Ran Xiaoyu stood at the door, watching her back disappear outside the door, then turned and walked in.

In the hall, Ruoshui stood there legally.

To the emperor and concubine, as well as the king and princess, I told them what she had seen and heard on the way to Beijing with Xu Miaoming.

Zhu Feng listened quietly and thoughtfully.

When Ruoshui finished speaking, he thought about it again, and then said, "So, the loom is sold very cheaply near Feng'an County."


Ruoshui said seriously: "Actually, the Sangnong over there wants to buy a loom to spin it by himself, but they can't sell their raw silk and don't have the money to buy a loom.

"Then, what about silk merchants? They have money to buy looms."

"Those silk merchants, although they are rich, they are afraid that the silk produced will not be sold, and the bamboo baskets will eventually be empty."

Zhu Chengxuan listened and nodded gently.

Muttered: "This is also true."


"Businessmen care about sales, and only those that can be sold are profitable; if they can't be sold, they are naturally unwilling to invest the money in the early stage."

Zhu Feng said: "The loom... Since it is for this business, the court can provide the loom. In other words, the court can buy the loom and sell it to the mulberry farmers and silk merchants at a low price."


"In this way, when buying silk, the price can also be lowered."

Nan Yan said in a puzzled way: "Is that okay?"

Zhu Feng said: "Originally, to quell these sangnong turmoil, the court would have money. Either spend money to appease or send troops to suppress."


"However, comfort is only temporary, and it will still cause trouble after a long time; and when soldiers are dispatched, every day's food and grass are money. Moreover, this is not a long-term solution."


"If you can spend the same money to produce silk and keep Sangnong from making trouble, it will revitalize the whole thing, which will be beneficial to the court. The Ministry of Households is also willing to pay this money."

"that's great!"

Nan Yan laughed, looked at the two of them, and said in disbelief, "Well, is this really resolved?"

Seeing her happy, Zhu Feng smiled.

He said: "Now things make sense, but whether it can be carried out, I still need to discuss with the ministers in the DPRK, and even find one or two places to test it for a while."


"If it can really solve the problem, then the court can start doing business with the countries of the Western Regions, while at the same time it can comfort the mulberry farmers, and even increase a lot of income."


"This is a three-bird strategy with one stone."

Nan Yan listened, still a little unbelievable, and muttered: "I really didn't expect that such a troublesome matter can be solved by the emperor with a meal."

Zhu Feng looked at her so excited that her cheeks were a little red, and smiled: "It's your meal and it's resolved."


"If it's somewhere else, I'm afraid I may not be able to eat this meal."

When Nan Yan heard this, he was sweet again, but in front of the child, he was a little bit shy, and only gave him a glance: "The emperor is talking nonsense."

Zhu Chengxuan was on the sidelines, smiling.

At this time, there was a soft and tender voice like a cat.

"May I speak?"

When everyone looked down, it turned out that it was Xinping. Nan Yan told her not to speak before, and she closed her mouth obediently. Her cheeks were like a big walnut stuffed on one side, and her two little hands were holding the edge of the table. Watch them.

Zhu Feng laughed: "Okay, speak, of course let you speak."


"what do you want to say?"

Xinping moved, sat up straight in the chair, and clapped his hands vigorously: "Too, good, la!"

Seeing her like this, everyone burst into laughter.

This major problem has been resolved. If it is in peacetime, Zhu Feng will definitely leave immediately and immediately call the ministers to discuss how to implement this matter.

But today, it's rare for the "family" to get together and the atmosphere is so good.

He was reluctant to leave.

Moreover, seeing that things can be resolved, and even with better prospects for development, his tight spirit in recent days has also relaxed a little.

As a result, they rarely gave themselves half a day off.

He stayed in the bedroom, and took the two children with Nan Yan, chatting and playing in the snow.

Soon, one afternoon passed.

He simply stayed here for dinner.

However, halfway through the meal, Grandpa Yu, who was serving on the side, glanced at a little **** outside and ran in, as if he had something to say, he hurried out.

After a while, I came back.

Zhu Feng was holding the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and said as he ate, "What's the matter?"

Grandpa Yu originally planned to wait until he finished dinner, but the emperor had already asked, and said, "There are two things. One is that Master Gu has entered the palace."

Nan Yan listened and looked sideways.

Muttered: "Uncle? What is he here for?"

Zhu Feng said: "This morning, the cabinet was discussing the dispatch of special envoys to the Shah state. I asked him to go back to draw up a paper and estimate the number of people needed. I am afraid that he did not rest when he went back. The matter has now been drawn up."

After speaking, he glanced at Nan Yan and said with a smile: "Your uncle, he looks calm, but he is impatient."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "My uncle worked hard, and the emperor taunted him."

Grandpa Yu smiled and said, "The emperor is right, Master Gu is here to present the paper."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Look, I'm right."

After speaking, his two bites off the remaining half of the rice, and put down the chopsticks.

Nanyan Road: "The emperor passed by? I haven't eaten much yet."

"It's okay, I can ask them to send some refreshments to the Imperial Study Room later. This matter is still important. Your uncle is so careful, I can't let him wait."

Hearing what he said, Nan Yan also nodded.

She remembered something, then turned to look at Yu Gonggong, and said, "The second thing, what is it?"

Father Yu gave Zhu Feng a careful look.

Then he said: "Leader Fang Da is back."


Upon hearing this, Nan Yan's eyes widened, and Zhu Feng's expression was also slightly condensed.

Fang Buyuan, one of the four commanders of Jin Yiwei.

Before they were in Shazhouwei, they wiped out the sand bandits in Reyue Wan, but let the "army" Long Tingyun who manipulated the sand bandits escape, so Zhu Feng sent Fang Buyuan to track down this group of people.

After that, there was no news of Fang Buyuan.

Now, he is back.

If it weren't for the failure of tracking the opponent, it might have been-somewhat eye-catching.

Zhu Feng said: "Where is he?"

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