Zhu Feng straightened up his face immediately and coughed lightly: "Your uncle praised him, not I praised him."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "The emperor thinks so too."


"Otherwise, I won't say this, and I'm really ready to let King Wei go to Jinling to practice."

Zhu Feng "hum".

There was no refutation.

Nan Yan smiled and leaned on his shoulder, thought for a while, and said softly: "The concubine just thinks this child is too tired. If he is sent to the south, he will definitely hate the hard work."

Zhu Feng said: "Who in the world doesn't work hard?"


"If you just think about ease every day, then you don't deserve to be my son."

Nan Yan said: "What about Xinping? She doesn't just play around every day."

Zhu Feng said: "Of course this is different."

"Why is it different?"

"Xinping is a daughter, she should be happy all her life."

"If so, why did the emperor let her study and read?"

"Let her study and read, so that she can be a sober and understandable person. Even if my daughter is happy, it should be noble happiness, not vulgar happiness."

Nan Yan's head dropped on his shoulders, he thought for a while, and said: "Have the emperor ever thought that in fact, women can be just like men, even if they can't rejuvenate the country, they can still make achievements."

Zhu Feng looked down at her.


Nan Yan looked up at him and said, "Women can do."

"How can a woman?"

"Just like Xiuyun, she can also do things that many men can't. For such a woman, the concubine doesn't think she is worse than the officials in the court."


"What do you think of the emperor?"


Zhu Feng thought quietly for a while, and said, "She is not bad."


"But this life is too hard."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "The emperor praised Yan Ye for his achievements, and even wanted to give him a prince and worship; but Xiuyun, who did the same thing, only pityed her hard."


"Concubine thought, maybe what she needs is not human distress, but human praise."


"The concubine feels that not every woman needs someone to hold and protect. There are some women who can do the same things as men. They don't need men to care for their distress, they just need praise."


"Even, it's an affirmation."


"Like Xue Yun, she doesn't have to study medicine, but she is willing to study like this because she has a desire to accomplish something."

Zhu Feng thought quietly for a while, then looked at her again.

He whispered: "I understand what you mean."


"With the merits of Xiujun, if you are a man, you will not be an exaggeration; if you are a man with Xue Yun's ability, you will become a national player. It's just—" He sighed slightly and said, "They are just women after all. "


"Moreover, there are too few such women."

Upon hearing this, Nan Yan gave a wry smile.

But no, most of the women in this world, not to mention whether they have such a mindset, first talk about the ability, almost none.

To speak for such a person, it is not enough to be alone.

But most women may not want to speak up for them, because most women are greedy for ease. If women are allowed to take on such responsibilities and do things, it will inevitably be hard work. Who wants to find such "trouble" for themselves.

She sighed lightly.

Zhu Feng looked at her somewhat disappointed, stretched out her hand to rub her hair, and said: "Okay, this kind of thing is not something I and you can worry about."


Nan Yan nodded.

Perhaps one day, women will be able to do the same thing as men, and rejuvenate the country.

However, I don't know how long it will be.

Zhu Feng went on to say: "But even in that case, my heart is calm, and I should live a happy life. I definitely forbid her to work hard."

Nan Yan glanced at him and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Sure enough, it didn't make sense to talk to a stupid father.

The reason why women can't go out is not only because women have imprisoned themselves, but there are probably such silly fathers who don't let their daughters do anything and raise their daughters alive.

Nan Yan secretly made up his mind to return to the capital, and must take Xinping back to his side to raise him.

So he said: "If the emperor wants to send King Wei to Jinling, then Xinping will let his concubine take it by himself."


"She has been with her concubine since she was little, and she has limited time with her concubine.

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "What nonsense?"

After thinking about it, he said, "It's okay for you to take her with you. But don't blame her."

Nan Yan said: "Of course a disobedient child is fierce. The emperor used to be too shameful before."


The two quarreled about the child for a long time,

Soon it was time for dinner. Fresh vegetables and vegetables were delivered from the kitchen, as well as a table full of fish. Nan Yan's eyes were greedy just looking at it.

Smiled and said: "Why is it so rich today?"

Zhu Feng said: "Since Sichuan and Shanxi have sent a new batch of grains and grasses, I don't need to have a clear soup every day."

Nan Yandao: "No, I eat fried scallions every day, and my concubine is about to become a rabbit."

The two talked and laughed, then sat down and started eating.

Just after taking a few bites, there was a sound of footsteps outside. Zhu Feng looked back and found that Xiao Shunzi hurried in with something in his hand.

But when he saw the emperor and the imperial concubine having dinner, they stopped under the steps.

Zhu Feng said: "What's the matter?"

Upon hearing his question, Xiao Shunzi walked in a few steps and bowed and said, "Well, see the emperor, and see the empress."

Zhu Feng glanced at his hand: "What is it?"

Xiao Shunzi said, "It's a letter from the people in White Dragon City."


Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Nan Yan immediately turned his head when he heard the words.

The letter from White Dragon City must have been from Mrs. Xue, and we are waiting for news from them.

Zhu Feng took another sip of the soup, wiped the corners of his mouth, then put down the dishes, took the letter from him, opened it, and smiled faintly.

South flue: "What?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "Wei Clan and the patriarchs of several other big families in White Dragon City jointly wrote a letter saying that Ajislan was preparing to use troops against them and begging me to send troops to relieve the siege."

Nan Yan listened and blinked: "What about the back?"



Nan Yan smiled and said: "Just ask the emperor to send troops, but not mention the benefits. Is there such a thing?"

Zhu Feng said indifferently: "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry, everyone is like this."

After finishing speaking, he threw the letter back to Xiao Shunzi at his fingertips, and said, "Tell Chen Zixiao and the others, don't pay attention to it. Wait two days to see them before sending the letter."


"If the letter does not contain the word'Xiancheng', let them call it."


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