Ran Xiaoyu said, "Otherwise, the slave and maid will try to get out of the wall and find a midwife to come in?"

Xue Yun was shocked when she heard this.

Said: "There are so many people outside, and they are all fierce. Will you be in danger if you go out?"

Ran Xiaoyu glanced at her.

Then said: "I'm not afraid."

After speaking, he said to them: "You take good care of your empress."

Then he turned around to leave, but at this moment, Nan Yan gasped and said loudly, "Don't go!"

Ran Xiaoyu stopped immediately, returned to her side, and said, "Manny, what's wrong?"

Nan Yan was sweaty, but reached out and grabbed her hand, and said, "Don't go out yet, it's dangerous outside."

"But Niang Niang, you can't live without a midwife."


Nan Yan panted and said with a wry smile: "The other palaces have been watched by their people. Can the midwives still come and go freely?"


"Besides, even if you are good at it, you can go over the wall, but can the midwife still come in?"


"You go out to find people, but you are just a target for them."

Ran Xiaoyu's brows wrinkled when she said this.

Indeed, when I think about it, I know that it’s not feasible to go out and find a midwife. But seeing Nan Yan like this, she really can’t stand by and eagerly said, "What should I do then? You can’t let your mother give birth like this. Right!"

Nan Yan was about to say something, but there was another pain in his stomach.

It was so painful that she almost screamed.

But at this time, she clenched her lower lip instead, not letting her scream out, because she had already heard it, and the outside voice became quieter, not knowing what Wu Wan and the others were thinking of.

But if you let them know that they are going to give birth--

I'm afraid, they will be even crazier wanting to break into Yikun Palace.

Since they want to rebel, it is even more impossible to allow the child in their womb to be born, especially if the child is a prince, they will definitely kill him!

Seeing Nan Yan biting her lower lip, even the blood came out, cold sweat poured out like a tide.

Ran Xiaoyu felt distressed.

Looking back at Xue Yun: "What the **** should I do? You are an imperial physician, and the emperor ordered you to come and give birth to your mother."


"Is there no way at all?"

Xue Yun also kept biting her lower lip, looking at Nan Yan's painful look, her heart was also a mess.

Facing Ran Xiaoyu's questioning, she hesitated: "I, I--"


After finally taking a breath, Nan Yan said unevenly, "You, don't force her."


"If she really can't, force her, she can't do anything."

Ran Xiaoyu was even more sad when Nan Yan said so.

But Xue Yun hesitated for a long time, finally slowly half-kneeled down, looking at Nan Yan's pale face in front of the bed, almost her entire face was in cold sweat, and she whispered, "Manny..."

Nan Yan opened his eyes to look at her.

Xue Yun almost held his breath, and said word by word: "Niang Niang, if you can believe me, I, I will deliver your baby!"


When she said this, Nan Yan's heart moved slightly.

On the other hand, Ran Xiaoyu said again: "You, are you capable of it?"


"If not, don't hurt your mother."

Caring is chaotic. At this time, she is also a little confused.

Xue Yun said solemnly: "Me, I have only read medical books, so I can't say I will."


"But now, the empress has no other choice, does she?"


"If Niang Niang believes me, I will deliver the baby for you."


Nan Yan looked at her.

The two people looked at each other, as if something was silently converging in their eyes.

There was a long silence, a weak smile appeared on her face, and she said, "This palace is true, there is no other choice."


"However, I believe you."

Upon hearing her words, Xue Yun took a deep breath.

Said: "Okay!"

After speaking, she immediately turned to Aunt Tongyun and Nianqiu and said, "You hurry up and lower the curtain in the center of the house, the lady can't see the wind. Go and prepare hot water immediately, and you need more!"

As soon as Nianqiu heard it, he hurriedly walked over, lowered the curtain in three or two strokes, and then ran out to prepare hot water.

Aunt Tongyun also hurriedly followed out.

Xue Yun looked down at Nan Yan, and asked softly, "Niang, how are you feeling now?"

Nan Yan gritted his teeth and said intermittently, "It hurts."


"It hurts."


"It seems that something is about to break my body."

Speaking of the end, she almost couldn't help crying out in pain, stretched out her hand and bit the back of her hand.

Tears and sweat, mixed, flowed down.

Seeing her like this, Xue Yun's forehead was sweating coldly. Although she had been asking for her pulse, her pulse was very stable, but she heard that the imperial concubine gave birth when she had her last child, and she did not take care of it afterwards. Obtained, the imperial concubine's body has some serious illnesses, and the most feared thing is to appear at this time.

Moreover, the situation outside--

It is also the worst that a pregnant woman can face!

She said: "My mother will be patient now, don't do anything, and don't think about anything, save your strength."


"It will take a lot of effort for a while."

Xue Zhuan walked to the other side of the table, carrying his medicine box to the bed, and just opened it, he saw Ran Xiaoyu kneeling on the side of the bed, holding a handkerchief and gently wiping Nan Yan's sweat.

At this moment, there was another bang outside.

Immediately afterwards, Tingfu hurriedly ran in and stood at the door and said: "Manny, door, door——"

Ran Xiaoyu's face sank and said: "Shut up!"

She was afraid that what he said would distract Nan Yan.

But at this time, how can you not be distracted?

If you don’t care about the outside and the door is really knocked open by someone outside, where can you have a chance to give birth to your child?

Nan Yan turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

Tingfu said in a crying voice: "They set fire outside."


Upon hearing this, Ran Xiaoyu and Xue Yun were shocked.

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly got up and walked to the door. When she looked outside, she saw a thick smoke rising from the wall, and the closed gate of Yikun Palace could faintly see the flames soaring into the sky.

The few eunuchs who were guarding the door were still against the door. At this time, they were too hot to hold on, and they all retreated.


These people actually set fire to the door!

No matter how thick these palace gates are, they are also made of wood. How can they stand the fire?

And Nianqiu and Aunt Tongyun finally prepared half a pot of hot water, and when they brought them over, they were shocked when they saw the situation at the door.

They said, "What to do?"

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