He whispered: "Father, son, son has an idea."

"Idea? What idea?"

"It is these days that the children have been thinking about how to solve the problem of Sangnon."

Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Nan Yan was aside, and he was also a little puzzled. What they were talking about now was about the fact that the special envoy might not have enough gifts in the Siberian nation. Why did Wang Wei suddenly start talking about Sangnong.

However, she did not interrupt either.

On the contrary, he stretched out his hand to stop Xinping, who had been arguing around him, and whispered softly: "Be quiet, brother and father are discussing important matters."

Upon hearing this, Xin Ping immediately closed his mouth, his face grumbled.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at the dignified father and brother.

Zhu Feng said solemnly: "You, let's talk about it first."

Zhu Chengxuan said earnestly: "Today, the imperial court has purchased a large amount of raw silk produced by mulberry farmers in Vietnam. These raw silks have already met the needs of more than 60% of my country’s silk. There will be surplus."


"However, the Treasury has only had a surplus of 200,000 pieces of silk, and it is actually not enough except for the New Year's expenses and the gift from the emperor."


"In other words, raw silk is redundant, but silk is not enough."


"Of course, if you want to spin silk, you need weavers and looms. Weavers in the south are naturally indispensable, but what they lack is looms. As you know, Feng'an County is a big silk producer. But there are only less than two thousand looms."


Nan Yan listened to the side and blinked.

Zhu Feng's eyes were deep, with the wine glass in his hand, and he didn't deliver it to his mouth. He just said, "Go on."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "So, Erchen has been wondering whether we can provide them with looms and let them produce silk by themselves. According to the current output, at least 300,000 more silks can be produced every year."


"It's just that the court may not be able to digest the extra silk."


Zhu Feng said slowly: "However, if these silks are sent to the Sabbath country as gifts, this will solve this problem."


Zhu Chengxuan continued: "Moreover, along the way, silk can also be sold to countries along the route of the Western Regions. I heard that a piece of silk can only be bought in China for two taels of silver. If it is sold to countries in the Western Regions, the price can be at least Ten times."


"If it is sold further, the price can even be several times higher."

Zhu Chengxuan glanced at Zhu Feng again and said cautiously: "If it weren't for such huge profits, those businessmen wouldn't have to illegally leave the customs when the emperor's grandfather is alive and the customs are expressly prohibited."

Zhu Feng nodded.

He did not agree with all the actions taken by Emperor Gao when he was still alive, so he would make drastic reforms after he became the throne. Therefore, even though Wang Wei's remarks might not be elders, he didn't really care.

He just said: "People can't afford to get early, and this is what they are talking about."


"Such a huge profit makes businessmen earn money, why can't the court make them?"

Zhu Chengxuan nodded hurriedly and said: "And now, the court must make this huge profit. Because this way, it can also solve the problem of Sangnong's disturbance."

Zhu Feng nodded again.

When he turned his head to look at Zhu Chengxuan, his eyes showed a faint look of appreciation. Although it was only fleeting, Nan Yan still caught it.

This is his rare admiration for King Wei.

However, Zhu Feng has always been very stingy with such appreciation. First, Zhu Chengxuan had not been allowed to favor him since he was a child; second, he had become accustomed to the strict requirements of King Wei, so even with the appreciation. , He is not willing to show it too much.

So Nan Yan smiled and said, "That's good, this problem is not solved."

Speaking of picking up vegetables for King Wei and putting them in his bowl, he smiled and said: "Sure enough, King Wei can help the emperor when he grows up. This is something that no number of ministers in the court can solve."

When Zhu Chengxuan heard her say this, his face blushed.

Zhu Feng's eyes softened, but he immediately went on to say, "Don't praise him. This is just a chance that the ministers of the court gave him a chance to experience. Isn't there so many people, is he better than him?"

Zhu Chengxuan immediately lowered his head.

Nan Yan said softly to Zhu Feng: "The emperor..."

Seeing her doing this, Zhu Feng looked at Zhu Chengxuan again, coughed lightly, and said, "But this time, you solved this problem for me."


"well done."

With that, he patted his shoulder gently.

This shot seemed to inject strength into the king of Wei. He raised his head to look at the emperor and the imperial concubine, his ears were a little red with excitement, and he whispered, "Erchen, you'll continue to work hard."

And then, he said: "Just now, it's the loom problem."


"To produce more silk, we need looms. But now, silk merchants in the south do not have enough looms because of the reduction in production in previous years."

Mentioning this, Nan Yan whispered from the side: "The emperor."


Zhu Feng turned his head and looked at her: "What's the matter?"

Nan Yan whispered: "When the girl Ruoshui was serving by her concubine, she seemed to have mentioned about the loom in Feng'an County. Would you like to ask her to come over and ask."

"Oh? She knows?"

"When she and her master passed through Feng'an County, she understood the situation there."

Zhu Feng said: "This is just right. Actually, I am also looking for a local person to ask questions. Since she has been there, let her come over."


Nan Yan immediately raised his head and said to Ran Xiaoyu, who was standing by and serving him: "Go, call Ruo Shui over and say that the palace and the emperor have something to ask her."


Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly put the tray in his hand on the cabinet on the side, turned and walked out.

As soon as I left the house, I saw Nianqiu standing outside.

She said, "Why are you here?"

Nian Qiu was taken aback, and immediately whispered softly: "Didn't the emperor explain to me that I am not allowed to go in and serve? I, I can only look here."

Ran Xiaoyu thought for a while, and said, "It just so happens that the empress wants to ask Ruo Shui to come and serve, you go and call her."


Nianqiu turned around and ran out.

After a while, she brought Ruoshui to him. Ran Xiaoyu stood under the eaves. When he saw Ruoshui coming, he immediately took her hand and said, "The emperor and the empress have something to ask you, you go in."

Ruoshui was taken aback: "I, I did nothing wrong, right."

"Who said you did something wrong, hurry in, maybe there will be a reward."


Upon hearing this, Ruoshui boldly walked in, and Ran Xiaoyu looked back at Nianqiu and said, "The emperor is here, don't wait here. Go and rest."

Nian Qiu said: "Yes."

After speaking, he turned and left.

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