Upon hearing this, Nan Yan murmured, "Isn't this what the emperor and Wei Wang discussed?"


"Moreover, even at this price, neither the mulberry farmer nor the county government suffered a loss."

"Yeah, in this way, Sangnon didn't make trouble anymore."


"This is the first place in Zhejiang Province to appease the troubled sangnong!"

Nan Yan said: "This, isn't this a good thing?"

"Of course it's a good thing,"

When Zhu Feng said this, his complexion sank again, and he sneered: "The wonderful thing is that the group of Zhejiang Chief Secretary actually sent the magistrate of Feng'an County to the prison!"


"Said that he used power for personal gain and embezzled public money."


"He also said that he was in collusion with the mob with intent to rebel."


Nan Yan frowned when he heard this, and said, "If there is a document signed by the county magistrate and the sangnongs, then the crime would not be guilty."

Zhu Feng sneered and said: "This group of people does not have the ability to appease Sangnong. It is rare that the magistrate of Feng'an County came up with this method-and it also coincides with my resolution, but the imperial edict has just been promulgated. They don't know it yet-they are worried that this matter will affect their black hats, so they pile all the blame on this county magistrate."

Nan Yan said: "How did the emperor know about this?"

Zhu Feng said: "It was said in the paper they offered, and they wanted to ask me for credit, huh!"

Nan Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Since ancient times, jealousy and jealousy have been the most common thing in officialdom. It's just this group of people who have done too much."


"Even if they attribute the credit to themselves, how can they frame this magistrate."

Zhu Feng said: "They don't know what is good or bad, so it's good."


"If it weren't for this, I don't know. This method was devised by a small county magistrate in Feng'an County, and even more unexpectedly, I kept such a bunch of wine and rice bags!"

Nan Yan hurriedly said, "The emperor calms down."

Zhu Feng was so angry that there was a piece of hot coal rolling in his chest, and he couldn't cool down for a long time. He held the tea that Nan Yan held to him in his hand and didn't drink a bite.

Nan Yan whispered: "The emperor has some tea to calm down."

He only said "um".

But at this time, I was angry, where I could still drink.

At this moment, a crisp and tender voice sounded at the door: "Father?"

It's heart peace.

Upon hearing this sound, Zhu Feng's eyebrows and head were smoothed by an invisible hand, and the anger on his face disappeared suddenly, replaced by a gentle smile.

Nan Yan was on the sidelines, looking staggering.

Isn't this changing face?

Zhu Feng had already returned the teacup to her, got up and walked directly to the door, and saw Ran Xiaoyu leading Princess Xinping in. When Xinping saw him, both eyes were crooked with joy.

"The emperor father is really here! The sons and ministers pay respect to the emperor father!"

However, before she knelt down, Zhu Feng had already taken a step forward and caught her in his arms.

Smiled and said: "Why are you here?"

Xinping embraced his neck with both hands, and said affectionately: "I have not seen my father for a long time. I just heard Feifei say that my father is here, and my son will come right away. Father, do you want your son? ?"

"Of course, I think about you in my dreams."

Nan Yan was aside, grinning straightly.

It's too numb.

But Zhu Feng didn't feel that he was numb at all. He only looked at his daughter's happy smiling face, and suddenly forgot all his troubles, and walked back to the couch and sat down in his arms.

Nan Yan smiled and said: "So Xinping can persuade the emperor, the concubine is already old, it doesn't work."

Zhu Feng gave a "tsk".

"You, how is this? Be jealous with your daughter."

Xinping was still smiling, reaching out and scraping his face: "Mother concubine, shame."

Nan Yan wrinkled her nose at her.

The three people talked and laughed, which made Zhu Feng a lot happy. When the child was nestled in Zhu Feng’s hands and playing with his clothes, Nan Yan handed the tea cup over and Zhu Feng drank it. A few mouthfuls.

Although I had been reluctant to drink tea before, my heart was actually burning with fire. After drinking these few sips, I suddenly felt that I was really thirsty.

Hand her the empty cup: "Add more water."

Nan Yan agreed, and walked over to him and refilled him with some hot water. He took a few big mouthfuls, his expression seemed to have eased a lot.

Nan Yan said again: "Speaking of which, the magistrate of Feng'an County is not bad. His actions coincided with the ideas of the emperor and Wei Wang. Although he did not ask for an order in advance, he did it to appease the people. First, he is considered a hero to the emperor."

Zhu Feng said: "Yes."


"So today, after seeing this paper, I immediately asked Jin Yiwei's people to rush to Zhejiang with my manuscript to release this magistrate. We must not let him be wronged."

When he said this, there was still some lingering anger, and he said: "You know, over the years, I have spent a lot of thoughts on the people below; however, the officials of the corpse positions are still strictly guarding the high emperor’s presence. The way of doing things at the time, inaction is not making mistakes, and not making mistakes is meritorious, only taking the stability during the tenure as merit. If this continues, how can our country sit."


"You can't break the old and create the new. It will be the same in a hundred years."


"Finally, there is such a person who can do something practical; although there is no request in advance, I just need such enterprising people, one by one, who will not move forward. What do I want them to do?"


"If you can't set a typical example, in the future, other places will have to follow the example of the Zhejiang Chief Secretary."

Nan Yan nodded and said, "I'm afraid. Then, this magistrate is only afraid that the light will not be enough."


"The emperor should reward him with something."

Zhu Feng sighed and said, "Wait for Jin Yiwei to pass, let the people out."


"As soon as I enter the prison, I don't know what will happen to people."


"If the people are so gone, I must ask the person from the Chief Secretary of Zhejiang!"

He was a little angry again, and the heart in his scared arms calmed down. Zhu Feng immediately put on a fatherly face and patted her gently: "It's okay."

Nan Yan couldn't help but smile.

Then asked: "However, in Feng'an County, my concubine always feels that this place is a bit familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere."


Zhu Feng looked at her: "Where?"

Nan Yan thought for a while, but vaguely, she asked, "What is the surname of this county magistrate?"

Zhu Feng said: "The last name is Shen."

When Nan Yan heard it, his heart suddenly shook.

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