Xin Mimi watched from the side and frowned.

But this time, she didn't say anything.

Kang Biyun didn't even have the strength and thought to even turn around to talk to her. After seeing Xue Yun, it seemed to her that the blood all over her body suddenly condensed into ice, and it all turned into water, making her froze for a while. Another time of futility.

He could only walk back step by step with two legs like stepping on cotton, sweating.

Xin Mimi looked at her back, her eyes deepening.

At this moment, a chuckle came from behind.

She looked back, but Shen Lianxiang came over, and Xin Mi Mi vigilantly bowed to her: "Jingbi Empress."

Shen Lianxiang smiled and said, "I don't know what happened to Kang Jieyu, so desperate."


"Did the words just now make her scared like that?"

Xin Mimi squinted her eyes slightly: "Jingyi, my concubine is puzzled."

Shen Lianxiang smiled and said: "The imperial concubine gave an order to strictly inspect the harem to prevent any irregularities, and let us supervise each other. If there is protection, it is regarded as a crime. Don't you understand the meaning of this?"


"If you really don't understand, then just—"

As she said, she looked up and down at Xin Mi Mi, made an expression of regret, shook her head and said, "It's a pity."

Xin Mimi's brow furrowed even tighter.

Said: "Jing Concubine, the concubine is even more puzzled."

Shen Lianxiang chuckled softly: "This palace's words are all here. If Xincai wants to figure it out, come to this palace again."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Xin Mimi didn't care about her at first, even if she had been promoted to a quiet concubine, she was reluctant to take care of her, but now, hearing her words, her heart couldn't help but feel heavy.

You know, the words of the imperial concubine just now, the speaker is mindful, the listener is more mindful.

The imperial concubine’s move was obviously to clean up the entire harem through the princess’s work this time, and she and Kang Biyun--

Their relationship with Wu Wan was on the face of the eye. When the imperial concubine was giving birth, she was almost killed by the Wu clan. I'm afraid she will always hold her grudge.

This time, I am afraid that I will retaliate against them.

If this is the case, what should I do?

What should Kang Biyun do?

After she went back, she tossed and turned, did not sleep well all night, even if she closed her eyes, she would still see the gloomy eyes of the concubine, thinking of her ruthless methods.

The next day, Xin Mimi's eyes were almost all red, and he simply walked to Chen Lianxiang's Xianfu Palace.

As soon as I entered the palace gate, I smelled a faint, barely smellable fragrance in the air.

When Chen Lianxiang saw her, she smiled and said, "You are here."

Xin Mimi hesitated, stepped forward and bowed to her: "My concubine pays homage to my wife Jingli."

Chen Lianxiang stood up from the couch affectionately, stretched out her hand directly, and said softly, "There is no one else here, so why are you so polite to this palace?"


"We are all people along the way."


Hearing this, Xin Mimi glanced at her again, feeling a little relieved.

At the beginning, the three of them were actually Wu Wan's subordinates, but, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Chen Lianxiang and Wu Wan had a secret relationship, but she and Kang Biyun were exposed.

They also suffered this loss.

After Wu's downfall, they almost didn't even see the emperor. On the contrary, Chen Lianxiang was promoted directly.

But now, it is too late to regret.

Especially, Chen Lianxiang's status surpassed them, and they didn't dare to betray her easily. After all, betraying her may not be good for them, but it is easy for Chen Lianxiang to retaliate against them.

Therefore, even if they meet, they will not mention the past events, just as if there is no such thing.

Unexpectedly, this time, Chen Lianxiang mentioned it herself.

It seemed that they were deliberately pulling their relationship closer.

Xin Mimi was still a little anxiously pulled by her and sat on the couch together. The two were so close together, like a pair of affectionate sisters.

Xin Mimi asked in a deep voice: "Jingyi Empress, you said yesterday that the imperial concubine ordered a strict inspection of the harem not to have any profound meaning, in the end-what does she mean?"

Shen Lianxiang smiled and said, "Actually, the imperial concubine has only one purpose for doing this."

"What purpose?"

"Exclude dissidents."

"Exclude dissidents?!"

Upon hearing these four words, Xin Mimi's heart sank.

Now this harem is almost the world of imperial concubines. If you want to talk about aliens, isn't it—they? !

Xin Mimi's cold sweat broke out, and she whispered: "Jing, are you true?"


"Is she really going to eliminate the dissident?"

"Or, do you want my palace to speak more clearly?"

Chen Lianxiang smiled and looked at her: "She wants to eliminate Wu's remaining power in this harem."


"I didn't do it before, because the previous dynasty wanted to eradicate Chengguo's men and horses. She didn't want the emperor's backyard to catch fire; besides, she had just given birth and was weak and could not care about us.


"But now, it's different."


"She holds the seal on her behalf, and her identity is no different from that of her successors. She doesn't rule out dissidents at this time. When will dissidents be ruled out?"


"You and Kang Jieyu..."

Speaking of this, Chen Lianxiang stopped deliberately, watching the cold sweat on Xin Mimi's forehead fall one by one like broken beads, and chuckled again: "That's her goal. "

Xin Mimi's heartbeat will stop.

She gritted her teeth and said, "But now she has taken Feng Yin on behalf of her. If she really wants to deal with us, she can do it directly. Why did she come up with another name for cleaning the harem?"

Chen Lianxiang smiled and said, "Well, don't you understand?"


"She did this for two purposes."

"Which two purposes?"

"The first one is that although she has the same name as her successor, she is still not a successor. Even if she wants to deal with you, she also needs to be famous. Even the emperor will not agree to deal with the concubine for no reason."

"It makes sense."

Xin Mimi nodded and asked, "Then, what's the second purpose?"

Seeing her eagerly questioning herself, Chen Lianxiang knew that she was already panicked, as her eyes filled with bloodshot eyes were already full of eagerness.

When a person is flustered, it is easy to fall into the trap of others.

She smiled calmly, and slowly said, "This second purpose—"

Xin Mimi asked eagerly: "What the **** is it?"

Chen Lianxiang took a cup of tea from the side, gently placed it in front of her, and said slowly: "That is, she also wants to see if she will be smarter, and go to her instead."


Upon hearing this, Xin Mimi's eyes lit up.

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