Ran Xiaoyu thought for a while, a little light flashed in his eyes, and said softly: "Niangniang means--"

"Draw the snake out of the hole,"

Nan Yan said word by word: "By the way, clean it up."

"Clean up?"

These two words made Ran Xiaoyu a bit confused by the second monk.

Nan Yan said calmly: "Since the death of Empress Renxiao, this palace has held the seal of the phoenix, but in this harem, nothing has been done to establish the prestige of this palace."


"It's better to take this opportunity and clean it up again."


"By the way, sweep out everything that shouldn't be left."

Ran Xiaoyu immediately understood, and said softly, "This is a good idea."

When Empress Renxiao was alive, because of her soft-heartedness and the overall consideration of the overall situation, she was also gentle when she chose to adopt girls into the palace. Although this demonstrated her benevolence, it also gave way to a certain extent, making the situation in the harem always uneasy.

Although, everyone knows that the harem is impossible to "safe".

However, as the saying goes, once the emperor and the courtier, after the imperial concubine takes the seal of the phoenix on his behalf, he should also eliminate some people who were useless to the previous dynasty, including himself.

Nan Yan clasped her hands and gently twisted the ring on her finger.

In the eyes, cold light flickered.

the next day.

Early in the morning, Chen Lianxiang sat by the window, watching the gloomy weather outside.

Although the weather was gloomy, it was reflected in her eyes, but it didn't mean gloomy, on the contrary, it meant a little bit of watching the show.

Fu'er brought a cup of hot tea to her and whispered: "What is the empress looking at?"

Chen Lianxiang murmured: "You said, there is no movement on the concubine's side."


"My palace thought, how powerful she is, and that her daughter suffered such a big loss, she would have to make the harem upside down. As a result—"

Having said that, she sneered.

"Not even a fart."


"It turns out that the usual flaunts and prestige are all made to look at. At this time, there is only crying."

Fu'er also laughed in a low voice: "Yes, the slave and maid had inquired about it in the past two days. Apart from calling Doctor Xue over, she guarded the princess every day and did nothing."

"Doctor Xue?"

When Chen Lianxiang heard these three words, Liu raised her eyebrows slightly.

The sneer at the corner of his mouth also deepened.

"It's really a good show."


"However, she is too useless. It's so simple, why haven't I figured it out after so long."

Fu'er also agreed: "Yes, we all see clearly, who is the'murderer', isn't that obvious? Only she is the only one who stupidly thought that her daughter fell into the water by herself. What a pig head ."

"The emperor is embarrassed by such a pig head noble concubine every day. Hahahaha..."

The more she talked, the happier she smiled.

After laughing, Fu'er said softly again: "By the way, Niang Niang, there is one more thing, I'm afraid I need to pay attention."


"Yes, that box of incense."


Mentioning this, Chen Lianxiang's smile suddenly condensed and turned to look at her.

Fu'er leaned into her ear and said softly: "We have been keeping it since we changed back from there. But the servant maid thought, it would be a disaster to keep this thing after all, so it's better to deal with it earlier."

Chen Lianxiang heard the words and nodded gently.

"you are right."


"In this case, this palace completely picked itself clean. The only possible problem is the incense."

Fu'er said: "Or, the slave and maidservant hurried to burn it all."

Chen Lianxiang said: "No. After all, it is incense, so many burned together, are you afraid that people around you won't be able to smell it?"


"Besides, what's inside—"

When talking about this, Fuer also nodded: "Yes, don't let people notice."

Chen Lianxiang said, "In this way, starting from today, burn one slice every day and take it to the back of the yard to burn. You don't have to guard it, but remember, count the time and dispose of the ashes after burning. You must not let others know. ."

Fu'er nodded and said, "Don't worry, Empress."

"Then you go now."


Fu'er immediately rummaged through the box, took out a wooden box, and took a piece of incense. As soon as she walked to the door, she ran into Tingfu coming over.

She was so frightened that she hurriedly hid her hands behind her back.

Fortunately, listening to Fu didn't seem to pay attention to what she was holding in her hand, only smiled and said, "Miss Fu'er, is the Jingbi Empress here?"

"Uh, yes, inside."

At this time, Chen Lianxiang's voice came from inside: "Who?"

Listening to Fu walked in, bowed to her, and said, "Jing Niang, the imperial concubine, let the servants come over and spread the message. Today, all the ladies in the harem are invited to go to the bedroom. The imperial concubine has important matters to discuss. "


Chen Lianxiang raised her eyebrows slightly.

I couldn't help but secretly said: Did she really find out something?

But his face remained calm, and he said calmly: "If this is the case, please let the father-in-law lead the way."

Listening to Fu accompanied a smile and made a gesture: "Please, please."

Chen Lianxiang got up, tidyed up his clothes, and let Rong'er accompany him. Before leaving the house, she winked at Fu'er. Fu'er nodded, carrying the piece of incense and walked back to the house.

Fuer stayed in the Xianfu Palace, lit the incense, and placed it in a rock cave behind the house. Counting the time was almost up, she walked over and saw that there was only a pinch of ashes left.

Around, there was still a faint sweet fragrance.

Only a little smell made her feel uneasy.

She couldn't help but patted her face, and said to herself: "Be more sober, but don't make mistakes."

After speaking, he swept up the pinch of ashes and threw it into the water.

That's it.

On the other side, a group of concubines stayed in the imperial concubine's palace for half a day, and finally left.

Everyone came out in twos and threes, all whispering the words that the imperial concubine had just said to them, Xin Mimi naturally went to Kang Biyun's side as usual.

"You said, what does the imperial concubine's order this time mean?"


Kang Biyun looked back at her as if awakened suddenly.

Xin Mimi looked at her strangely and said, "What's wrong with you? I have been listless today. When the imperial concubine was talking, you were also distracted."


"What's wrong?"

"No, no."

Kang Biyun shook his head in a panic, turning his head to leave, but he saw Xue Yun coming from outside. He was coming to check the pulse of the princess as usual.

When she saw her, Kang Biyun's face suddenly paled.

And Xue Yun's face also froze.

She lowered her head, didn't even say hello, and hurriedly walked over from the side, and when she saw him like this, Kang Biyun's face became even more ugly.

Xin Mimi watched from the side and frowned.

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