Kang Biyun hurriedly turned her head and saw a familiar figure walking in from the door, her eyes widened in astonishment.


It was not someone else who walked in, but her good sister Xin Lian.

Although these days, she knows that because the imperial concubine ordered a thorough investigation in the harem, many people reported each other and killed each other, causing panic; she also knew that Xin Mimi had observed her special affection for Doctor Xue, and even once Advised her not to sink into the mud.

But she couldn't think that Xin Mimi would go to the concubine to report her.

The two of them entered the palace together.

After Wu's downfall, only the two of them depended on each other to survive, and Xin Mimi would actually denounce her!

"you you--"

Kang Biyun was so stunned that he couldn't even say a word.

Even when she pointed her finger at Xin Mili, even that finger was trembling.

Xin Mimi only glanced at her, and when she met her red eyes, she also trembled a little, but now, she has no way of looking back.

Just walked straight to Nan Yan's side and bowed to her.

"The imperial concubine."

Nan Yan said faintly: "Xin Cairen, you have seen your good sister, she is asking for evidence from my palace. My palace can't produce evidence, so I can only show your personal testimony."


"Well, you confront her to see who is lying to this palace."


Xin Mimi took the order, then turned around, looked condescendingly at Kang Biyun who was kneeling on the ground, took a deep breath, and then calmly said: "Kang Biyun, let me ask you, after entering the palace, you have not been summoned. Have you ever complained about sleeping for the emperor?"

Seeing that she really started to confront her, Kang Biyun suddenly panicked.

Her eyes flickered, her voice involuntarily lower than before.

"Yes, so what?"


"We came into the palace to serve the emperor, but after so long, even the emperor can't even see the emperor, and it is inevitable...sad in my heart."

"Is it just sad?"

Xin Mimi stared at her and said, "If it's just sad, I won't tell the concubine empress."


"Have you ever said that compared with the emperor's mighty power, Doctor Xue is gentle and amiable, and he is also a good man."


"Moreover, when you say these things, you look for opportunities almost every day to summon Dr. Xue to treat you."


"You are only infected with a small wind chill. The other dolls in the palace feel the wind chill, and they can recover in only ten and a half months. But you alone are not good after procrastinating for several months. Sometimes, Obviously you have improved, but you deliberately put on thin clothes and blow the air outside, causing your illness to worsen the next day."


"In this way, you can find an opportunity to get closer to Doctor Xue, right!?"

"You nonsense!"

Kang Biyun was anxious and said with red eyes loudly: "All of this is your empty mouth and **** mouth! You deliberately made up and slandered me in order to fight for meritorious concubine and empress!"

Xin Mimi sneered and said, "I didn't frame you."

After speaking, she turned around and said to Nan Yan: "The concubine, the concubine did not know anyone before, and she had a close relationship with this Kang Jieyu. She knew that she had been suffering from the wind and cold, and she often came to Yang Xing Zhai to visit her. , Why does she have a small wind chill that does not heal for several months."

Nan Yan moved her eyelids and glanced at her.

Faintly said: "Isn't that what you just said, she deliberately dressed very thinly, did she go outside to blow the air?"

"This is of course one of her methods, but there is another,"

Xin Mimi stretched out her hand, pointed to a window, and said: "The Taiyuan Hospital sent her medicinal decoction to treat wind and cold on time and day, but when my concubine came over, she saw her standing in the window and sent the decoction to her. It fell out the window."


Nan Yan couldn't help but frowned.

When Kang Biyun heard this, his face suddenly became pale.

Xin Mimi said: "If Niang Niang doesn't believe it, you can let someone go and check it. Concubine believes that she will definitely not do it a day or two."


"There must be a smell of medicine in the mud under that window!"

Nan Yan immediately said: "Ruoshui!"

Ruo Shui hurried up: "The slave and maid understand."

After speaking, he hurried to the back of the house. After a while, he ran back with a handful of mud mixed with snow foam in his hand, and said to Nan Yan: "Manny, Xin Cai is right, then A piece of soil exudes a strong smell of medicine."

As he spoke, he held the soil and leaned in front of Nan Yan.

Nan Yan leaned over and sniffed, and frowned immediately.


The strong smell of medicine was definitely not caused by one or two days. I am afraid that these days, as long as she was alone, she had never taken medicine.

Therefore, there will be a small wind chill, and it will be difficult to heal after such a long delay.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan's heart sank.

She looked at Kang Biyun with a little mixed emotion. At this moment, Kang Biyun knew that the matter had been revealed, and suddenly the whole person seemed to collapse, and she knelt on the ground weakly.

Nan Yan said: "Kang Jieyu, as the emperor's concubine, you don't abide by the rules of the palace or the way of women."

"Do you plead guilty?"


Kang Biyun bit her lower lip, and said nothing.

Nan Yan's eyes gradually became cold.

Said: "Is this question not answered? Well, I will ask you another one."

As she said, she slowly stood up and walked in front of Kang Biyun, and then squatted down, looking straight into her eyes. Kang Biyun was stared at by her gaze that seemed to see through her soul, and suddenly she trembled again. , Hurriedly lowered his head.

Nan Yan said solemnly, "Daughter of this palace, did you push into the water!?"


Upon hearing this, it was like a thunder suddenly exploded above the head.

Kang Biyun almost jumped from the ground.

Even Ruo Shui and Xin Mimi who stood by were stunned. They only thought that the imperial concubine came today to chase Kangjieyu’s violation of the rules of the palace, but they couldn’t think of it that she asked about the drowning Princess Xinping. thing.

Could it be that--

Ruoshui took a breath of cold air suddenly.

She looked at Kang Biyun nervously.

At this time, Kang Biyun seemed to have felt something, but she immediately calmed down and stuttered: "The words of the imperial concubine make my concubine puzzled."


"His Royal Highness drowning has nothing to do with the concubine. When she drowned, the concubine was not by the lake."


"Furthermore, even if the concubine falls out of the window with this decoction, can it prove that the concubine has serious thoughts about Doctor Xue?"


"If you are a concubine, do you just want to arouse pity from the emperor?"

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