Nan Yan frowned.

She said in a deep voice, "Master Liu, no matter if you have any clues, please tell this palace. This matter is very important to this palace and the princess!"

Although she is not stern, but only listening to her tone and feeling the atmosphere at the moment, you can know how much she attaches to this matter.

Liu Yueze even felt a little, the same breath as the emperor.

Invisible, but overwhelming.

The noble concubine is indeed a noble concubine.

He hesitated for a while, then thought about it, but did not speak immediately, but turned to look around.

Nan Yan knew immediately.

They said to Ran Xiaoyu who was standing behind and by the side serving them: "You guys, get out first."

When everyone heard this, they all withdrew from the hall.

When the gate closed, only the two of them were left in the whole hall, and the copper furnace placed on the side table, a wisp of light smoke rose slowly, as if it were the only movement in this hall.

Nan Yan said: "They are all gone, Master Liu has something to say, but it doesn't matter."

Liu Yueze was silent for a while before gritting his teeth and said: "This incident was originally the fault of the Weichen. After saying it, Weichen will never complain about how the empress will deal with it."


Nan Yan frowned when he heard this.

When he talked about it, it seemed that there was still something that could not be shown.

Nan Yan said solemnly: "You speak first."

Liu Yueze then recalled that day when Princess Xinping was drowning. Originally early in the morning, after the cabinet meeting, he went to the back row room as usual, but he did not expect that Princess Xinping came earlier than usual.

Sitting on the table, the two calves dangling constantly.

When she saw her doing this, Liu Yueze frowned and said, "Your Royal Highness, this is not proper."

Xinping was very happy when he saw him, and immediately turned off the table. She was so strong that she could not see that she was so fleshy, she looked like an agile panda.

Shoutingly shouted: "Master!"

Although Liu Yueze's face was serious, he couldn't help but a smile appeared in his eyes when he heard her calling.

No matter how mischievous this little magic star usually makes people headache, but when she gets up, it's really sweet to the heart.

It makes people irritated, but also reluctant to attack her.

So he shook his head, smiled and walked forward.

Asked: "His Royal Highness, the text that the Weichen told you to recite yesterday, can you recite it?"

Upon hearing this, Xin Ping pouted.

Acting like a baby: "It's too difficult to recite, I can't recite it."

"Princess, don't be lazy."


"Even if you can't memorize the whole story, you should at least work hard to recite what you can remember."


"Didn't the emperor also confessed that if you finish memorizing the Four Books and Five Classics, the lips of the orangutan will be sent to you."

Xinping said with a pouting mouth: "But there are too many, I can't finish memorizing it."

She lied about it.

Liu Yueze smiled bitterly when she saw her like this. It was a child, and she couldn't see the immediate benefits, and it was difficult for her to work hard.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Then, your Royal Highness, take a look, what did the Weichen bring?"

With that, he took out a paper bag from behind.

Xinping opened his eyes wide and looked at the paper bag: "What is this?"

Liu Yueze smiled and said: "This is the most famous dim sum shop in Beijing. This is usually bought in a line. Weichen passed by his door early this morning and just met him to open the door, so he bought this dim sum. One pack."


"There are walnut cakes, mung bean cakes, apricot cakes, hibiscus glutinous rice cakes, and..."

When he read his line, Xinping's saliva would flow out.

Both eyes seemed to be led, staring straight at the paper bag in his hand.

Seeing "Yu'er" getting the bait, Liu Yueze smiled secretly, and then said: "These good things are naturally to be given to Her Royal Highness. However, nothing merits him. If Her Royal Highness can't even recite an article, then ——"

For a moment of peace of mind, he immediately straightened his hands: "My back, my back!"

The look of scrambling, as if afraid that someone would **** her.

Liu Yueze laughed.

He took out a small shortbread from the paper bag and said, "So, shall we begin?"

Xin Ping immediately became excited, and stood in front of him, with both hands behind him, and in a proper manner, he recited the text taught yesterday verbatim.

Sure enough, he was a smart boy.

However, it takes a little temptation to lure her diligence.

When she finished reciting, Liu Yueze smiled and delivered the shortbread to her, and ate it with joy.

Mouthful of scum.

Sitting aside, Liu Yueze felt funny seeing her like this. He made a cup of tea and handed it to her. He took out his handkerchief from his sleeve and carefully wiped the scum on her mouth.

Said softly: "Eat slowly, don't choke."


"In the future, if you work hard, the teacher will find a way to bring you some delicious food from outside the palace. However, you have to work hard. You can't be lazy, you know?"

Listening to his teachings, I felt the gentle force in his hands.

Xinping looked at Liu Yueze with wide eyes, swallowed a bite, and said, "Master..."

Liu Yueze smiled and looked at her: "What's the matter?"

"Master, you are so kind to Xinping."

As she said, she reached out and hugged Liu Yueze.

Although her small hands were very short, there was no way to hug each other like an adult, but this sudden movement shocked Liu Yueze's whole body.

Before he could react, Xinping raised his head, chirped, and kissed him on the cheek.

"You are like that person."


"Xinping likes you so much!"

This sentence was more like a thunder, and instantly cut Liu Yueze's whole person in half.

He looked at Xin Ping stiffly, who didn't seem to know what he had said, and just looked at him with a smile.

In the next moment, Liu Yueze withdrew several steps in succession as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

"Master? Master, what's wrong with you?"

Xinping didn't know why, so he looked terrified, as if seeing a monster.

At exactly this time, Xiao Shunzi walked to the door of the row house and said to the inside: "Master Liu, there is a message from the cabinet. There is one more thing I want to ask Master Liu to discuss. The emperor said that, that's it for today."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yueze turned and ran without looking back.

It's like running away.

Xinping pouted, stood there, and said for a while, "What? I'm not a monster."

However, she was still young after all, and because she could dismiss get out of class early, she immediately forgot what had happened and ran to the harem happily.

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