The snow has been swept away on the long trail.

Two figures came hurriedly.

The one who walked in front was Ting Fu, with a whisk in his hand, leading the people behind him to the palace.

And behind him, with his head down all the way, it was not someone else who looked solemnly, but it was Liu Yueze, a cabinet secretary.

In the past, after the cabinet’s proceedings were over, he would go to the rows of rooms behind the cabinet and wait for the princess to come and teach her lessons; but since the princess drowned, he could only stand outside the palace gate these days. Inquiring about the princess' situation from a distance, and learning that she was still unconscious, was disappointed.

But today, after the next dynasty, the emperor sent a message to him, asking him to go into the palace to see the imperial concubine, saying that there was something to ask him.

Liu Yueze didn't know what was going on, and remembering Princess Xinping, he hurried to the bedroom with Father Tingfu who came to pick him up.

In a short while, he arrived at the bedroom.

This was Liu Yueze's first visit to the harem. For foreign ministers, it was very rare and very dangerous.

He lowered his head, carefully stepped over the threshold, listening to Father Fu leading him to the center of the hall.

Seeing the figure in front of me in a daze, it was the imperial concubine empress sitting in front of him, and he hurriedly bowed down: "Weichen pays respect to the imperial concubine empress, the empress is a thousand years old.

Nan Yan sat in the chair and raised his hand slightly.

"Master Liu don't need to be polite, please do."

"Xie Niangniang."

"Come on, give a seat."

Someone immediately moved up a chair, and after Liu Yueze's conviction, he sat down cautiously.

After sitting down, he was a little awkward, but still tentatively said: "Manny, I don't know the princess, she--"

Nan Yan let out a heavy sigh and said, "Still unconscious."

Liu Yueze's expression was even more sad.

Although this little father has a strange spirit, he often messes around with him in class, and once framed him for beating, but he still likes this little girl very much.

A lovely little princess who is so lively and unconscious because of drowning, everyone will feel distressed.

Seeing him like this, Nan Yan said, "Master Liu is also very concerned about Xinping."

Liu Yueze said: "His Royal Highness is a golden twig and a jade leaf. She is so lively and lovely. It is natural that the Weichen is heartbroken by this misfortune."

After speaking, he looked up at Nan Yan again.

Carefully asked: "I don't know if the empress summons the minister to come, what is your order?"

Nanyan Road: "There is something in this palace, I want to ask Master Liu."

"Oh, what do you want to ask?"

Nan Yan looked at him, her eyes flickered, and she said solemnly: "Xin Ping went to the cabinet every day for a while, and had the most contact with Master Liu. Master Liu can still remember if she ever said anything strange or anything. Strange behavior."


Liu Yueze was taken aback when he heard the words, but immediately, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

As if thinking of something.

Nan Yan hurriedly said, "Did Master Liu think of something?"


Liu Yueze hesitated. Although he guessed at least that the imperial concubine summoned him to ask about Princess Xinping, he did not expect to ask this.

However, at that moment, what he thought of made him a little bit unable to speak.

He hesitated and said: "There is nothing..."

Nan Yan frowned.

She said in a deep voice, "Master Liu, no matter if you have any clues, please tell this palace. This matter is very important to this palace and the princess!"

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