Nan Yan's voice became muted subconsciously.

Whispered softly: "The emperor said, who is it?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her and said lightly: "I don't know who this person is."


These words made Nan Yan more and more puzzled, and Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. What Zhu Feng said just now obviously meant something. There must be such a person in his mind. This person is wonderful and so intelligent, making him feel that he is inferior to this person.

But he said that he didn't know who this person was.

Is not this contradictory?

Zhu Feng smiled lightly at Shang Nanyan's puzzled eyes, and said, "I really don't know who this person is."


"However, I really want to meet this person."


Nan Yan was even more confused by him.

Zhu Feng turned his head and looked at her, then smiled: "Now, I can't tell you, because I haven't fully understood it. But don't worry, I will tell you everything on the day I clarify the truth. "


Nan Yan looked at him quietly for a while, nodded and said: "Concubine understands."

As a concubine, she shouldn't ask too much, she never asks too much.

Even a proud man like Zhu Feng admits that she is inferior to others. What reason does she have to think that she is omnipotent?

It is enough to do what you should do and trust the person you are following.

The two rested for a while, and Nan Yan remembered what had happened just now, and said, "By the way, the emperor was thinking about what Mr. Chen said just now. I was so ecstatic about it. Is it about Baihucheng?"


"What's going on in White Tiger City?"

Zhu Feng took a deep breath and said: "The spy who was planted near the Yulian River reported back that there has been a large number of military dispatches in Baihu City."

"Dispatch the army?"

When Nan Yan heard it, he immediately thought: "Really going to fight?"


"The emperor, has the emperor made a decision?"

Munch and Ajislan both offered to cooperate with them. Since Zhu Feng has already arrived at Han Dongwei, it is impossible to really stay out of the matter.

Now it depends on which side he chooses to help.

If it is said that Munch and Ajislan, no matter which one of them chooses to stay, the influence on Yan Country is the same, then in the end Zhu Feng has to choose, in fact, whether he needs the White Tiger City or the Great Wall trench.

Zhu Feng was quiet, and then said: "Let me think about it again."

Nan Yan frowned slightly.

Until now, Zhu Feng hasn't thought about it yet?

He has never been an indecisive person. He should have considered this matter since Ajislan found him. After so many days, he has not yet made a decision?

Zhu Feng looked up at her and saw that she was also dignified, so he said softly: "Well, aren't you going to tell Xue Yun and let her tell Chen Zixiao about the theft? It's not dark yet, go over and tell her."


"Clarify clearly, what should not be said, let her not say more."

Nanyan Road: "Concubine understands."

She got up and walked out. When she first walked to the door, Zhu Feng stopped her again: "Wait a minute."

Nan Yan looked back: "Is there anything the emperor wants to explain?"

Zhu Feng paused, looked at her again, and then said: "After you say that, you tell her again and let her rest tonight. Tomorrow, I will go to Yulianhe again. Bring her."

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