Chen Lianxiang blushed with joy.

She looked at the playlist in Grandpa Yu's hands--

Although she is only a small family Biyu, her father is a scholar since she was a child, and she has recognized some people a little and can understand the drama on the play list. The ones that have been ticked by the pen are already sung.

There are some vacant ones for her to choose from.

She looked up and down, her eyes fell on three words——

Hall of Eternal Life.

Earlier, when Ling Guiren talked about the drama "The Palace of Longevity", Yi Fei vaguely said "I don't like it." Then, after all, she didn't like it or who didn't like it?

However, after thinking about it, some people don't like it.

You can't offend Yifei, nor can you offend someone who doesn't like this play.

After all, it is unwise to recruit people for no reason.

Thinking about this, she watched other scenes again, then pointed to the "Killing the Dog" under "Jing Chai" and said: "Then, just click this."

Duke Yu said immediately: "Yes."

Then he turned his head and said to the back of the stage: "Shen Jieyu's order-Killing the Dog."

The people behind the stage immediately began to dress up.

The accompaniment on one side also rang, and the drums were slowed down first, and became more and more dense, as if urging this good show to come on stage.

And just as the actress was about to enter the stage from the backstage, a small **** suddenly ran in at the gate of Qingyin Pavilion.

He was holding something in his hand, covered with a piece of cloth.

When Duke Yu saw him, he immediately stepped forward, seeming to ask.

Zhu Feng and Nan Yan also saw this scene from the corner of their eyes. After Yu Duke inquired, their faces immediately showed joy. Looking back at the emperor, Zhu Feng already said, "What's the matter?"

Grandpa Yu hurriedly led the little **** towards the emperor.

Said: "The emperor, the news of Zhejiang has come back."


When Zhu Feng heard this, his eyebrows raised.

Immediately raised his hand: "Stop!"

As soon as his voice fell, the people around immediately shouted at the people on the stage: "Stop! Stop! The emperor called to stop!"

The sound of the gongs and drums stopped immediately, and even the actress who had already walked on the stage and was about to sing closed his mouth immediately, standing in the middle of the stage with his sleeves in both hands, looking down awkwardly.

Chen Lianxiang, who was sitting at the back, also heard these words, stood up subconsciously, and looked over here.

Zhu Feng said solemnly: "How?"

The little **** said: "If you return to the emperor, Jin Yiwei's lord has arrived in Zhejiang and has released Shen Zhixian with the emperor's handwriting. The official is restored to his post."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng's face rose slightly.

And Chen Lianxiang, a big rock in her heart also fell to the ground, and she let out a long sigh of relief.

His legs softened and he almost fell and sat down.

The concubines, Ling Guiren and Yao Guiren sitting next to her immediately said to her, "Shen Jieyu, you can rest assured."

She nodded hurriedly.

Zhu Feng also nodded and said, "Okay, this matter is done well."

The little **** smiled and said, "The emperor, there is better."


Zhu Feng turned to look at him: "What?"

The little **** said, "Shen Zhixian was imprisoned by the Chief Secretary, but he never stopped supplying the looms for the mulberry farmers. Although the first batch of silk produced by the mulberry farmers was only 300 The horses, however, were made by the mulberry farmers working day and night. Now they have been quickly sent to the capital and are now being previewed by the emperor."

After speaking, he lifted the piece of cloth in his hand.

A piece of silk and satin came into view.

The eyes of everyone suddenly lit up.

It was a piece of snow-white silk, shining with the surrounding candlelight, shimmering like ice and jade.

Zhu Feng's eyes were also reflected by the white silk. He slowly got up, looked at the silk, and stroked it with his hand, only feeling smooth as water and as moist as jade, which was the finest silk.

He said solemnly: "You just said, how many horses are there?"

"Three hundred horses."

"what about others?"

"The others have been put into storage overnight."

"good very good."

Zhu Feng nodded repeatedly and said: "In just half a month, three hundred silks have been produced, and it is only in Feng'an County. If you count the whole year, the increase in silk will be considerable."

As he said, he laughed.

Repeatedly: "Good! Very good!"


"Shen Yaozong, really did a good job for me!"

As soon as he looked up, he saw Chen Lianxiang standing beside him. It turned out that just now, when the piece of silk was displayed, she couldn't help but got up and walked here. At this moment, she was looking at the piece of white silk with excitement. , His eyes were a little red, and his lips were trembling slightly.

He seemed to mutter silently: It's great, great.

Zhu Feng faced her and said, "Your father, very good!"


Upon hearing this, Chen Lianxiang was taken aback, and immediately knelt down, repeatedly kowtow and said: "Thank you, thank you."

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "You don't have to thank me. He did a beautiful job for me, and I just released him from prison, which is nothing."


"I should reward you well and also your father."

Having said that, he thought of something, and turned his head to look at Nan Yan: "Concubine, do you think I should mention her position."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Naturally."


"The concubine has also been mentioned to the emperor a long time ago. Nowadays, there are too few concubines in the harem, and it is really not like that. Besides, Shen Jieyu is smart and wise, and he is also prudent. Now, her father has done such a good job for the emperor. Naturally, it should be a good reward."

When she was speaking, there was a pause in the middle. Although others didn't feel anything, Chen Lianxiang, who was kneeling on the ground, had a slight breath.

She was suddenly nervous.

Zhu Feng glanced at Nan Yan and then at Chen Lianxiang who was kneeling on the ground.

Then he said: "Well, I'll give you a concubine."

After speaking, he ordered: "Come here."

Grandpa Yu immediately stepped forward: "The slave and maidservant are here."

"Shen Jieyu was canonized as concubine, titled Jing, moved to Xianfu Palace, and the canonization ceremony was held three days later."

Jade justice: "Yes."

Chen Lianxiang's cheeks flushed with excitement, and hurriedly bowed his head to thank Zhu Feng: "Thank you, the emperor!"

Seeing this situation, the surrounding concubines had different moods, but now that the emperor was present, they immediately came forward and congratulated Chen Lianxiang.

Nan Yan sat next to him and smiled and said, "Congratulations, Sister Shen."

After Chen Lianxiang got up, she smiled deeply at her, and said cautiously: "In the future, I hope my mother will raise more."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "What can my palace tell you?"


"There is one thing, I want to mention to the emperor."

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