Zhu Feng said: "Where is he?"

Jade justice said: "I will return to the city tonight. Datong sent a person back to report to the emperor."

Zhu Feng nodded and said, "Let him come to the Imperial Study Room to see me immediately after he comes back tonight."


Zhu Feng turned his head to look at Nan Yan, then looked at the two children, and then said: "You guys have a good meal, I'm past."

Zhu Chengxuan got up immediately, and Xin Ping climbed down from the chair.

Nan Yan walked over and took his clothes, put it on him personally, and said softly: "Although government affairs are important, the emperor's dragon body is also tight. Don't stay too late."

"I know."

As he said, he raised his head and glanced at several people standing next to her, especially Ruoshui, and then said with a smile: "The people who serve here today are rewarded."

Everyone was overjoyed and hurriedly knelt down to thank you.

Nan Yan smiled and said: "The concubine also replaced them, thank you for the grace of the emperor."

Zhu Feng held her hand and squeezed it gently.

Then, turned around and walked out.

Zhu Chengxuan stood at the door and stretched his body until Zhu Feng's footsteps were gone so far away that he could no longer hear him. Then he straightened up and turned his head to see that Xinping was also standing beside him.

He took his hand: "Brother, go back to eat."


Zhu Chengxuan smiled, holding his sister backhand, and the two returned to the dinner table.

Nan Yan saw that although he still picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat, he was always a little absent-minded. Several times the dishes were picked up, and he smiled and said, "What is Wang Wei worried about?"


Zhu Chengxuan looked up, met her smiling eyes, and shook his head immediately.

"No, nothing."

As he said, he glanced at her carefully, and said softly, "Niang, is my performance today considered good? I can solve problems for my father, am I?"


It turned out that he was still worried about this.

It is no wonder that since childhood, he has not been taken seriously and favored by Zhu Feng, and he is often reprimanded for his work. This time, he suddenly seemed to help him solve a major issue, and he couldn't believe it.

Nan Yan smiled softly: "Of course it is."


"Didn’t you find out? Because of this incident these days, your father hasn’t slept for a long time, and hasn’t eaten a stable meal. But today, he ate here and ate so happy, and The brows are completely stretched out."


"It's all your credit."

Hearing her words, the big rock in Zhu Chengxuan's heart finally fell, and his eyes curled up with laughter.

He finished the meal a few times, and then said: "Manny, I'm going back first."

"Don't play for a while?"

"I've been playing for a long time today. Now that the matter has an eyebrow, Erchen wants to go back and plan carefully, lest there are loopholes in the implementation."

Seeing her like this, after receiving a little encouragement, she became more energetic and Nan Yan smiled.

Said: "Well, remember not to stay up late."


After speaking, Zhu Chengxuan bowed to her, then turned and left.

Not long after dinner, Xiao Shunzi walked in with a large tray. When everyone saw it, there were piles of golden scorpions on it and red cloth on the other.

Everyone came up to receive the reward, one person and two golden jewels.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "What's in here?"

Xiao Shunzi smiled and said: "This is the emperor specially confessed and rewarded the empress. Empress look?"

"Oh, for this palace?"

Nan Yan stretched out his hand and took a look at the red cloth. It turned out that there was a hosta underneath.

This hosta is not gorgeous, even very simple, it's just pure white, warm and transparent, but simple but elegant.

Nan Yan said in surprise: "So beautiful."

Xiao Shunzi smiled and said, "With the compliment from the empress, the emperor's thoughts are not in vain."

Nan Yan took it over and looked at it over and over for a long time. He couldn't put it down, and then asked, "Where did it come from?"

Xiao Shunzi said: "These days, a lot of jade has been sent to Beijing from Hotan. The emperor specially confessed, let people carefully carve out such a hairpin for the empress. By the way, it is the only one in the harem. It."

Nan Yan laughed from ear to ear when he heard it.

After watching for a long time, Ran Xiaoyu put it away.

Xiao Shunzi was about to retreat, Nan Yan stopped him again, and specifically instructed: "Although the emperor is busy with government affairs, you should also remind the emperor to take care of the dragon's body and rest more. Also, the snacks at the Imperial Dining Room. , Has it been delivered?"

"Don't worry, the maid, it has been sent. The servants will remember it."

Nan Yan nodded.

Xiao Shunzi withdrew.

In this palace, the imperial concubine got a hosta that suits her heart's desires, and everyone had two more golden swords in their hands, and there was joy up and down.

Only Xinping, at this time, she had already begun to doze off.

So, Aunt Tongyun sent hot water to clean them, and after Ran Xiaoyu helped Nan Yan put the hosta in the jewelry box, she immediately went to make the bed.

Nan Yan held Xinping, who was already asleep in his arms, and suddenly thought of something.

He raised his head and asked: "By the way, what about Nianqiu?"

Ran Xiaoyu was arranging the quilt, and when she heard this, she turned around and said: "The slave maid saw her outside the window just in the afternoon, but she knew that the emperor had come today, so she didn't dare to come and serve."


Hearing this, Nan Yan's expression dimmed slightly.

If it's something else, it's okay to solve it, but Zhu Feng's opinion of a person is difficult to reverse once it takes shape, and this incident is indeed wrong in thinking about the autumn, and it is a violation of the emperor's taboo to provoke a dispute in the harem.

I can only find time to comfort her again.

She thought for a while, then beckoned Ran Xiaoyu to come over, and said softly: "Your reward, half of Nianqiu. Turn around, my palace will find it for you."

Ran Xiaoyu immediately understood what Nan Yan meant.

Everyone was rewarded, but she was the only one who didn't. I was afraid that her face would not be able to get through, especially in this palace there was another Ruo Shui who had just come to work, and she showed her face in front of the emperor so soon, I was afraid she would be sad.

So he said: "Just give her all the slaves, and the maidservant still said this, seemingly stingy."

Nan Yan glanced at her and said with a smile: "I know you have a backer, so I don't care about that."


Ran Xiaoyu blushed, ignored her, turned and left.

Nan Yan smiled and went to bed with Xinping in his arms.

Ran Xiaoyu and the others returned to the lower room, Ruo Shui was still happy for today's reward, lying on the bedside, counting his own golden scorpions, muttering to himself: "The palace is different. I’m outside, and I don’t earn so much money in a year, but when I enter the palace, I earn so much in two or three days. Why is the palace so good?”

Hearing her silly words, Ran Xiaoyu smiled and shook her head.

I looked around and saw that Nianqiu was not in the room.

Can't help but wonder: "Huh? What about Nian Qiuren?"

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