Ran Xiaoyu raised her head to look at Xiang Nanyan, and said, "If the slave and maid did not guess wrong, it is not an accident that the princess fell into the water."


"Someone pinched her back of the neck and made her drown!"


Nan Yan shuddered when he heard this.

She stalked her throat and said word by word: "What did you say? You said Xinping—"

Ran Xiaoyu's face was also terribly pale under the light.

She said in a deep voice, "This fingerprint should be caused by someone pinching the princess's neck and the princess struggling."


Nan Yan's eyes were red.

And Xue Yunzai on the side took a close look at the bruise on the back of Xin Ping's neck, then raised his head, and gently nodded to Shang Nanyan's red eyes: "Look at this bruise, it looks like this. "


"Or, was she pinched like this before the princess palace fell into the water?"

Nan Yan gritted his teeth and shook his head.

Ran Xiaoyu said: "What kind of identity is the princess, who dares to treat her like this?"


"The emperor and the empress also love her in every possible way, how could they pinch her neck like this?"


Xue Yun nodded himself.

Indeed, Princess Xinping is Jinzhiyuye, who would dare to treat her like this.

Moreover, judging from this bruise, the person who caught her must have worked very hard, and it would not have been left unintentionally. If she left such an injury when she was awake, she would definitely make trouble and would tell others.

And now, even her mother, the imperial concubine, didn't know the injury.

There is only one possibility-

Said: "Then this injury should have been caused when she was drowning. Someone pinched her on the back of the neck, and the princess struggled hard, causing congestion under the skin. However, the princess immediately became unconscious, and the blood flow throughout the body slowed down. The bruises won't show up for a while. After these few days of dormancy, it just came out just now."


At this moment, Nan Yan was speechless.

Her heart was almost torn to pieces.

Her heart was flat, and the daughter she held in her palm was actually treated like this.

There was a person who pinched her back of the neck and pressed her into the icy water of the lake, drowning her!

She gritted her teeth for a while, and two words came out from between her teeth——

"Damn it!"

Ran Xiaoyu said immediately: "Manny, this is someone trying to murder Her Royal Highness!"

Nan Yan took a deep breath.

At this time, she calmed down instead.

Someone wants to seek harm.

Her fall into the water may have been an accident, but after the accident, someone grabbed her by the back of her neck and pushed her into the water, trying to put her to death.

Of course, there is another possibility that even falling into the water is not an accident.

Someone killed her!

Thinking of this, she lowered her head and looked at her daughter's pale face. Only the sides of her cheeks were blushing sickly from the high fever, and her lips were so dry that several blood holes were cracked.

If a person is still awake, he can at least say it when he is uncomfortable.

But now, she was unconscious, and such a high fever only tortured her inside.

I don't know how painful and uncomfortable she is.

I don't know how scared and desperate she was when she was grabbed by the back of her neck and pressed into the cold, suffocating water.

But he failed to protect her!

Nan Yan clenched his fists hard, raised his head and looked at them, especially Xue Yun, and said, "Don't tell other people about this. No matter who it is, you can't tell."

Xue Yun nodded hurriedly.

And subconsciously said: "Then, the emperor--"

Nan Yan glanced at her, Shen Shen said: "My palace will tell him."


"This matter is definitely not allowed to be spread out. If you let other people know, this palace will not be light. Do you understand?"

Xue Yun shuddered suddenly.

She clearly knew that the imperial concubine's methods, and now, it was not a matter of fighting for favor in the harem at all, but that someone wanted to harm her daughter.

Any mother, even a weak mother, will become strong for her daughter.

Not to mention her--

Xue Yun said softly: "Weichen understands."

Nan Yan took a deep breath, walked off the bed, and said to her: "You continue to deal with the princess. She has a high fever now, so quickly let her reduce her fever. My palace does not want her to be hurt by any more pain."

Xue Yun hurriedly said: "Weichen understands."

She asked people to change another basin of cold water and continued to wipe Xinping's forehead, hands and feet to cool her down. At the same time, she prescribed another prescription and immediately handed it to the imperial pharmacy to get the medicine to suffer.

Nan Yan walked slowly to the window.

She opened the window and looked at the dark night outside. The dark black also melted into her eyes.

At this moment, she was exuding a bitter cold.

After Ran Xiaoyu finished busy over there, she walked behind her and whispered: "Manny, what are you thinking?"


"Are you thinking about who actually harmed the princess?"

Nan Yan's brows wrinkled into a lump.

She still did not speak.

Ran Xiaoyu could feel the torment in her heart at the moment, thought for a while, and said softly: "Isn't the empress telling the emperor now?"

Nan Yan took a deep breath and said, "There are some things that I want to figure out first. After I figure it out, I'll talk to him."


"Besides, he has stayed up all night one after another these days, so he can't let him worry about it anymore."

Ran Xiaoyu sighed: "The empress is really caring for the emperor."

Nan Yan didn't speak, but looked back at her daughter who was lying on the bed. Her eyes were bloodthirsty and fierce for the first time, which was shocking.

Even Ran Xiaoyu was taken aback.

In fact, this was also a hurdle that Nan Yan couldn't pass.

Xinping was murdered by her side. If she does not find the murderer, the thorn in her heart will always be stuck!

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Manny, the servant girl just doesn't quite understand, who has the courage to plot against the princess. In this palace, no one knows that the princess is the emperor's most beloved daughter. I am afraid to hurt the princess. There are more than punish the nine races."

Nan Yan said, "You are right."


"Everyone in the palace knows that hurting the princess will undoubtedly die."


"But someone still wants to do this."


"In other words, there may be a reason for the other party to do this."

"The reason why it must be done?"

Ran Xiaoyu frowned: "What's the reason?"


"If it is the former dynasty, there may be a struggle for interests, but in the harem, it is nothing more than a competition between concubines and concubines. However, hurting the princess will not benefit the competition."

Nan Yan's eyes were cold.

Said: "Perhaps, Xinping accidentally discovered some secret, this secret involves the murderer's life. In this case, the other party must put her to death!"

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