Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2326: I don't know how to breed tigers, am I?

Zhu Feng said: "The last name is Shen."

When Nan Yan heard it, his heart suddenly shook.

Zhu Feng was still teasing Xiaoping in his arms. He felt the change in her breath and looked up at her: "What? Is there something wrong?"


Nan Yan hesitated for a while, then said: "If the concubine remembers correctly, he should be Shen Jieyu's father."

"Shen Jieyu? Is that the last time someone went to Sishanmen to take care of the prince's wife?"

"Yes. Her name is Chen Lianxiang."


Zhu Feng let out a heavy sigh, without speaking.

Before, when the Queen Daxing was in the funeral, Nan Yan mentioned this Shen Jieyu to him. When Nan Yan was in poor health and Shun concubine fell ill, no one cared about the prince’s wife who was crying at Sishanmen. , It was she who secretly reminded Ruan Mei, who was still a slave at the time, to send someone to take care of the people over there.

Moreover, it is safe to act and does not strive for merit at all.

Let him also notice this person.

Unexpectedly, within two days, her people would have a quarrel at Sishanmen with the people from Xiu. In the end, they were downgraded from Xiu. Although she and the imperial concubine did not punish her, Zhu Feng treated her too. I don't care much anymore.

But I didn't expect--

He said, "Did you remember correctly?"

Nan Yan nodded and said, "Although she entered the palace when her concubine followed the emperor to patrol the northwest, the concubine has the right to assist the sixth house, so I looked at the list of each of them. Indeed, she is the daughter of the magistrate of Feng'an County. ."

Zhu Feng pondered for a while and said, "No wonder, she knew what to do in Sishanmen before."


"It turns out that there is such a father."


"This is a family pass."

At this time, Nan Yan regretted that he had just mentioned that he wanted to reward the county magistrate.

Although, she does not have the power to dictate, and if an official does something beneficial to the court, even if it is against her, she cannot prevent others from receiving rewards.


There are some lumps in my heart.

What Chen Lianxiang did before—of course, now it seems that there is nothing that offends her on the face, even if she really wants to punish her, there is no excuse—but Nan Yan always has a thorn in her heart.

It doesn't hurt or itchy on weekdays, but when you touch it, a faint anxiety comes to my heart.

She murmured in her heart: If she was given this opportunity, in the future, I won't be a tiger, will I?

However, the words have been spoken.

She thought for a while and said cautiously: "The emperor, does the emperor want to reward her?"

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and said: "I won't mention this for now, let's talk about it when her father comes out."


Having said so much to her, Zhu Feng's mood was a little better. With his daughter in his arms, he looked like a woman with everything. Nan Yan looked at him like this and smiled.

Those annoying things, let's talk about it in the future.

After all, she is now a noble concubine above 10,000 in the harem, a little Jieyu, and she is not worried that she can't handle it.

So he said: "The emperor shouldn't worry about it recently. Jin Yiwei's people are doing things well, and they will surely be able to pass the emperor's handwriting to him and release the county magistrate Shen."

Zhu Feng nodded: "Yeah."

Nan Yan smiled and said: "The Chinese New Year is coming in two days, and the emperor will be happy too. At that time, lead the sisters in the harem to watch the show together. The emperor must not make a face and let people watch. I'm scared."

Zhu Feng listened and looked up at her.

Before I had time to say anything, the heart in my arms was calm and my eyes lit up: "Watching the show!"

Zhu Feng lowered his head, looked at his daughter, and smiled: "Well, watching the show. Are you happy?"


Xinping clapped his hands vigorously, the tender palms were red, and said loudly, "Xingping depends on Sun Xingzhe!"

"Okay, show you Sun Xingzhe."

"Still somersault."

"Okay, let Sun Xingzhe somersault for you."

As he responded, he looked up at Nan Yan weirdly: "She hasn't watched a show yet, how does she know Sun Xingzhe and somersault?"

Nan Yan smiled and said: "The emperor forgot, last year...Now that it is almost the year before, at the winter solstice, the emperor took his concubine, and Wang Wei and her, went shopping together."


"When the two of them went out to play, they saw the singer on the side of the road. After coming back, she kept thinking about it."

"That's it."

Zhu Feng listened, looked down at her daughter, and said with a smile: "I have wronged you. I haven't watched a complete drama for so long."

Xinping held his mouth and nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Well, when that time comes, let them sing for you."


Xinping clapped his hands with joy again.

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng smiled with joy, only Nan Yan hesitated, and said: "The emperor, making a noise in the palace...too noisy, right? Concubine means, this Chinese New Year, although you are listening to the drama, don’t listen. It's too noisy."

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and said, "Fall, it's the Chinese New Year anyway, just follow her once."


"Have fun for everyone, too."

Hearing him say this, Nan Yan could only agree: "Okay."

After Zhu Feng left, she took the playlist and added a riot on it.

After finishing writing, she put the playlist to her hand, but took the opportunity to put her hand on the edge of the table, motionless for a while, only frowned slightly, as if concentrating on something.

At this time, Ran Xiaoyu walked in.

Seeing that her expression was wrong, she whispered softly, "Niang?"

Nan Yan looked up at her: "What's the matter?"

Ran Xiaoyu said: "What is the empress thinking, so ecstatic?"

Nan Yan was silent for a while, and then said: "I don't know why, I always feel a little bit unreliable in my heart."

"what is the matter?"

South Yandao: "On that day, in our palace, the emperor discussed with King Wei on how to deal with the trouble in Sangnong. After discussing with the front foot, the magistrate of Feng'an County followed this method."


Ran Xiaoyu said: "He, did he receive the imperial decree?"

"Where, at that time, the imperial decree hadn't been issued yet."

"Ah? So, the thoughts and practices of the Feng'an magistrate coincide with those of the emperor and Wei Wang."

Nan Yan nodded and said, "If it is said that this is a speculation of the holy will, it can be regarded as the person who can speculate about the holy will the most for so many years."

"Then, what are you thinking about?"

"do not know,"

Nan Yan thought, shook his head gently, frowned and said, "I don't know what's wrong, but I always feel a little dull and uncomfortable in my heart."

"Could it be that the mother suspected that he did not speculate about the holy intentions, but listened to the emperor, or the news in the palace?"

Hearing this, Nan Yan frowned again.

Then he said: "Maybe, this palace is worried about this, but it's impossible."

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