"Everyone says that you don't know that Chai Mi is expensive if you are not in charge. The people under the world only know the royal wealth and glory, but they don't know that there are great difficulties."

Nan Yan said softly: "The emperor doesn't have to let those people understand."


"Everyone understands, that's mediocre."


"As long as the people around you understand what the emperor is thinking, it's fine."

These words made Zhu Feng's heart warm, turned his head to look at her, and smiled at her.

Nan Yan said again: "As for the reward of Lord Ruan..."

Zhu Feng looked at her, but Nan Yan only smiled, and did not finish saying the words. Just at this moment, the heart in his arms seemed to understand but not understand, holding Zhu Feng's neck, and whispered: "Father , Erchen can wear commoner clothes."


Suddenly hearing her say this, Zhu Feng was a little surprised.

Xinping said: "My brother said that in the future, he will take the lead and change the underwear from silk to cotton, so that you can save money."


"Children can also."

Zhu Feng's heart was warm and funny, he couldn't help twisting her cheek, and then said, "You are really my little padded jacket."


"However, no matter how short it is, there is no shortage. My daughter, it is worthwhile to use the best things in the world. Common clothes or something, let your brother wear them."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "The emperor cannot be partial."

Zhu Feng also smiled.

Then he said: "It is a good thing for King Wei to wear common clothes. You have to let him know that ordinary people live like this, and the superiors need to work harder to make their people live better."

Nanyan Road: "If this is the case, the concubine's request, please halve the cost of the harem silk."


When Zhu Feng heard this, he turned to look at her: "Half?"

Nanyan Road: "Empress Renxiao has always advocated thrift, but the luxury in the palace has been constant. Now that even the king of Wei has taken the lead, the concubine thought, it is better to take this opportunity to pass the order. This is a good thing in the end."


Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng was silent for a while.

Then he turned his head and looked at the large group of concubines following them.

Of course everyone heard the imperial concubine's words, and when she mentioned that she was going to halve the fee in the palace, someone immediately showed an unhappy look, but when the emperor turned his head, everyone smiled again.

Zhu Feng said: "The imperial concubine proposed to halve the use of silk in the harem. What do you think?"

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you, without speaking.

In the hearts of Osaka people, they are naturally unwilling, but they can't understand that this offends the imperial concubine.

But Concubine Shun said with a smile: "Concubine thinks it is feasible."

Concubine Yi also said: "Even Wang Wei and the little princess wear cotton clothes. How can the concubine and other children compare to it."

As he said, he turned his head and looked around: "You said, don't you?"

Everyone can only laugh with him: "Yes."

Zhu Feng nodded and said, "If that's the case, then all right."

Everyone immediately leaned over to him and said, "Concubine waits for the will."

Everyone returned to the Qingyin Pavilion. Although the emperor had just been promoted to the position of Chen Lianxiang when he left, the atmosphere is completely different now. Everyone is downcast because the cost has been halved. Not many people remember She congratulated.

Moreover, after listening to the drama for a while, Princess Xinping began to doze off.

Looking at the nest in his arms, Zhu Feng kept his head down a little bit of heart, like a puppy, couldn't help but laugh.

Nan Yan shook his head and said, "You must be crazy and tired just going out."

Zhu Feng waved his hand to stop the actors on stage, looked at the sky outside, and said, "Well, if it's too late today, please stop today. Everyone will go back to rest and listen to tomorrow. play."

Everyone got up and said: "Yes."

Therefore, Zhu Feng personally picked up Princess Xinping and walked out. The concubine naturally followed him and left the Qingyin Pavilion.

When they both left, the people who stayed in Qingyin Pavilion breathed a sigh of relief.

They also showed an unhappy look.

Cai Ren Xin Mi Mi muttered: "The imperial concubine is really generous. When she speaks, she cuts our expenses by half, as if she doesn't need it herself."

Kang Biyun sneered on the side and said, "The imperial concubine is favored, even if she doesn't need it, the emperor will give her another reward."


"Where is it like us, just waiting for this cost, and now, half of it has been taken away abruptly."

The people beside them also said dissatisfiedly: "Now, it's New Year. It's never been such a poor year."

"Yes, those of us who are concubines are getting worse and worse than ordinary village women."

Everyone was talking babbledly. At this moment, Xin Mimi turned to look at Shen Lianxiang whose face had been gloomy, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Yes, I forgot to congratulate Shen Jie-oh no, yes Quiet wife."

Chen Lianxiang looked up at her.

Although it was just canonized, it was a good thing, but her face was also very ugly.

Xin Mimi smiled and said: "If it is usually canonized, it is really a great thing, but Jingbi, you just canonized, the royal concubine and empress halved the cost of the palace, then your reward is also—"

Chen Lian Xiang's teeth clenched.

But he smiled a little and said calmly: "Here, what is there."


"Poor and poor living, halved, anyway, there is still half."

At this time, Concubine Shun finally said: "Okay, don't talk about it, everyone, the concubine empress is also for the emperor, for the court. Let's go back and rest early."

Although the palace expenses are halved and everyone is not happy, Shun Fei is used to being thrifty and has little effect on her. Although Yi Fei lived a little more luxuriously than others, her mother’s family was big. , Often subsidizing her, it didn't have much effect.

So, the two of them didn't say much, and both left.

Chen Lianxiang also left Qingyin Pavilion.

Although she seemed very calm, as soon as she returned to Yanxi Palace and closed the door, she was so angry that she pulled out the golden hairpin from her head and fell to the ground fiercely.

Fu'er hurriedly stepped forward and picked up the golden hairpin, and said softly: "Jing Ai, don't be angry."


"Isn't it a good thing today? Niang Niang finally got her wish and was promoted. Why is she still angry?"

Chen Lianxiang gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Noble concubine, she is really targeting me!"


"Today's promotion in this palace should have allowed the emperor to stay here, but she, with her daughter, hooked the emperor to her again."


"Furthermore, halve the cost of the palace!"


"As soon as this palace was promoted, she immediately asked to halve the cost. This is not for me!"


"My palace is forbearing in every possible way, just thinking of getting along with her peacefully, but she is getting more and more proud with her nose on her face!"

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