After listening to what Liu Yueze had said, Nan Yan's face sank.

When Liu Yueze finished speaking, he buried his head.

For a while, there was no sound in the entire hall, and the two of them were still motionless. Only the blue smoke on the incense burner slowly rose and then drifted away.

On the contrary, it feels more suffocating.

I do not know how long it has been.

In the quiet space, Nan Yan's chuckle sounded, Liu Yueze's heart trembled, and subconsciously raised her head, she saw the imperial concubine empress calmly saying, "It really is a child, nonsense, Liu It's no wonder your lord."

Liu Yueze immediately lowered his head.

He whispered: "How dare we ministers."

Nan Yandao: "This daughter of this palace is the only princess under the emperor's knees. It is inevitable that she will be a little arrogant. She is also negligent in discipline. Therefore, Master Liu does not have to worry about what she says and do."

Liu Yueze said: "Yes."

"Since you don't have to worry about it, then naturally, don't mention it to others."


On Liu Yueze's forehead, a drop of cold sweat slipped down.

Lowered his head and said: "Weichen understands."

Nan Yan nodded.

She said again: "Anything else besides this?"

Liu Yueze thought for a while, and then said: "That's the last time the Weichen and His Royal Highness met before the princess drowned. At other times, the Princess was nothing unusual."

Nan Yan nodded: "Okay, then I will work hard for Master Liu today."


"You can go down."

"Weichen retired."

Liu Yueze got up and bowed to her again. Only then did he carefully exit the hall. When he walked out of the gate, the cold wind blew outside, blowing his cold sweat to the bones, making his whole body shiver.

This matter is said, but I don't know how it will affect him in the future.

But now, the princess matters.

He sighed long and then left.

As soon as he left, Ran Xiaoyu immediately entered the hall and saw Nan Yan sitting in the chair with his brows furrowed, his hands firmly grasping the armrest of the chair.

A look lost in thought.

She walked forward cautiously: "Manny, did Master Liu just say something?"

Nan Yan looked up at her.

She let out a deep breath and told Ran Xiaoyu what Liu Yueze had just told her.

Ran Xiaoyu couldn't help but widen his eyes after listening.


Nan Yan said solemnly: "This girl is too shameless!"

Now, Xinping is also drowning in a coma, she can't do anything with her, but if she waits until she wakes up, she must be taught her well.

Although she is still young, her children are making trouble in everything she says, but after all, as a princess, her words and deeds also represent the majesty of the royal family. You can't even say such things casually, let alone. this way!

Seeing Nan Yan looking a little angry, Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly offered a cup of tea to her.

He whispered: "But Niang, the slave and maidservant feel a little strange."


"His Royal Highness is a child and likes to fool around, but she won't be so easy to get close to someone."


"On weekdays, only the emperor and the empress, as well as the servant, Aunt Tongyun, can bring her closer."

Nan Yan also frowned.

"This is what I feel strange."


"Furthermore, she said-Master Liu is like ‘that person’. Who is ‘that person’?"

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