
Nan Yan and Concubine Shun walked into a warm pavilion. They were drinking tea while looking at the scenery outside. Suddenly, she seemed to feel something. She raised her head and looked outside with solemn expression.

Shun Fei said: "Manny, what's the matter?"

Nan Yan looked outside and said hesitantly: "Why does my palace seem to hear something falling into the water?"

"Fell into the water?"

After hearing this, Concubine Shun turned her head and looked at the lake outside.

Li Pan'er and Ruan Mei and their concubines were walking slowly along the lake, and the surface of the lake was also very calm, with large ice floes floating, and nothing fell in.

She said, "No."


Nan Yan looked outside with some doubts, somehow, a feeling of anxiety suddenly surged in his heart.

She murmured: "Is it all right?"


"Then, I might have heard it wrong."

She said, but she still looked outside, and at this moment, a scream sounded from a distance.


This scream disrupted the tranquility of the entire Imperial Garden. Everyone was taken aback. When they hurriedly turned around, Nan Yan couldn't help but stand up.

I heard shouts coming.

"Fell into the water! Someone fell into the water!"

Nan Yan and Xinqing both frowned when they heard it, and hurriedly got up and walked outside. Everyone was in a mess. They rushed back, and everyone asked: "Who? Who fell into the water?"


"Who is calling?"

A mess, but nothing is clear.

Nan Yan followed the place where the sound came from, and everyone around her also gathered back. She glanced subconsciously, and suddenly, there was a thud in her heart.

All the people are back.

However, he did not see Xinping in the crowd.

Where is her?

When a strong sense of ominousness surged up, the scream from a distance was like a sharp knife, and it pierced into her heart.

"It's Princess Xinping!"

When these words sounded, everyone was shocked.

Especially Nan Yan, only feeling the softness of his feet, he staggered two steps and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Concubine Shun by her side helped her.

"Be careful, the concubine!"

Nan Yan's eyes widened, still a little bit overwhelmed, and the voices in front of him had come in a mess, and people kept shouting: "It's a princess!"

"Quickly, get her up!"

"Hurry up and report to the noble concubine!"

She panicked and hurried out, and soon followed the sound to a hidden lake, in front of a huge rockery. Several little eunuchs and little palace ladies were soaked all over, apparently they just jumped into the water. , The cold lake water almost stopped their heartbeat.

When they turned around, when they saw Nan Yan, they hurriedly said: "The noble concubine, the princess is--"

Nan Yan staggered over.

When the crowd dispersed, they saw a small figure lying on the ground.

It's her peace of mind.

His face was pale, his temples diverged, his lips were blackened with cold, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was lying there with no sound.

Nan Yan's breathing was also choked.

how come?

She was okay just now, still jumping around in front of her, and clamoring to play everywhere, but now, how could she—

how come?

She stretched out her hand and wanted to touch it, but as soon as her finger touched her originally soft, but icy face, as if it had been scalded by the fire, she immediately retracted.

"Heart Ping...?"

She finally spoke, and she couldn't hear her own voice, but the people around heard it, but they were so hoarse as to shout from the bottom of her heart.

She stretched out her trembling hand, held the wet, small body, and yelled in a panic: "Xin Ping, don't scare your mother."

"You speak, open your eyes."

"Xinping, Xinping, you will be fine, you open your eyes and talk to your mother."

"Heart Ping..."

She was so flustered that she didn't know what to do, hot tears were like broken beads, big and big ones dripping down, and everyone wanted to say something, and she had already hugged her daughter's body and wept bitterly .

Just then, a hand stretched out and grabbed her arm.

But it is Ruoshui.

She pulled Nan Yan tightly around her daughter's arm, and said, "Niang Niang, don't worry, Niang Niang, let the slaves take a look."

Nan Yan couldn't hear the people around her at all, and only felt that someone was about to **** Xinping from her arms. She immediately waved her hand away in horror and hugged Xinping tightly.

No one can take my daughter away!

Her mind was completely blank.

The only thing I can do is to hug my daughter tightly at this moment.

At this time, Ruoshui had the courage to say, "Manny, you are offended."

After speaking, she pulled Xinping out of her arms, Nan Yan panicked and hurriedly wanted to take her daughter back. Fortunately, at this time, Ran Xiaoyu seemed to have reacted and hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her hand. Don't worry, you let Ruoshui take a look."

"You return your daughter to me!"

Nan Yan became more and more excited, and even started fighting with her.

And when Ran Xiaoyu was blocking her, Ruoshui put Xinping's small body flat on the ground, and directly reached out to buckle out some silt in her mouth, and then put both hands on her chest, pressing down forcefully. .

"What are you doing? Let go of my daughter!"

Nan Yan went crazy, even his eyes were red, and he struggled desperately to grab Xinping back. Ruoshui pressed Xinping's chest while saying, "Sister Xiaoyu, you must stop the lady!"

Ran Xiaoyu grasped Nan Yan hard. On weekdays, she was infinitely powerful. Nan Yan was not her opponent at all, but at this moment, a mother's desperate and frantic struggle made her a little uncontrollable.

She gritted her teeth and firmly grasped Nan Yan's two wrists and clasped them fiercely.

"Manny, she is saving your daughter!"


Nan Yan was stunned by her howling.

Suddenly, the whole person froze there, looking stupidly at Xin Ping. If the water has been pressed for a long time, there is no movement at all, but she still refuses to give up.

Simply holding up Xinping's small body and placing it on her lap, her belly bulged.

Press harder again.

Nan Yan watched from the side, only feeling that the cold sweat all over her body was pouring out like tidal water. Although she hadn't descended into the lake, her whole body was as wet as Xinping.

He opened his eyes wide, watching Ruoshui again and again, pressing Xinping's chest.

Everyone around him also held their breath right now.

Just when Ruoshui's two arms were already numb from exhaustion, and almost unable to support it, suddenly, Xin's black lips trembled and suddenly opened.

A mouthful of sewage came out of her mouth.

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