Nan Yan's eyes were cold.

Said: "Perhaps, Xinping accidentally discovered some secret, this secret involves the murderer's life. In this case, the other party must put her to death!"

Hearing this, Ran Xiaoyu's heart sank.


She subconsciously said: "It's like, like last time, she accidentally saw Feng's method of burning moxa in the palace."

South flue: "Maybe so."

Ran Xiaoyu wrinkled her brows and said, "But last time, the princess didn't know that the other party was practicing taboos, so she didn't say anything because she saw needles on the night Feng gave birth. She said it accidentally. And this time—"

"This time, she didn't say anything."

Nan Yan said solemnly, "She is still young, and she doesn't know much about many things."


"Perhaps, she saw the other party’s secret, but thought it was just an ordinary matter, so she didn’t take it seriously. But the other party was worried that she accidentally revealed the secret like the last time she did to Feng. It will bring a murderous disaster."


"So, in order to silence the mouth, the other party simply killed it."

Ran Xiaoyu's face was a little ugly.

She thought about it for a long time, gritted her teeth and said: "But, what did the princess see?"


"She hasn't had any strange reactions these days."


"Neither told us anything."

Nan Yan took a deep breath.

In her memories, Xinping did not act strangely, nor said anything strange.

However, the only thing that can be thought of now is this possibility.

She frowned and thought for a while, and then said to Ran Xiaoyu: "You go to the imperial pharmacy to get the medicine, my palace will think about it for a while. Remember, this matter must not be let other people know. Even if—"

Having said this, her eyes flickered slightly.

"Even if it's other people around the house."


Ran Xiaoyu was taken aback.

The meaning of Nan Yan's words is that even Aunt Tongyun, even Nianqiu and Ruoshui, and Tingfu, they all have to conceal?

She hesitated for a moment, but nodded and said: "The servant understands."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Just after she left, Nan Yan was still standing by the window. After a while, there was a sound of footsteps behind her, and it was Xue Yun who walked behind her and whispered: "Niang."

"Doctor Xue."

Nan Yan glanced at her, then looked at Xinping on the bed: "What happened to her?"

"Fever, it's gone temporarily."

"That's good."

"However, the princess is still young. I am afraid that the accumulated cold won't fade away so easily. This burn will probably be repeated. The ministers are here to guard. If the lady needs, please call the ministers at any time."

Nan Yan nodded and said, "Alright, that palace will let people go to the side hall to clean up for you, and you will stay there temporarily."

"Thank you."

After Xue Yun finished speaking, he turned and left.

But she walked to the door, hesitated, then looked back at Nan Yan walking to the bed, her red eyes were full of tears, watching her daughter on the bed, she thought for a while, and walked back.

Softly said: "Niang Niang."


Nan Yan turned her head and saw that she hadn't left yet, but was standing beside her with an expressionless expression. Nan Yan frowned slightly and said, "You have something to tell this palace?"

Xue Yun said hurriedly: "This, it may be that Weichen speaks too much. However, Weichen still wants to talk to the empress."

Nan Yan looked up at her and said calmly: "You have something to say straight."

Xue Yun said, "The wound on the back of the princess's neck can prove that someone wanted to murder the princess. Moreover, it was not only because of making her sick, but also because he wanted to take the princess's life."

Nan Yan nodded: "Yeah."

"So, the other party must have tried their best to push the princess into the water and suffocate her to death."

"Not bad."

"However, the other party tried his best, and the princess's bones were not damaged."


Nan Yan was taken aback and looked at her with wide eyes: "You mean--"

Xue Yun said: "The princess is young, her bones are fragile, and her joints have not been fully grown. If she is a powerful person, or an ordinary adult man, pinching her neck hard will cause her neck bone to break. "


"Even girls like Xiaoyu who have practiced martial arts can reach this level."


"But now, the princess's life is safe."


"Weichen also checked it just now, except for subcutaneous congestion, the princess's neck bone was not damaged."

Nan Yan said: "In other words, it was a woman who hurt her."

Xue Yundao: "Moreover, she is a pampered woman who has not done much hard work."


Nan Yan's eyes flickered.

In this way, all eunuchs were excluded, and even some rude maids could be excluded.

The only thing left in the harem is--


Could it be that, as Ran Xiaoyu guessed, Xinping accidentally discovered the secret of a certain concubine, just like last time, but this time, the other party knew that she had seen it, so she received revenge?

She nodded and said: "My palace knows, go down and rest."

Xue Yun turned around and left.

Although Xinping's fever subsided temporarily, as Xue Yun said, the fever began to recur during the day.

She didn't rest for a while before being called by Nan Yan.

Fortunately this time, it was only a low-grade fever.

Just like last night, I soaked the veil with cold water, applied Xinping on the forehead, wiped his hands and feet, and poured a small bowl of medicine, finally lowering the temperature again.

Nan Yan stayed by the bed.

Xue Yun looked at her with bloodshot eyes, afraid that she didn't sleep all night last night, she whispered: "Mother, you still have to take a break -"

Before he finished speaking, he heard heavy footsteps.

Looking back, Zhu Feng walked in from outside.


Xue Yun was taken aback, and immediately stepped aside, lowered his head: "Weichen pays respects to the emperor."

Zhu Feng only glanced at her without saying a word. He walked directly to the bedside, Nan Yan barely got up to his feet, but because of squatting for too long, his legs became sore and fell back.

Zhu Feng grabbed her.

Then he said, "Xinping has a fever, why don't you tell me?"

Nan Yan said: "The know?"

"If it weren't for me to ask them, I don't know yet."

"The concubine is thinking, Doctor Xue can handle it anyway, and I don't want to disturb the emperor."

Zhu Feng let out a heavy sigh.

He stretched out his hand and touched it. Fortunately, he felt that his daughter's face was not hot anymore. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice, "In the future, you must not hide this from me!"

Nan Yan looked up at him.

Suddenly, a tear came from his eyes.

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng seemed to feel something, and immediately leaned down: "What happened?"

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