Xue Yun was stunned and looked at her in astonishment.

The matter between her and Kang Biyun is related to the accident that Princess Xinping drowned before? Could it be that--

She looked at Kang Biyun in surprise, only to see the latter kneeling on the ground, and when she heard this, she trembled suddenly.

Her heart sank.

I heard Nan Yan's low voice saying word by word: "You better tell the truth."


"If there is a lie, this palace will never be merciless!"


Xue bit his lower lip vigorously, finally made up his mind, turned around and knelt down in front of Nan Yan, and said in a deep voice, "The concubine empress, please forgive me."


"Weichen, Weichen didn't intentionally conceal it, just this matter—"

Nan Yan's eyes flashed: "So, there really is, isn't it?"


"Kang Jieyu really did good to you?"

Xue Yun lowered his head and said softly: "Yes, yes."

Nan Yan took a deep breath.

Shen said: "What did she say."


"You tell me again."

Xue Yun looked back at Kang Biyun embarrassedly, gritted his teeth, and could only say softly: "Yes, it was the day before the princess hall fell into the water. Kang Jieyu was unwell, and the minister came to see her. As a result, the result was watching. During the consultation, she—"

"how is she?"

"She, she suddenly caught the Weichen."

At this point, Xue Yun was already blushing and could hardly speak, while Nan Yan's face was still gloomy, only the corner of his eyes twitched slightly.

Said: "Go on."

Xue Yun could not, so he could only continue to say: "She, she grabbed the Weichen, and said to the Wenchen, in this palace, only the Weichen is best for her, and she is to the Weichen..."

"how is it?"

"The latter words, she, she didn't say it."

Nan Yan squinted his eyes and looked at Xue Yun's face flushed, and Kang Biyun's face pale. He probably guessed what was going on at the time. Xue Yun is not a real man, even if it is a real man, few have such courage to have something with the emperor's concubine in broad daylight.

She definitely couldn't stay obediently and listen to Kang Biyun's heartfelt words.

So she asked: "She didn't say anything, so what did you do?"

Xue Yun said: "Weichen, weichen is going to leave. But Kang Jieyu drags the weichen to not let the weichen go. She pays it back, also—"

Having said that, Xue Yun really couldn't say anything.

A cold light flashed in Nan Yan's eyes.

Suddenly said: "She, does she want to be close to you?"

She naturally has reservations when she said the word "close", but the people here are all grown-ups and naturally know what "close" means in this case.

Xue Yun nodded hard: "Yes."

When she uttered the word, Kang Biyun was like a puppet with a string cut off, almost all collapsed to the ground, unable to speak a word.

Her eyes were red, looking at Xue Yun.

Tears almost came out of his eyes.

Although Xue Yun didn't look back, he could feel her gaze like a thorn on his back. She asked softly: "Niang Niang, Niang Niang said that this incident is related to the princess's falling into the water. In the end, what does it have to do with?"

Nan Yan glanced at her.

He didn't answer her, but slowly moved his gaze to Kang Biyun, and said, "Kang Jieyu, because of this, you murdered my daughter in the palace, didn't you?"


Xue Yun was shocked and opened his eyes to look at Nan Yan.

"Manny, you say--"

Nan Yan said with a sullen face, "Just because Xinping saw this scene accidentally, she was worried that Xinping would say it out. At that time, her life was unsafe, so she murdered the daughter of the palace. On the second day, when everyone was playing by the lake, she pushed Xinping down the lake!"

Xue Yun looked back at Kang Biyun in disbelief.

"You, you, really you?"


"Really did you do this?"

Kang Biyun still did not speak, only limp on the ground, the whole person was like a piece of lifeless flesh, exuding a deep breath of death.

Nan Yan walked in front of her together, looking at her red eyes coldly.

Asked: "Kang Biyun, do you plead guilty!"

Kang Biyun looked up at Xue Yun again. Her flushed eyes were filled with deep resentment. She gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "The imperial concubine, what you said is just a guess."


"Who can prove that I pushed the princess down to the lake?"


"If not, then I will not plead guilty!"

At this moment, she also seemed to know that she had nowhere to go, and Xue Yun's "betrayal" made her feel ashamed.

By this time, she had already given up.

"You asked my palace for evidence?"

Nan Yan sneered and waved: "Bring in!"

I don't know who is here again, Kang Biyun turned his head, but saw the two mothers dragging their cheeks red and their mouths cracked and bleeding like a firefly.


Kang Biyun was taken aback, before he had time to say anything, Ruying had already knelt on the ground, and repeatedly kowtow to Nan Yan: "The concubine empress, please forgive me!"

Nan Yan said in a deep voice, "Tell me what happened that day when you came to the palace and asked for peace after you left."

Ruying had obviously just been palmed her mouth, and she opened her mouth, blood flowing, but at this time she was scared of being beaten, and said anxiously: "Yes, yes. That day, Kang Jieyu said that she was unwell and she wanted to go back to her **** fast. But she did not return to the sexual fast, but halfway through, said that the weather was too cold and asked the slave and maid to come back and give her a windbreak.

"What about her?"

"She was waiting for the servant girl in the pavilion behind the imperial garden. But—"

Having said this, Ruying was also a little trembling. She took a careful look at Kang Biyun. After all, she decided to save herself. She hurriedly said, "However, after the servant took the wind cloak, she discovered that Kang Jieyu was not in the pavilion. in."

Nan Yan raised her eyebrows slightly: "Where did she go?"

"The slave servant doesn't know either."


"The slave girl looked for her everywhere with the wind cloak. As a result, on a small road not far from the lake, she saw her approaching in a panic."


"The maidservant asked her what was wrong, she only said that it was okay to go for a stroll, and, without the wind brought by the maidservant, she went back to Yangxingzhai.


"Later, the servant girl learned that Princess Xinping was drowning."

Hearing this, Nan Yan's face was gloomy and looked at Kang Biyun: "What else do you have to say!"

Kang Biyun sneered and said, "What can this prove?"


"The empress wants to say that I pushed the princess into the water, but who can prove that the princess really saw me show my favor to Doctor Xue?"

Nan Yan looked at her solemnly, and said, "You, you really don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

At this moment, Ruoshui ran in from outside in a hurry.

Said: "Manny, the slave and maid have found it!"

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