At this moment, Ruoshui ran in from outside in a hurry.

Said: "Manny, the slave and maid have found it!"

Everyone in the room was shocked. They didn't know what she had found. Everyone looked up and saw that she was holding something high in her hand and hurried to Nan Yan's face.

Then, the thing was delivered to Nan Yan.

"Niang, this is it!"

Ruoshui's hand, holding a bamboo ball!

It is the bamboo ball that Princess Xinping usually plays!

Although the people in the harem may not always see her, these days, this bamboo ball is the "new favorite" of the princess, and he can hold it almost all the time, so everyone recognizes it.

When Nan Yan looked at the bamboo ball, his breath sank.

Suddenly, the people around seemed to feel a burst of invisible pressure. Something pressed on them, causing their breathing to pause.

She slowly raised her head and looked at Kang Biyun with cold eyes.

At this time, Kang Biyun was also a little flustered. She stammered and said: "This, this, what is this?"

Ruo Shui turned his head to look at her and said angrily: "Kang Jieyu, can't you recognize it, this is the bamboo ball that the princess always holds in her hand and plays with it?"


"Do you know, where did the slave and maid find it?"

Kang Biyun can still ask where.

Xue Yun, with a heavy heart, asked softly, "Yes, where is it?"

Ruoshui said, "It's right behind the house, in a bunch of flower branches not far from where she poured the soup."


"Because it is hidden inside, it is not easy to find. If it weren't for the slaves and maidservants to dig the mud soaked in the soup, it would be difficult to find."

Kang Biyun gritted his teeth and said, "So what?"


"This thing is rolling around, even if it gets to me, what does it have to do with her falling into the water?"

At this time, Nan Yan laughed furiously.

Sensen said: "Are you still stiff?"


"Everyone knows that this bamboo ball is something Xinping can't put down these days, but the day before she fell into the water, this bamboo ball disappeared."


"It now appears that this bamboo ball fell into your nourishing fast on that day, and Xinping entered you in order to find it."


"It's just that instead of entering your room, she ran to the window."


"Just right, I saw those things you did!"

Speaking of this, Nan Yan's breath also sank.

Actually, the same thing happened to Feng Qianyan the last time. Last time, she was lying on Feng Qianyan's windowsill in order to find a cat, and she saw Feng Qianyan burning moxa in the palace.

This time, in order to find the bamboo ball again, she sneaked a glimpse of Kang Biyun showing good wishes to Xue Yun.

However, she is too young.

Even if she saw it, she didn't know that it was an unruly move, but the child's nature is to imitate. She saw it and learned it.

So on the second day, when Liu Yueze gave her something to eat, in order to express her joy, she did what she did to Liu Yueze, just like Kang Biyun.

And the "that person" in her mouth--

Needless to say, it was Xue Yun.

Since entering the palace, the emperor has never been favored by Kang Biyun. He was originally attached to the Wu family, but it didn’t take long for the Wu family to fall together with Cheng Guogong, and the people in the palace used to favor high and low. She was indeed a taste. Exhausted the cold and warm world.

Xue Yun is the only one who can treat her tenderly and doesn't dislike her at all.

In this case, women are indeed easy to fall into.

But, I’m afraid she couldn’t even dream of it--

Nan Yan lowered his head and looked at Kang Biyun, who had completely lost his strength at this moment, and said coldly, "What else can you say?"


At this moment, there were all human and physical evidence, and Kang Biyun was sitting on the ground, unable to even say a complete sentence.

I don't know how long it took, she finally slowly raised her head.

Those eyes, whether it was due to inner struggle or hot tears, were almost bloodshot and flushed. When she looked at Nan Yan, she was full of despair, and she suddenly laughed.

Everyone was taken aback.

Everyone thought that at this time, she had no way to escape, only to beg for mercy, but unexpectedly, she laughed instead, and was laughing.

The more she laughed, the harder she laughed, and the louder she laughed, as if it was coming from the bottom of her heart.

However, the laughter seemed to be vomiting.

Nan Yan frowned slightly, looking at her crazy appearance, Xue Yun on the side could not bear to look straight, and turned his face to one side.

Kang Biyun smiled with tears and turned to look at her.

Said: "Doctor Xue, what are you hiding?"


"The time has come, you have said everything, you are fine, don't be afraid."


"It's me who should be afraid."

Having said this, she took a deep breath and looked at Nan Yan, her eyes no longer flickering or even avoiding, she said word by word: "Yes."


"Just because I knew that Princess Xinping saw that scene, I decided to kill her."


"I took Ruying away and asked her to go back to Yang Xing Zhai to fetch me clothes, and then followed you to the lake. While you were playing and no one was with the princess, I secretly followed her."


"I originally wanted to find a chance to push her down the lake. I didn't expect that she would kill herself by herself and climbed onto the rockery by herself. Isn't that the opportunity God gave me?"


"So, I stretched out my hand and pushed her down the lake!"

As she said, she laughed again, and while laughing, she said: "She was panicked and scared. When she fell, she wanted to call for help."


"But you know what, the lake is too cold."


"When it was so cold that she spoke, her voice became dumb. She couldn't say anything. She could only struggle in the lake, but the more she struggled, the more she sank. Her eyes seemed to be dying. Like a fish, that kind of despair and fear, I can see every night. Hahahahaha..."

She said and laughed, but the tears kept streaming.

Nan Yan's eyes flickered.

Just as she clenched her hands and the blue veins on the back of her hand violently violently, Ran Xiaoyu rushed forward, strangled her throat, and said fiercely: "You say one more word, I Just break your neck!"

Kang Biyun was pinched by her, and her voice stopped abruptly.

But she was still laughing silently.

Tears rolled down the already wet cheeks and even flowed to Ran Xiaoyu's hands.

At this time, Nan Yan's cold voice sounded——

"Let her go."

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