
Upon hearing this, Xin Mimi's eyes lit up.

Chen Lianxiang said slowly: "My palace just said that she wants to exclude dissidents, but she has to be famous as a teacher. Even if she knows that you are from the Wu family, you have nothing wrong now. If she fabricates any evidence out of thin air, Disposing of you will inevitably be unacceptable."


"So—do you remember what she said today?"

Xin Mimi thought for a while, and immediately said: "She said, let the concubines in the harem supervise each other, if there is shelter, it is regarded as a crime."

"Not bad!"

Shen Lianxiang said: "Think about it, if Kang Jieyu caught your fault and reported the concubine at this time, what would happen to her?"


Upon hearing this, Xin Mi Mi's breathing was choked.

Stuttered: "She, she—"

Chen Lianxiang immediately smiled and said, "Of course, this is just my palace's guess-oh no, just talk nonsense."


"Sister, if you do it right, there will be no mistakes."


"Just in case,"

She emphasized the last two words, looked at Xin Mi's absent-minded eyes, and said: "Kang Jieyu has been very close to you. If you know any secrets about you, then you can take it to the concubine and empress to talk about it, then you think, What would the noble concubine think."

Xin Mimi's brows tightened.

Chen Lianxiang whispered: "The imperial concubine naturally understands that those who come to inform can be used for their own use, and those who are silent are the ones who resist."


"At that time, it was your sister who dealt with it."


"In fact, at this time, it depends on whose hands are at fault, and whoever goes one step earlier to show loyalty to the concubine."

When the word "wrong place" was mentioned, Xin Mi Mi was caught from the corner of Chen Lianxiang's eyes, and a light flashed in her eyes.

Chen Lianxiang remained calm.

Still earnestly said: "The imperial concubine and the Wu family, that is a deep hatred, think about it, when the imperial concubine gave birth to this child, he was almost burned to death by the Wu family. Can she keep the people left by the Wu family? ?"

Having said that, she smiled again, and said: "Thanks to the things that happened before in this palace, you have never said it to the outside world. Now that this palace is promoted, it is also your credit. Therefore, this time, this palace will talk to you. ."


"Sister Xin, you have to take care of yourself."


"These days, this palace also understands that in this harem, everything is fake, only oneself is real."

As she said, she took Xin Mi Mi's hand and patted the back of her hand gently.

She shot very lightly, but every shot seemed to be on Xin Mimi's heart.

Xin Mimi's heartbeat stagnated for a while, and then intensified, and even his breathing became cramped.

I don't know how long, she let out a deep breath, then slowly got up, and said to Chen Lianxiang: "Jing Concubine, if you have something to do with your concubine, let's leave first."

Chen Lianxiang smiled and said, "Don't you stay for a while?"

Xin Mimi said, "I won't bother my mother to rest."

Seeing her dignified face and firm eyes, as if she had made some determination, Chen Lianxiang stopped staying any more, just smiled and said, "Okay, go back and think about it."

Xin Mimi bowed and walked out of Xianfu Palace.

Seeing her back away, Shen Lianxiang gave a chuckle, and slowly sat back on the couch, Fuer immediately stepped forward, offered a cup of tea, and whispered: "Manny, do you think she will go? "

Shen Lianxiang sneered.

Slowly said: "It depends on whether she is a smart person."


"In this harem, it's stupid to say anything about sisters' affection. If the concubine is still concerned about'sister affection', then it is her sister who is favored now, that is called Xia Yunting, not she was."

Although she entered the palace only a few years ago, because of her secret collusion with the Wu family, she had already discovered many secrets about the harem.

Also includes Xia Yunting of that year.

She said coldly: "If Xin Mimi is concerned about sisterhood, then she will wait to die!"

Fu'er said cautiously: "She won't take this to tell Kang Jieyu, if Kang Jieyu knows, the two sides will be compared with each other, I am afraid that she will be suspicious.

"do not worry,"

Shen Lianxiang smiled calmly: "People are selfish. Xin Mimi will come to this palace, it proves that she is already planning for herself."


"Even if this thing fails, she will not tell Kang Biyun."


"After all, Kang Biyun is just a precarious Jieyu, and this palace is a 嫔."


"Who should I get close to? Xin Mimi doesn't have this point."

Fuer smiled and said, "It makes sense."

Chen Lianxiang picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said slowly: "Now, I'm waiting for a good show to come on stage."


After the cabinet meeting, Zhu Feng returned to the Imperial Study Room.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw Ye Xu standing there waiting for him. Seeing him come back, Ye Xu respectfully bowed to him: "The emperor."

"Why are you here?"

"Weichen wants to say something to the emperor and has been waiting for the emperor."

"Why don't you go in and wait? It's still blowing outside."


Zhu Feng gave him the right to freely enter and exit the harem, but after all, this is the imperial study room, which stores the memorials reviewed by the emperor and some important documents. Although he is the emperor’s confidant, many things are not hidden from him, but he himself still Very well-behaved.

Just smiled and said: "Weichen wait, it's okay."

But while he was talking, he opened the door, and the earth dragon was burning in the imperial study room. As soon as the heat was over, he immediately couldn't help but sneezed several times.

Zhu Feng frowned.

"look at you!"

Since the injury in Shazhouwei, Ye Xian's body has left some scum, which is not as good as before. He still stands on the air vent like this and blows it, and it is inevitable to catch a cold.

Zhu Feng glared at him: "You can't take care of yourself like this?"

Ye Yi rubbed his nose and smiled happily.

Zhu Feng said with a faint smile, "It seems that I have to marry you a wife."

Ye Wei was taken aback.

He also smiled and said: "The emperor will not make a joke of the ministers. The ancients said that the Xiongnu is not extinct, and there is no way to make a family. If the emperor has not finished what he has to do, the ministers dare not get married."

Zhu Feng glanced at him, sighed, and said nothing. I just walked over, poured a cup of hot tea with my own hand, stuffed it into his hand, and then sat behind the imperial case and said, "What do you want to tell me, let's talk."

Ye Xu said: "Weichen made a mistake yesterday. Sangnong in several places near Jinling is still making trouble. Weichen wants to ask for an order and go south to deal with this matter."


Zhu Feng hesitated for a while, frowned slightly and said, "You want to go too?"

"and also?"

Ye Xun was taken aback, and said, "Who wants to go?"

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