Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2568: Wonderful and brilliant, so intelligent

But, who wouldn't want the emperor to restore his memory?

South flue: "The emperor, then--"

Zhu Feng raised his hand and prevented her from continuing, but said calmly: "I know this matter in my heart."

Nan Yan seemed to have heard something.

Softly said: "The emperor is not in a hurry to catch this person now?"

Zhu Feng said: "The most important thing in front of us is the White Tiger City. We will solve this problem first. As for detoxification--"


"At this time, I am not in a hurry."

Nan Yan whispered: "However, if this person is always there, wouldn't it be possible that the emperor's recovery of his memory will always be blocked."

Zhu Feng smiled faintly, and said: "It is because of this person that I am not in a hurry."

"What do you mean?"

"This person stole the medicine Xue Yun refined because he didn't want me to restore my memory. Obviously, my memory is related to this person, or there is a conflict of interest."


"If this is the case, wouldn't it be more effective than medicine to have this person here."


Nan Yan listened, then thought about it, and suddenly understood.

For people related to memory, isn’t that more effective than medicine?

She immediately said: "The emperor is wise!"

Zhu Feng smiled and glanced at her, and said, "Don't slap my ass. Let's put it down for now. I will tell Xue Yun to report the matter to Chen Zixiao later, saying that he has been stolen and stolen. Needless to say after a medicine is gone."

Nan Yan said: "Concubine understands. Concubine will come to explain in person later."

The two ate a few more bites, and both put down their dishes.

Although Nan Yan was very hungry, she had already lost her face at the time she had just sighed. Seeing Zhu Feng finished eating, she refused to eat more, so as not to be ridiculed again.

Zhu Feng was also worried that she would eat too much at night, stopped eating, and could not sleep well.

He didn't persuade her, and waved people to collect the dishes.

The two went to the other chair and sat down to drink tea.

Nan Yan took a couple of sips and thought about it. After all, he decided to talk to Zhu Feng about the doubt in his heart, and said, "The emperor, there is one more thing--"

As she spoke, she turned her head.

But seeing Zhu Feng holding a teacup in his hand, his brows frowned slightly, but he looked thoughtful.

However, her thoughts seemed to be interrupted by her words, and raised her head: "Huh? What's the matter?"

Nanyan Road: "What is the emperor thinking?"

"I? I'm thinking about what Chen Zixiao and the others said just now."


"You tell me first, what do you want to tell me."


Nan Yan thought about it again, and then said, "This is not a big deal. It's just that when my concubine just went to the doctor's room, she smelled a strong smell of medicine."


Zhu Feng frowned slightly: "She is an imperial physician, and she has medicinal materials around her, which naturally has a strong smell."

"Of course, but the smell of medicine is unnaturally strong."

"How to say?"

"It's not the taste of ordinary medicinal materials, but obviously the taste of refined medicine."

"Didn't she also say that she is refining medicine for me. It's just that the medicine was stolen."


Nan Yan said: "Although the doctor Xue said that he had followed the emperor to inspect the Yulian River the day before yesterday, and he did not return all night. After returning yesterday, he stayed asleep for a whole day. Only when he woke up this morning did he find that the medicine had been stolen. It took two days, but according to my concubine's judgment, the medicine was stolen when she followed the emperor to inspect Yulianhe and left the capitol the day before yesterday."

"You said."

"The person who stole the medicine is probably from the captain's mansion. The emperor and the concubine agree on this point. Then this person can't steal while Xue Yun was in the captain's mansion. He just fell asleep and didn't die. , In case something disturbs her and meets each other, isn't it just to find bad luck for herself."

Zhu Feng nodded and said, "It makes sense."

"So, nine out of ten medicines were stolen when she left the day before yesterday. Since they were stolen the day before yesterday, of course there may still be some of the medicine's smell when I came back yesterday, but it is impossible that the taste of refined medicine is still so strong today. ."



Without waiting for her to finish, Zhu Feng said: "I know what you are going to say."

Nan Yan turned to look at him.

I saw Zhu Feng's expression condensed, and there was not much astonishment, on the contrary, he appeared very indifferent.

She immediately understood what came over.

He squinted his eyes and said, "It seems that the emperor has already planned for it."


"The concubine is troubled."

Zhu Feng smiled and glanced at her, and said, "It's not that you are troublesome, but I am not so slow."

Nan Yandao: "Since the emperor knows, he should have said it earlier, lest his concubine feel like he is very clever, and offering treasures seems to have to be said, but the result is simply in vain."

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "You are very smart, but you forgot one thing."

"what's up?"

"Don't think of other people too dull."


"I have much more contact with her than you have with her, how can I not detect it?"

Nanyan said: "The emperor saw her on her--?"

Zhu Feng also turned his head and glanced at her: "On her?"

They looked at each other, their eyes flickering, and immediately, both of them seemed to understand something.

Zhu Feng said with a smile but a smile: "You don't use it to tell me, I haven't touched her."


"Never looked at her."

Nan Yan said: "So, the emperor didn't see anything at all, but just realized it by getting along with her?"



Nan Yan looked into his eyes, thought about it for a while, then sighed long, and said: "This time, my concubine really felt that I was too dull."


"The emperor is still smart."

Zhu Feng smiled, rubbed her hair handily, and said, "Don't worry about this."


"I originally claimed to be a smart person, but the older I get, the more I understand it. In this world, there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the sky. Even if I am the emperor, there is something inferior to others."

As he said, his eyes flickered. Although he looked at Nan Yan, his eyes seemed to see something in the distance through Nan Yan. He murmured: "There are always so many people, wonderful and brilliant, how close they are. Demon, it's hard for the world to reach."


Hearing these words, Nan Yan looked at him in a daze.

Zhu Feng's words clearly included himself in the scope of "world people".

As an emperor, Zhu Feng is proud—of course, he does have his proud capital, but he is never arrogant. He knows that everyone has their own limits. Even the emperor cannot really cover everything. Perfect.

However, he would suddenly say that there are people in this world who are "brilliant and brilliant, so intelligent and close to monsters", and he can't even compare with him. So what if such a person is not a monster?

And why did you talk about this suddenly?

Who is he who is "brilliant and brilliant, so intelligent and close to monsters"?

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