As Zhu Feng expected, two days later, the wealthy merchants in White Dragon City sent another joint letter.

The words of pleas and plea in the letter are eloquent.

And, along with the letter, there are two carts full of gold and silver jewelry.

The carriage drove into the captain's mansion from the side door, and Zhu Feng took Nan Yan to check it out in person. Although it was already evening when it came in, and the sun was setting, the jewels of the two carriages still reflected the surrounding gray heights. wall.

Nan Yan's eyes lit up when she saw it.

Is it possible to say in my heart: Be rich.

And Zhu Feng, with his hands behind his back, looked at the pearly light, only smiled, and then waved his hand and said, "Take a count and put it in the treasury."

The long history in the captain's mansion immediately took the order, and he drove the carriage down.

On the contrary, Chen Zixiao frowned slightly, and asked, "The emperor is here to promise them to send troops?"

Nan Yan turned his head and glanced at him after hearing this.

Zhu Feng said indifferently: "When did I say to send troops?"

Chen Zixiao said in amazement: "But didn't the emperor accept their things?"

"Receiving their things and sending troops are two different things."

"But these things—"

"Since it didn't say anything in the letter, then I just treat these things as good faith, not as a reward for asking Han Dongwei to send troops."


Chen Zixiao was stunned for a moment, staring at him blankly.

The astonishment in his eyes was obviously not because of the emperor's "wiseness", but because of the thickness of his face.

Nan Yan listened to the side and couldn't help but chuckled.

If it were in the past, she might still be surprised, but after having been with Zhu Feng for so many years, and having experienced this time in the White Tiger City battle, watching Zhu Feng benefit from both sides and innocent on both sides, she knew better. In the state-to-state exchanges, the gentleman's style is just an appearance.

More often, a spirit that is almost "rogue" is needed.

After all, maximizing national interests is more important than saving face.

Although Chen Zixiao is an expert at leading soldiers in battle, this person's temperament is too "straight". Obviously, some experience is needed in this kind of thing.

Zhu Feng also turned his head to look at him, smiled and said, "Zi Xiao, don't be too straight in many things."

Chen Zixiao was silent for a while.

He just whispered: "Weichen, Weichen understands."

Zhu Feng waved his hand again and said, "Well, let someone send the messenger of White Dragon City back, just say I will consider it."


Zhu Feng just turned around to leave, thought for a while, and said: "Recently, I still pay attention to the movements of the White Tiger City at any time. Don't let Ajislan really send troops."

"Weichen understands."

After speaking, everyone dispersed.

Zhu Feng returned to the room with Nan Yan.

The night has the coolness that it should have after autumn. The wind blew the treetops outside the window and made a rustling sound, reflected on the window, and it seemed that the night was a little turbulent.

Both of them washed up and put on their stools. Zhu Feng sat on the bedside reading a book. Nan Yan personally made a cup of tea and brought it to him, and said softly: "The emperor, go to bed early."

"I know."

Nan Yan went to bed and cuddled beside him, Zhu Feng also stretched out one hand to embrace her waist, the thumb of the other hand turned a page of the book, and continued to watch.

Nan Yan also looked up for a while, but she was really sleepy, and she was dazzled by the tiny characters flying around like flies.

She couldn't help but yawned.

Zhu Feng looked down at her and smiled: "If you are sleepy, go to bed, don't accompany me."


Nan Yan agreed, but still blinking chaotic eyes, leaning on his chest, as if thinking about something in a daze.

Looking at her like this, Zhu Feng put down the booklet in his hand and said, "What do you think?"

Nan Yan looked up at him and said softly: "The emperor treats White Dragon City like this, naturally he wants to force them to offer the city. But the emperor is not afraid that they will hate you?"

Zhu Feng smiled upon hearing this.

Said: "It's mediocre not to invite envy."


"It's the same if you don't invite people to hate. I never care if others hate or not, because hate or hate can't reach me. They have nothing to do with me."


"Powerless hate is the same as not hating."


"And I, as long as I do what I want to do, it will do."

Nan Yan nodded.

Then he asked: "But this way, won't the people of White Dragon City be forced to surrender to Ajislan City?"

Zhu Feng said calmly: "Because of Xue family medicine, Ajislan killed so many people in this important battle that it would take at least a few years for Ajislan to recover. This tone?"


"Even if the people of the Xue family think so, they must be suspicious. After accepting them, Ajslan will retaliate for personal gain."


"With the Xue family acting like this, the people in White Dragon City will not be biased towards Ajislan."


"They only have our way."

Nan Yan nodded lightly and murmured: "That said, my concubine is completely relieved."

Zhu Feng looked down at her when she finished speaking. He seemed to really let go of a big stone in his heart, his expression relaxed a lot, and then he yawned again, and he couldn't help yawning even with him.

Smiled and patted her on the back: "Okay, go to bed, I'm asleep too."


Zhu Feng turned his head, blew out the candlestick beside the bed, and embraced her two to sleep together.

It has been raining for two consecutive days. As the old saying goes, one autumn rain and one cold, if the water quickly turns out of the autumn clothes that were prepared before, Nan Yan adds one by one, and he still mutters. : "Fortunately, I have prepared enough. But my mother, when shall we return to Beijing?"

Nan Yan was lying in front of the windowsill, counting the raindrops on the eaves.

Hearing this, he looked back at her and smiled: "Why, do you want to go back to the capital?"


Ruo Shui said: "The slave servant did not expect that the northwest side would be so cold. I heard from the people in the captain's mansion that the winter here is also very fast. If it was early in the past, it would be winter in November, although not It's snowing, it's terribly cold. We didn't bring a few of our winter clothes this time. What if the lady is frozen?"

Nan Yan smiled and teased her: "Without winter clothes, let Mr. Chen slaughter cattle and sheep, and skinned them for clothes in the palace."

Ruoshui pouted: "That's ugly."

Nan Yan was about to laugh at the girl who was too sincere, when she heard Zhu Feng's laughter coming from outside the window, saying: "It looks so ugly, I want to see it."

Turning his head to see, he smiled and walked in with his hands behind his back.

Ruo Shui hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to salute, repeatedly saying: "The servant girl deserves to die, the servant girl overstepped."

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "Your mother teased you, what the hell? Go on."

Ruoshui hurriedly got up and went out.

Nan Yan also hurriedly got up to ask for peace, was caught by Zhu Feng, and pulled to the couch to sit down.

He lay down and stretched long.

Seeing him like this, Nan Yan's eyes lit up: "The emperor is so happy, is there any good news?"

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