Nan Yan couldn't help but laughed, and then said, "You, just take advantage of these two days and have fun. After the Chinese New Year, I will send you to study. Then, you will know that you are great. "

When I heard it calmly, my heart pouted.

Zhu Feng said with a smile, "Okay, don't be wronged. At that time, Father Father will come to see you every day."

Nan Yan said, "The emperor can't go."

"Why not?"

"When the emperor goes, she must have an excuse to be lazy."


Zhu Feng was about to refute, but after thinking about it, it was really such a thing, so he smiled and stopped talking.

At this time, Grandpa Yu stood at the door and whispered: "The emperor, the maiden, all the ladies in the harem have arrived at the Qingyin Pavilion."

Nan Yan said: "What the concubine said. Hurry up."

As he said, I took Xinping's hand and urged Zhu Feng to go out immediately. When Zhu Feng went out, he still asked Grandpa Yu: "Is there any news from Zhejiang Province?"

Grandpa Yu lowered his head and said, "Not yet."

Zhu Feng frowned slightly and murmured: "What's the matter? Today, there should be news too."

While talking, he took Nan Yan and Xin Ping to Qingyin Pavilion.

Seeing Qingyin Pavilion right in front, Nan Yan suddenly realized something, and turned around and said to Zhu Feng: "The emperor, the emperor will wait outside, okay?"


Zhu Feng looked at her suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

South Yandao: "After the concubine first enters with peace of mind, the emperor will enter again."


Zhu Feng thought about it, and immediately understood what she meant.

If it is normal, it should be the empress who passed by at the same time. Now she is just a noble concubine. It will inevitably make people feel a bit too much to go with the emperor.

But Zhu Feng smiled, reached out and grabbed her hand.

Nan Yan was taken aback: "Hey?"

Zhu Feng smiled at her slightly.

"It's okay."

Nan Yan was hesitant at first, but when he met his gentle gaze and handsome smile, his heart jumped and he couldn't care about the struggle anymore.

And Zhu Feng just led her, and let her lead Xinping, the three of them walked into the Qingyin Pavilion together.

Qingyin Pavilion is located in a large courtyard to the northeast of the palace. Although the corridor you enter is narrow, but after a small door, you can see a spacious courtyard with a two-story building on one side. It is used for watching the opera, and on the other side is a three-story stage.

It is surrounded by towering walls, which are higher than ordinary palace walls.

In this way, tunes and drum music can be heard more clearly.

Within this high wall, all the concubines had gathered in the attic and took their seats in stages. Everyone was talking and laughing in twos and threes, and heard the voice of Grandpa Yu at the door——

"The emperor is here, the concubine is here!"

When everyone heard "the emperor is coming", they immediately knelt down, but immediately heard that the imperial concubine had arrived, and everyone frowned slightly.

This is obviously replacing the position of the queen.

However, everyone hesitated for a moment, and they all knelt to the ground immediately, saying in unison: "Farewell to the emperor, and to the noble concubine."

Zhu Feng walked in with Nan Yan, looked at everyone, and smiled slightly.

Raised his hand and said: "Flat body."

Everyone said: "Thank the emperor."

Everyone bowed their heads when they got up. Only a few people carefully looked up and saw that the emperor was firmly holding the hand of the imperial concubine with one hand.

Could not help taking a deep breath.

Although, the favor of the noble concubine was an open matter in the palace, even when the Queen Daxing was alive, the favor was not as good as her.

But now, the queen is gone.

In the harem, she was already the head of the concubines, and she held the seal of the phoenix on her behalf. Now, she has taken the place of the queen and appeared at the same time as the emperor.

It seems that her successor status is also inseparable.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, what you see in your eyes is an emotion.

In this harem, I am afraid that the family will really dominate.

Zhu Feng took Nan Yan to his seat. After sitting down, he waved to her, "Sit here a little bit."

Without the queen, naturally the seat of the imperial concubine was closest to the emperor.

He still nagging like that.

Nan Yan only felt sweet again, and a little helpless.

The person moved the chair slightly to his side and sat down.

Zhu Feng nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look around. Concubine Shun and Concubine Yi were sitting beside them. Behind them, there were a few Jieyu.

Everyone was naturally beaming, only Chen Lianxiang, although he tried his best to make a happy expression, there still seemed to be a faint worry between his brows.

Want to come, is still worried about her father.

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and whispered to Xiao Shunzi: "Send a sweet past to Shen Jieyu."


Xiao Shunzi went down immediately.

In a short while, the small tables beside everyone sent a variety of snacks, and in front of Chen Lianxiang, there was more fruit than others.

Chen Lianxiang was taken aback and looked at Xiao Shunzi: "Father Shun, this—"

Xiao Shunzi said softly, "This is what the emperor ordered."

As soon as Chen Lianxiang heard it, her heart jumped up, turning her head to look forward, although Zhu Feng did not look back, only to see his back, and that back already satisfied her.

Chen Lianxiang's eyes were slightly red.

Softly said: "Thank you, the emperor."

Xiao Shunzi only smiled and turned away.

Sitting next to Zhu Feng, Nan Yan naturally saw everything, especially when she saw Chen Lianxiang's expression of excitement, her eyes fixed on Zhu Feng's back, as if she couldn't pull it out. But she was calm, smiling and twisting a green date in the fruit bowl before her eyes, and took a bite.

At this time, Grandpa Yu was holding a tray with a playlist on it and sent it to Zhu Feng.

Nan Yan smiled and said: "The emperor, these are some dramas chosen by sister Yi Fei and her concubine. However, I don't know what the emperor likes to listen to. Today, the emperor should order it first and let the concubine wait to have fun with the emperor."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Do I know what a good scene is?"

He thought for a while, then turned his head to look at Xin Ping, and then said, "Didn't Xin Ping want to watch Monkey Sun turn somersault?"

Xinping nodded immediately: "Yes!"

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "Okay, let's first come out with "Havoc in Heaven"!"

Duke Yu listened and immediately passed the order.

After a while, I heard a tumult of gongs and drums, and saw a group of little monkeys jumping out of the backstage on the stage, laughing and rolling again, especially lively.

One of the little monkeys turned over from the stage, staggered into the attic, looked around, scratching their heads, and all the concubines looked at him with a smile. I saw this clever "little monkey" walked to Xin Ping's side, made a grimace at her, and stole a fruit from the tray in front of her, and crawled back to the stage happily.

Everyone suddenly laughed.

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