Everyone suddenly laughed.

But calmly, standing on his seat, pointing at the little monkey and shouting loudly: "Bad monkey!"

Everyone laughed so much that tears were streaming out.

Nanyan also knows that this kind of theater troupe usually sings for the big family, especially the concubines of the emperor. If you only sing a drama in a proper way, it is difficult to get a full house, and such a trouble will actually make the host. Happy.

So he took a fruit from his fruit plate and stuffed it into Xinping's mouth.

"Well, well, the concubine will pay you, so watch the show."


Xinping snorted proudly, and said to the monkey, "I will spare you today."

Only then sat down to watch the play.

This first "Hit in the Sky" is naturally the most lively drama. The gongs and drums on the stage are noisy, and the people off the stage are also watching attentively, especially when one of the monkeys came up and turned over 80 somersaults. Feeling happy, she stood on the chair and clapped her hands. When the monkey finished flipping, her palms were red.

Zhu Feng also smiled and said, "This is a good effort."

Immediately afterwards, it was Sun Dasheng who appeared on the stage, and with his abilities, turned the Lingxiao Palace upside down.

When Nan Yan turned her head to look at Xin Ping, she saw a date in her mouth and forgot to chew it.

She couldn't help smiling, and reached out to touch her chin.

"The chin is about to fall!"

Feeling surprised, he laughed.

Between the not-so-spacious squares of the stage, a wonderful and thrilling legend was staged in this way, and the joys and sorrows were intriguing. Everyone couldn't bear to blink their eyes.

For Xinping, she just watched the lively scenes, but she couldn't understand the other scenes.

I kept holding Nan Yan's arm and asked this and that——

"Mother concubine, why aren't they together?"

"Mother, what is she crying for?"

"Mother concubine, why are they all laughing?"

Nan Yan watched the play and had to help her with the play. He was so tired that Zhu Feng couldn't stand it anymore, so he picked up Xinping and sat in his arms.

Whispered softly: "Don't bother your mother and concubine watching a play anymore, she also rarely sees a play."

With that said, he was fair to the Yu-gong on the side: "Take the trick list to the imperial concubine, let the imperial concubine order a play she wants to see.


Duke Yu responded and immediately smiled and held the playlist in front of Nan Yan.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Most of the orders today are what my concubine wants to see, so there is no need to order them individually."

Zhu Feng said: "The things you ordered with Concubine Yi before were based on the consideration that everyone wants to see. Now, click on what you want to see."

Nan Yan smiled and agreed, and clicked on "The Story of Jingchai."

Then, the playlist was sent to Concubine Shun and Concubine Yi, asking them to also order what they wanted to watch.

The two of them are also very talkative now. Before ordering the show, they asked the lower-level concubines around to see what they wanted to hear. In short, the atmosphere has always been very good.

When the singular plays were almost finished, the father-in-law gave the play list again.

Zhu Feng thought for a while and said, "Pass it to Shen Jieyu."


"See what she wants to hear, click it."

The Yugong replied, "Yes."

After speaking, he held the playlist and sent it to Chen Lianxiang.

"Jieyu, the emperor wants you to play something."

When everyone saw this situation, their faces showed different expressions, and a few were obviously a little unhappy, but they were not easy to show.

Chen Lianxiang blushed with joy.

She looked at the playlist in Grandpa Yu's hands--

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