Everyone was stunned.

Especially Kang Biyun, as if suddenly struck by thunder, the whole person froze there.

I saw Xin Ping happily ran in from the outside, and hit Nan Yan's arms directly. Nan Yan stretched out his hand to hug her, and asked suspiciously: "Why did you come back?"

Xin said happily: "Something happened before, the teacher is gone."


"So, my son will leave school early today."

"It turned out to be so."

Although Liu Yueze is teaching her to study, after all, he is still a cabinet clerk. Sometimes the court has unexpected events and will call him away at any time. If the matter is handled quickly, he will return to teach Xinping; The more important ones will let Xinping go back to school.

This is not the first time.

Nan Yan hugged her and said, "Although I'm leaving school, I still have to review what the teacher said later, you know?"

"Got it."

"be good,"

Nan Yan patted her chubby face and said, "By the way, why don't you please come in?"

Xinping obediently stood up from her arms, and saluted concubine Shun Yi and them one by one: "See you all empresses."

Everyone smiled and said, "His Royal Highness is good."

"His Royal Highness is really getting cute."

"I heard that Her Royal Highness followed Master Liu to study, she was very diligent."

Nan Yan smiled and said: "What kind of diligence, it's just to know a few words, it's not a good idea to open your eyes and blind."

They talked and laughed happily, but Kang Biyun at this time was sitting on pins and needles, keeping his head down, for fear that Princess Xinping would see herself and sweat.

Just in time, Xinping walked up to her and blinked when he saw her.


However, before she said anything, Chen Lianxiang smiled and said, "Oh, the sun outside has come out."

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly turned their heads.

Sure enough, the sun was shining outside.

Although it didn't snow these days, it was gloomy every day. It was so easy that the sun was out today. It was a great weather. When everyone saw this, their eyes lit up.

My heart jumped with joy.

Said: "Mother, concubine, children are going out to play!"

Nan Yan sighed: "You still haven't played enough?"

When Princess Xinping heard it, she pouted aggrievedly.

Everyone also persuaded: "Manny, let the princess go out and play for a while."

"It's hard to get the sun."

"Yes, the weather has been gloomy recently, and people are moldy when they stay in the house."

"Why, let's go out together, bask in the sun, and enjoy plum blossoms."

Nan Yan originally saw such good weather and wanted to go for a walk, and everyone said so, he smiled and said, "Well, since everyone is here today, let's go for a walk."

My heart was so happy that I jumped up and hurried out.

Everyone also stood up, and at this moment, Kang Biyun whispered: "Manny, sisters, my concubine is a little unwell today. If I want to go back to rest, I won't go with you."

Nan Yan glanced at her.

Said: "Since Kang Jieyu is unwell, go back and rest. Ruying, take care of your Jieyu."


Ruying helped Kang Biyun to walk at the end of the crowd. Everyone went out of the bedroom gate and followed Princess Xinping's back, talking and laughing to the Imperial Garden, while Kang Biyun went to the other side.

When splitting the way, Shen Lianxiang said with a smile: "It's so careless to see Princess Xinping like this. I don't know what she was tossing about last night, making the concubine and the empress do not sleep well."

Kang Biyun smiled reluctantly: "Yes, yeah."

Chen Lianxiang glanced at her again.

Said: "Sister, go back and rest, look at you like this, desperate, if you are rude in front of the concubine, it will be no good."

"Yes, my sister resigned."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Chen Lianxiang watched her leave from behind. Although the sun was good, a haze flashed in her eyes and turned away.

Just when she turned around and walked with the concubine and the others, Kang Biyun, who had already walked for a while, looked back again, her eyes darkened and she looked at the back of Princess Xinping, who was already far away.

She remained silent and continued to walk forward. When she passed a pavilion, she said: "I am a little tired. Help me to sit down and rest."


Ruying helped her walk over and sit down.

Said softly, "Jie Yu, the sun is actually very good today. Jie Yu should have been outside to bask in the sun. Moreover, the noble concubine and the ladies all go out in the garden. Jie Yu does not go, but she seems uncomfortable."

Kang Biyun glanced at her.

Said: "Yes, it's just that I don't wear too much today, it's a little cold to come out."


"Well, go back and bring me the wind cloak."


Ruying hurriedly turned around and went to Yangxingzhai.


On the other side, Nan Yan, Concubine Shun and Concubine Yi walked to the Royal Garden.

Everyone was naturally by her side, only Xin Ping, who had already gotten into the rockery group, could not even see a shadow.

Nan Yan shook his head and smiled: "This girl is really a wild horse without the rein."


"I shouldn't have brought her out."

Concubine Shun Xinqing smiled and said, "Don't be too strict with Her Royal Highness. The little ones are just playful."

Nan Yandao: "It's not just her who plays hard."

With that said, I looked at the concubines around me. Many of them were young women who had just entered the palace, and they hadn't gotten off their children's temperament, especially the babes. Everyone wanted to go out and play.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "You don't have to stay by the side of the palace. The weather is good today. Let's all go for a stroll. Just be careful not to fall into the lake. Although it has frozen a lot now, it's still cold. , This fall, it will freeze."

Everyone immediately said: "Xie Niangniang."

After speaking, everyone also went around.

Although these concubines also play around, they are still well-behaved. They just look around at the scenery, but Xinping is different from everyone. She specializes in drilling behind the rockery, among the flowers and trees, and in the intestines.

At this time, when she was walking by the lake, she just saw a few sparrows pecking the grass seeds on the ground.

"Wow, bird!"

She was playful and went there, but a raised stone wall just blocked the way.

Xinping immediately climbed up.

The stone wall is not only high, but also hard and cold. After climbing for a while, she felt pain from being rubbed by her red hands. She wanted to climb back, but she had already climbed halfway, half of her body was hanging outside.

"Oh... what to do?"

She was anxious, and immediately wanted to call someone.

But at this moment, a hand stretched out from behind the rockery and grabbed her hand.

Happy in my heart.

But the next moment, this hand suddenly pushed her down!

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