Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng seemed to feel something, and immediately leaned down: "What happened?"


Nan Yan gritted his teeth.

This night, she almost never closed her eyes, and stayed by Xinping's side.

Looking at the bruise on the back of her neck, thinking about how uncomfortable she fell into the cold lake water, it is even harder to imagine that she was pinched and pressed into the water, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't make a cry for help How desperate was when

But the mother of myself is not by her side.

Thinking of this, she felt that her heart was broken into powder.

Although Zhu Feng forbids her to mention it again, she really can't wait to let her replace her daughter to endure such pain.

She is so young...

Even if I told myself that I must be calm and not emotional, but when I saw Zhu Feng, the soft gap in her heart seemed to be opened.

Tears rolled down involuntarily.

When she saw her crying, Zhu Feng only felt something pricked in her heart.

Immediately squatted down and held her shoulders: "What's the matter? If you have anything, tell me!"

Xue Yun, who was standing by, saw this scene, his pale face was a little lost.

She lowered her head and walked out silently.

Nan Yan gritted his teeth and struggled for a long time before finally swallowing back the tears that were about to come out of his eyes.

She said: "The emperor, the concubine is guilty."


"Concubine, I failed to protect Kindness, I didn't protect our daughter."


"I am not a good mother..."

She said this, although she stubbornly refused to cry, her whole body was already shaking as if she was about to break apart in the next moment.

Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled.

Nan Yan's appearance was definitely not because Xinping had a fever.

He grabbed her hard, let her sit back on the bed, then looked her eyes directly, and said in a deep voice: "What happened, you tell me clearly."


"No matter what, I'm still here!"

Nan Yan gritted his teeth and turned his head to take another look. When Xue Yun exited, he had already closed the door.

She then gently stretched out her hand, pulled Xinping's face to one side, and opened her hair.

When Zhu Feng looked at it, his face suddenly sank.

He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he has been rolling on the battlefield all year round. He is more familiar with such bruises than Ran Xiaoyu, and he can tell at a glance that this is a trace of a human finger.

He fixedly looked at the wound on his daughter's neck.

After a long while, Shen Shen said, "Someone... pinched Xinping's neck and drowned her?"

Nan Yan nodded.

She went on to say: "Just now, Xue Yun told the concubine that this murderer must take his life for the sake of peace. Therefore, the other party will use all his strength. If it is an adult man, he will pinch a child's neck with all his strength. , The neck bone will definitely break, even if it is-a strong adult woman does this, the neck bone will definitely be damaged."


"But she just checked, and Xinping's neck bone is not damaged."


"and so--"

Zhu Feng took a deep breath.

Although he took a breath, his face seemed to be suffocated, his face was blue, and his eyes were instantly red.

He immediately stood up, turned and walked out.


Nan Yan was taken aback, and hurried forward, grabbing his sleeves: "Don't be the emperor!"

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