run away, or if you can't clean her up tonight, don't try to survive!"

Gao Ce said: "Niangniang, it's not that you don't listen to Niangniang's orders, but we can't just focus on this door."

Wu Wan was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Gao Ce looked at the left and right of the gate of the Yikun Palace, and then said: "Yikun Palace is located at the southeast corner of the West Sixth Palace, close to the main road. If they let them go out over the wall and find reinforcements, then we will stay there. Here, even if the door is opened, it is useless."

Hearing what he said, Wu Yu suddenly understood.

Although the walls around Yikun Palace are very high, there is always a way for people inside to climb out.

If you let them run away, or let them escape for help, it will be in trouble.

She hurriedly asked, "What should I do?"

Gao Ce immediately turned around, waved to the person behind him, and said, "Leave your team, and the other people, immediately scatter around Yikun Palace, watch all the doors, and don't let the wall. No. Allow a person to run from inside, have you heard!?"

Everyone said: "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, immediately spread out.

In a short while, surrounded the entire Yikun Palace!

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