The emperor, compared with the beginning of his ascension, really, has changed too much.

Thinking of this, he himself was funny again.

Regardless of whether the emperor changed or remained unchanged, it was a matter of the heavenly family, and as the leader of Jin Yiwei, what he had to do was to perform every task that the emperor had given him.

Moreover, this time the errand was not done well, and His Majesty the Emperor didn't get mad and chop off his head. It was a blessing in misfortune.

He stretched out his hand, touched his neck, and then walked into the wind and snow.

But Zhu Feng was still sitting in the imperial study room.

Recalling the words Fang Buyuan had just said, and then looked at the Zhezi sent by Gu Tingqiu, he thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Yufu."

Grandpa Yu, who stood quietly in the corner, immediately stepped forward.

"What is the order of the emperor?"

"Call someone, let me call Xu Shifeng and Ye Yi into the palace."



Since that day, the emperor took a rare break from his busy schedule and went to the bedroom to accompany the imperial concubine and princess, and after a relaxing day with Wang Wei, he did not show up for the next few days.

Nan Yan knew that he must be busy with him.

After that night, she also specifically inquired. It was heard that after the emperor had seen his uncle Gu Tingqiu and Jin Yiwei commander Fang Buyuan in the Imperial Study Room, she asked Xu Shifeng and Ye Yu to come into the palace overnight.

It is said that when the three of them talked, they talked all night.

I don't know what matters so much.

Nan Yan was also worried that his presence would disturb him, so, unlike other concubines, she carried her stewed tonic and sent it to the Imperial Study Room for pets.

It was just that from time to time, Mr. Yu and Xiao Shunzi were called to ask about the emperor's diet and sleep, and they were also told to persuade the emperor to rest.

In this way, another half month passed.

Seeing that the New Year's Eve will be two days away. In the past few days, she is concentrating on drawing up a playlist and menu for New Year's Eve with Yi Fei. While she was talking, Shun Fei Xinqing came.

She stepped forward to salute Nan Yan: "Meet the concubine empress."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Sister, please get up soon."

Concubine Yi also got up and saluted her. After everyone met, Nan Yan asked Concubine Shun to give a seat, and then smiled: "It's such a cold day, how come my sister wants to come here to see her."

Shun Fei said: "It's just cold, it's weird to stay alone in the palace, thinking that the empress and sister Yi Fei are busy with the New Year these two days, so come and see if you can help me a little."

South flue: "The menu is drawn up, just the play list, we haven't decided yet."


"I don't know what drama the emperor likes to listen to. Speaking of which, I have been serving the emperor in the palace for so many years, and I rarely see him listening to drama."

Concubine Shun nodded and smiled bitterly: "The emperor was still willing to listen to dramas when he was a child, but later, he was reprimanded by the first emperor for listening to dramas. After that, she didn't like listening to dramas much."


Upon hearing this, it seemed that it was the shadow of childhood again.

Nanyan Road: "My sister has served the emperor for the longest time. Do you know what drama the emperor likes?"

Concubine Yi said softly: "Our emperor thinks about his ambitions and hegemony every day, I'm afraid I also like to watch some martial arts."

Shun Fei smiled and said, "It's the opposite."



Nan Yan and Li Pan'er were both taken aback, looked at her in amazement, Concubine Shun gave a light cough, and said in a low voice: "I only tell you, but don't pass it on. When the emperor was a child, he liked to watch some twists. The lingering drama, what the Palace of Longevity, lazy thrush."


Concubine Shun whispered: "Especially the section where Concubine Yang's soul is broken at Mawei Station, he can't cry too much."


Nan Yan couldn't believe her ears.

I really didn't expect that watching Zhu Feng's so big and rough, he actually liked to listen to such a scene.

Moreover, they will cry for the people in the play.

Although it was only when he was a child, when he thought of a person like Zhu Feng and such a temperament, he would cry for the death of Concubine Yang's soul, and somehow he felt a little funny.

I also think he is a little cute.

Nan Yan covered her mouth and smiled softly.

Concubine Yi, who was on the side, was also holding back a smile, wiping her mouth with a handkerchief.

Concubine Shun repeatedly said: "Niang, sister Yi Fei, don't let the emperor know about this, because he shed tears for the people in the play, and the emperor was so angry that he reprimanded him. After that, he would do it again. Don’t listen to the show anymore."


"In fact, this time, I heard that the emperor allowed the opera troupes to enter the palace to sing, and my concubines thought it was quite fresh."

After speaking, he looked at Nan Yan and said with a smile: "It's still the blessing of the empress."


Nan Yan smiled embarrassedly.

She didn't even know that there was this front line, and if she knew, she wouldn't ask for it so dumbfounded. However, since Zhu Feng agreed to her, obviously, he did not remember the past, so he let it go.

You don't have to be careful.

But, thinking about it again, she crossed out the three words "Eternal Life Palace" on the play list.

Since this play is Zhu Feng's unpleasant memory, even if he no longer remembers it, she will not mention it any more.

Concubine Shun looked and nodded gently.

He smiled and said: "In fact, for the New Year's Day, let's listen to a little lively and festive drama, to open everyone's hearts, and don't let the emperor be so dull.

South flue: "Exactly."

As a result, the three discussed again and chose two more lively scenes.

Concubine Shun said with a smile: "The concubine stays in Yanxi Palace every day, deserted and without a person to talk to, so I hope to see two lively scenes during the New Year."

Nan Yan turned his head to look at her while receiving the playlist, and said in surprise, "Sister Shen Jieyu still lives in the palace?"


"Why, she usually doesn't talk to her sister?"


"still is,"

When Nan Yan said this, his eyes flickered slightly: "She, has a bad temper?"

When Concubine Shun heard it, she was afraid she would blame Chen Lianxiang, after all, Nan Yan is now the first concubine in the harem, and it is only a sentence to punish a Jie Yu. Hurriedly said: "No, she is not a bad temper, but Shen Jieyu likes to be quiet, but she is calmer than a concubine, and she doesn't go out much on weekdays, so she is deserted."


Nan Yan raised his eyebrows.

She recalled what Chen Lianxiang had done before. On the surface, she was indeed a quiet and calm person. If she hadn't seen that scene accidentally, she wouldn't doubt her until now.

However, once it caught her eye, she had to pay attention.

So he smiled and said, "Since this is the case, my sister will go this way more often. The little magic star of Xinping in this palace is a little overwhelmed every day."

Concubine Shun said with a smile: "Princess Xinping is cute and cute, don't say that, Empress."

The three of them were talking and laughing. Suddenly, Xiao Shunzi's voice sounded at the door——

"The emperor is here."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Zhu Feng walking in with an unhappy expression.

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