Nianqiu's eyes widened suddenly: "Really?"


"Manny, can the slaves go home for the New Year?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "What's real? Could it be that this palace will lie to you?"


"This was originally a trivial matter, besides, this palace is now holding the seal of the phoenix, this can still be the master."


"This year, you go home to reunite with your family."


"Just remember, don't make the hair combing thing outside, and bring back the cover you wear, you know?"

Nianqiu's eyes were red, and she knelt on the ground with a plop.

Repeatedly kowtow: "Xie Niangniang, Xie Niangniang!"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "It's just a trivial matter, it doesn't have to be that way, get up."

He reached out and helped her up.

Nianqiu lowered her head, sobbed softly, and whispered softly: "Manny, I, I..."

Nan Yan looked at her: "What? Are you going to tell me something?"

"Me, servant..."

Nian Qiu hesitated for a while, after all, she shook her head gently.

"It's nothing."


"Xie Niangniang grace, the slave and maidservant have not seen her family for many years."

Nan Yan smiled and patted her hand, and said softly: "Take advantage of this opportunity to go back and gather with your family. However, you have to come back on the third day of the first month, so don't wait to stay at home."

"Slaves won't."

Nan Yan gently patted the back of her hand, Nianqiu saluted again, and then turned around and left the bedroom.

When she reached the door, she stopped again and looked back with a complicated expression.

Then turned and left.


Two days passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve.

Because of the funeral ceremony of the Queen Daxing, everyone in the palace had been fasting and vegetarianism for a long time, and could not have any entertainment. The older concubines were okay, and the young concubines who had just entered the palace were a bit unable to stand it.

Nowadays, it's hard to get some leisure time, and I still invite a troupe into the palace, and everyone is overjoyed.

Early in the morning, everyone changed their clothes and walked towards Qingyin Pavilion one after another.

On the way, everyone met and greeted happily, especially Yi Fei Li Pan'er, surrounded by a large group of people.

Everyone said, "Sister Yi Fei, thanks to you this time."

"If it weren't for your suggestion, I still don't know how to live in a deserted year."

"We are so happy today, it's all due to sister Yi Fei."

Li Pan'er smiled, and then said: "Don't just talk about this palace. Actually, it was the imperial concubine who went to the emperor to ask the emperor. If she didn't speak, this arrangement in this palace is nothing."

"Yeah yeah,"

Everyone immediately agreed: "The imperial concubine and empress are really thinking about us."

Kang Biyun and Xin Mimi, who were walking behind the crowd, only sneered and rolled their eyes when they heard this flattery.

The nobleman Ling Shansi asked: "By the way, Sister Yi Fei, did her first set the playlist for today?"

Li Pan'er said: "My palace has discussed with the imperial concubine and empress and made some decisions first."


"However, there are not many decisions. When the time comes, everyone can also look at the playlist and pick the points they like."

Ling Shansi smiled and said, "That's great. My concubine has liked listening to drama since she was a child."


"The one I like the most is "Eternal Life Palace"."

At this moment, Jieyu Kang Biyun sneered: "I'm sorry to say that, some people don't think too much. Even if you follow the order, it's the privilege of a few women. Little nobleman, it's your turn to order. Drama?"

Upon hearing this, Ling Shansi lowered his head.

Li Pan'er glanced at Kang Biyun.

Indifferently said: "The harem sisters are treated equally in the eyes of the palace and the imperial concubine. Don't say that to Kang Jieyu."

Kang Biyun squatted and said: "Yes."

Li Pan'er looked at Ling Shansi again, and then said: "If you want to listen to any drama, just talk to this palace, but don't order "Eternal Life Palace"."

Ling Shansi nodded and said softly: "Yes."

At this moment, Chen Lianxiang, who came from the other side, saw them, and came forward to bow to Li Pan'er and salute: "Meet Concubine Yi."

Seeing her, Li Pan'er smiled and nodded.

Although Chen Lianxiang had made some trouble at Sishanmen before, she was very honest on weekdays, and there was nothing to do.

Moreover, recently there have been legends both inside and outside the palace that her father made a contribution in Feng'an County. Before the emperor’s imperial decree was promulgated, he calmed the troubled Sangnon, and he did exactly the same as the emperor had imagined.

For his father, the emperor asked Jin Yiwei's people to go to Zhejiang with a handwriting.

Some people are saying that if her father is likely to be promoted, she is afraid that there will be some movement in the future.

Li Pan'er smiled and said, "Shen Jieyu, the palace has heard about your father. I don't know how it is now?"

Chen Lianxiang lowered his head and said softly with a sad expression: "I don't know my concubine now."


"I'm afraid that my father won't be able to endure the suffering in prison."

Li Pan'er comforted her and said, "The emperor's handwriting has arrived in Zhejiang. Your father will definitely be lucky."

"Thank you, Niang Niang."

Li Pan'er said to the people again: "Well, let's not just stand in the snow and talk, it will freeze for a while. Let's go to the Qingyin Pavilion first, the emperor and the concubine are about to arrive."

Everyone responded and all walked forward with her.

On the way to the Qingyin Pavilion, Chen Lianxiang followed Li Pan'er a few steps behind him, and said softly: "By the way, when the concubine just walked over, she seemed to hear her saying that you can’t order the "Eternal Life Palace" today. Play, why?"

Li Paner said: "Nothing, I don't like it."

Chen Lianxiang glanced at her.

Although Li Pan'er didn't say who didn't like it, Chen Lianxiang seemed to hear a little secretive taste in her tone.

Replied softly: "Yes."

On the other side of the palace, Princess Xinping was wearing a new dress, running up and down, Nan Yan took the clothes and put on Zhu Feng's body, and said: "It's all the emperor. You can play with Xinping. I don’t care. Now everyone is afraid that they have all gone to Qingyin Pavilion, and we haven’t even left yet.”

Zhu Feng stretched out his arms and put on a look for her to serve.

Smiled and said: "Let them wait."


"Is it impossible, who else would dare to say that our bad things are impossible."

Nan Yan gave him an angry look: "The emperor is really true."

Xinping stood on the couch with her waist in, and said solemnly: "They are all afraid of the father!"

Zhu Feng laughed loudly when he saw her like this.

Nan Yan couldn't help but laughed, and then said, "You, just take advantage of these two days and have fun. After the Chinese New Year, I will send you to study. Then, you will know that you are great. "

When I heard it calmly, my heart pouted.

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