"If you are a concubine, do you just want to arouse pity from the emperor?"


Nan Yan looked at her coldly, the original complex emotions were tainted by the coldness that gradually appeared in her eyes. For a while, her eyes seemed to condense into refreshment.

Watched by such cold eyes, even though Kang Biyun tried to control her emotions, she couldn't help but shudder.

Nan Yan slowly stood up and looked at her condescendingly.

Coldly said: "You really are, you can't cry without seeing the coffin."

After speaking, he raised his head and said to the opening door: "Bring people in."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a mess of footsteps.

Kang Biyun looked back, and suddenly her whole heart sank, because she saw that Xue Yun, who had a pale face, was urged by Ran Xiaoyu, and slowly walked into this Yangxingzhai.

As soon as he walked into this room, Xue Yun's breath was choked.

Especially, she saw Kang Biyun kneeling on the ground.

Today, as usual, she took her medicine box to the bedroom to see Princess Xinping, but after going there, she found that the concubine, the guardian's own daughter, was not in the bedroom.

Ran Xiaoyu, who stayed there, asked her to follow her as soon as she appeared.

She didn't know what had happened, but she couldn't disobey the imperial concubine's orders.

Following Ran Xiaoyu all the way, she did not expect to arrive at this Yangxing Zhai, and when she saw Kang Biyun kneeling on the ground, her face pale and bleak, her heartbeat was thunderous.

Could it be that the matter has been known?

Does the imperial concubine have to deal with that matter?

Just when she was uneasy, Nan Yan turned around and sat back in the chair, gave her a faint look, and then said: "Doctor Xue, there is something in this palace, I want to ask you. Before answering this palace, let me remind you In one sentence, if someone deceives this palace, this palace will never be merciful."

Xue Yun trembled.

He whispered: "Yes."


Nan Yan said coldly, "Kang Jieyu, have you shown kindness to you?"


Upon hearing this, Xue Yun's breath suddenly choked.

Unexpectedly, it was really checked.

She glanced at Nan Yan, then at Kang Biyun, who was pale, hesitantly whistling, Nan Yan said coldly: "If there is, there will be no, answer it truthfully!"


Such words still made Xue Yun unable to speak.

Not only did she feel very ashamed, but more importantly, Kang Biyun was a concubine after all. If something like this happened, she would definitely die.

In any case, after all, she was a poor woman.

She didn't want her to die.

Nan Yan had a calm face and kept waiting, but Xue Yun had been hesitant to speak, and gradually was about to exhaust her patience.

You know, only because of the concubine's wrongful thinking of other men, she can also kill Kang Biyun.

The reason why I didn't move was to ask for some understanding for my daughter!

So he said in a deep voice: "Xue Yun!"

Suddenly hearing her calling herself by name and surname like this, Xue Yun's heart trembled. Looking back at her, the concubine said with a gloomy expression: "My palace might as well tell you that what you say is not only relevant Kang Jieyu's innocence is also related to why the daughter of the palace drowned!"


Xue Yun was stunned and looked at her in astonishment.

The matter between her and Kang Biyun is related to the accident that Princess Xinping drowned before? Could it be that--

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