I looked around and saw that Nianqiu was not in the room.

Can't help but wonder: "Huh? What about Nian Qiuren?"

Hearing this, Ruoshui, who was lying on the bedside, raised his head, looked around, and said, "I didn't see it. When I just came back, I didn't see Sister Nianqiu."

"Strange, where did she go so late?"

Ran Xiaoyu was puzzled and walked out.

As soon as he reached the door, he ran into Nianqiu who walked in from outside.

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly said: "Nianqiu, where have you been? You came back so late."

Nianqiu lowered her head, as if thinking about something, when she suddenly heard her talking, she seemed to be shocked, and hurriedly said, "Sister Xiaoyu."

"where did you go?"

"Me, I'm out for a walk."

"Go for a walk?"

Ran Xiaoyu looked out, the sky was completely dark, and the wind roared, almost turning into ice. She asked puzzledly: "It's so late, are you going out?"

"Me, I'm going out to relax."


Ran Xiaoyu frowned slightly, then turned to look at her with a sad expression, and suddenly understood.

In the end, she is still a bit wronged.

So I didn’t ask too much, just took her hand and walked to the room to sit down, and then said: "Today the emperor came to Niang Niang to solve a major issue. The emperor Dragon's heart is delighted and rewarded the people around Niang Niang. One golden jewel per person. This is yours."

After finishing speaking, he stuffed a golden jade into her hand.


Nian Qiu was taken aback, and said, "I didn't go to serve, why would the emperor reward me."

"Didn't you say it all, as long as you are around the empress, you will be rewarded."


"Even listening to the blessing, and the following little eunuchs, also have rewards."

Ruo Shui listened to her with some doubts, but she seemed to understand something, and hurriedly held her hands.

But Nianqiu could still see it from the corner of her eyes, and there were two golden chicks in her palms.

So, I smiled coldly in my heart.

He said lightly: "Forget it, I didn't go to serve today, let alone contribute, this reward shouldn't be my turn, sister should put it away."

"Near Autumn."

"Besides, I am not short of money."

After she finished speaking, she got up and walked to her bed, lay down and fell asleep.

Ran Xiaoyu saw that she just lay down without taking off her clothes, and obviously didn't want to say anything, she couldn't say anything, so she sighed slightly, washed a little bit, blew out the lights, and fell asleep.

In the silent night, everyone's dream is different.


Yushufang on the other side.

In the evening, with wind and snow, Fang Buyuan finally returned to the capital.

He didn't even have time to return home, nor did he report to Beizhen Fusi, so he went straight into the palace miansheng, and when he walked outside the imperial study room, he happened to see cabinet minister Gu Tingqiu coming out from inside.

The expression on his face is a bit of relief that major events have been resolved.

As soon as he saw him, Gu Tingqiu immediately smiled and said: "Fang Da leads."

"Master Gu."

Fang Buyuan bowed to him, but the two of them didn’t speak much. After greeted them, they passed by. Fang Buyuan walked into the imperial study room and saw Zhu Feng sitting behind the table, looking at the display in front of him. A copy of it walking, holding a royal brush in his hand to draw the outline.

He stepped forward and said: "Weichen pays homage to the emperor, long live my emperor long live long live long live."

"You're back."

Seeing it was him, Zhu Feng put the pen back.

Raised his hand and said: "Flat yourself."

"Xie Emperor."

As Zhu Feng closed the folder, he said, "I ordered you to track down the sand bandit army division who absconded. What's the situation?"

Fang Buyuan said: "If you return to the emperor, the Weichen will start from Shazhouwei and track the whereabouts of the sand bandit army division. This group of people is out of sight, and on the way, they obviously found that the Weichen is tracking them, so they arrived at the Yangtze River. At the ferry, the soldiers were divided into two groups."

"Split the soldiers? Where did they go?"

Fang Buyuan said: "One of the ways should be Wu Taisui-that is, a bandit leader of the Reyuewan Sand Bandit. The Weichen sent a team to track him. Now, no news has been returned."

"Then, what about the other way?"

"The other way, it should be Shazhouwei's military master Long Tingyun, he crossed the river."

"After Jiang? Where did he go?"

"Weichen followed all the way. After he crossed the river, they appeared for a while near Puyang, but then-they lost their track."

When Zhu Feng heard this, he frowned, "Why?"

Fang Buyuan hurriedly knelt down and said, "The emperor, forgive me. After crossing the river, the Weichen waited in several consecutive counties and towns and encountered disturbances in Sangnong. When the people were in turmoil, they lost their whereabouts. Weichen should die. ."


Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, did not speak, and there was a sharp light in his eyes.

Fang Buyuan has been with him for many years, and he also knows that the rewards and punishments of the emperor are clear. This time, he failed to do his job, I am afraid that he will be severely punished.

He was on the road, but he was mentally prepared.

Just bow his head, waiting for the emperor's sentence.

After a long time, I finally heard the emperor speak, but instead of an angry scolding, he said slowly in a calm and alarming tone: "No, you shouldn't die."


"You are innocent, you have merit."


"You helped me and confirmed one thing."


Fang Buyuan was shocked, raised his head and looked at Zhu Feng in amazement.


At this moment, Zhu Feng held his hands together. Although he looked motionless, the strength between his fingers had made all his fingers pale, and there were blue veins on the back of his hands jumping suddenly.

Originally, before the news came back, he had guessed from the situation where the Sangnon disturbance was of a different scale from the previous one, that someone might have manipulated it.

However, it cannot be confirmed.

Now, judging from Fang Buyuan's feedback, his guess may be correct.

The people behind Long Tingyun really did the same again.

For a long time, they have not confronted themselves positively, instead they have been provoking various accidents everywhere, making themselves headaches and letting them deal with them.

This person really has a set.

This time, he used Sangnon to make trouble again, causing even bigger troubles.

At this moment, Fang Buyuan, who was kneeling down, was still a little bit disbelieved. He looked at Zhu Feng cautiously. Zhu Feng looked at him again. He was very calm, saying, "Go down."


"On the other side, if the people tracking Wu Taisui have any news, report me immediately."


Fang Buyuan kowtowed him cautiously, then got up and walked out.

When I walked to the door, I still couldn't believe it.

Muttered to himself: "Really just forget it?"


"I thought this time, the heads would be lost."

After speaking, he looked back and felt that although the aura in the Imperial Study Room was heavy and overwhelming, there was no murderous aura at all.

The emperor, compared with the beginning of his ascension, really, has changed too much.

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