Ruan Mei bit his lower lip and glared at the people. She ran rampage in the harem before, without covering her mouth, and offended many people, but the grade is considered relatively high, so everyone can't take her seriously.

Now, it's all coming.

He had been punished so much from Xiu to Jieyu, and he stopped thinking about it in this deserted place. Now, it fell into the hands of the noble concubine.

I'm afraid I will be beaten into the cold palace.

Thinking of this, she looked up at Nan Yan.

Seeing the faint smile on the face of the imperial concubine, she calmly said: "Today is New Year's Eve, so those who have thought about it have to rest."

With that, he turned his head to look at Zhu Feng.

"The emperor, don't you think?"

Zhu Feng was originally reluctant to take care of the affairs of the harem. Except for the former officials who performed meritorious services and would reward the concubines in the harem, other things were left to the queen in the past. Now, he is letting the concubine take charge.

After all, it is them, not him, that spins around among the women every day.

Now that the imperial concubine said so, he also nodded: "Yes."

Anyway, Ruan Mei was also coaxing his own care, he didn't want to punish her.

When the emperor spoke, everyone couldn't say anything immediately.

On the contrary, Ruan Mei was a little stunned. He looked at Sinan Yan in a daze, feeling shocked in his heart.

The concubine is helping yourself?

She speaks for herself?

why? Isn't she the most afraid of others getting the emperor's attention, so she divides her favor? She is younger than her and more beautiful than her. She has been targeting herself before. Now, shouldn't she be the best to fall into trouble, and it's better to punish herself not to go out for a few months?

Why did you speak for yourself instead?

She looked at Nan Yan with a puzzled expression.

And Nan Yan only said lightly: "Ruan Jieyu, even though it is New Year's Eve, but it's freezing cold in the end, you should go back first."


Ruan Mei looked at her hesitantly and then at the crowd, so he stood up slowly, bowed to the emperor and concubine, and then turned back to Lezhizhai.

Xinping also waved at her: "Goodbye, Niangniang Xi!"

She turned her head and glanced at Xinping, the expression on her face was a little unsure of whether to smile or what to do, only raised her hand in embarrassment and waved, and then left.

As soon as she left, everyone stayed in this quiet courtyard without speaking.

For a while, the atmosphere was also a bit awkward.

Zhu Feng touched Xinping's body, played in the snow for a long time, and was still swinging. His face was red with cold and his hands were cold. He hugged her and walked back, saying, "Let's go, go back first."

Everyone immediately followed him and walked back all the way.

While walking on the road, Nan Yan said softly: "Speaking of which, Ruan Jieyu has been thinking about it in Le Zhizhai for a long time."

Zhu Feng glanced at her: "Huh?"

Nan Yan smiled and said: "I heard that the day that Guo Gong's case had been completed, and there were a few carts piled up at Dali Temple just because of the files. Ruan Jieyu's brother made a great contribution."


Zhu Feng nodded and said: "I am troubled, I should reward Ruan Hengzhou with something."

Nanyan Road: "No matter what the emperor usually rewards, he can reward him."

"Usually, this kind of credit is the reward of three thousand brocades."

"Three thousand horses, that's a lot."

Zhu Feng said: "In the past two years, brocade and silk have been used very tightly. If the three thousand brocades are awarded to Ruan Hengzhou, the expenses in the palace will not be enough."

Having said that, he gave a wry smile.

"Everyone says that you don't know that Chai Mi is expensive if you are not in charge. The people under the world only know the royal wealth and glory, but they don't know that there are great difficulties."

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