Li Bushang stood up, should have left, but couldn't help turning his head, looking at the doorway of the room not far away in the deep night, as if a little candlelight was shining.

Obviously, there is nothing.

Obviously, I can't see anything.

But he seemed to see the familiar figure.

Only when everyone is asleep and everything is silent, can he sneak closer, avoiding all the guards' eyes, and accidentally glancing at the figure.

Knowing that it is fatal, knowing that one look at it will only deepen the poison in my heart.

But he still couldn't control himself.

Want to get closer, even if only a little bit.

Even if he just felt the wind blowing through the corners of her clothes, to him, it was like someone walking in the desert saw an oasis.

Just like drinking poison to quench thirst.

But that is his life.

And at this moment, a hard voice rang in my ears--

"Lei does not hurt."


Li Bushang's heart shook, he immediately recovered, and he met the emperor's deep and bottomless eyes, as if something had been slammed into the ground from mid-air, and his heartbeat followed. Shen.

Immediately lower your head.

"Your Majesty, what's your order."

Zhu Feng looked at him without saying a word. Although there was only a brief silence, there seemed to be thousands of invisible sharp edges in the silence, all around Li Buhuo.

He even held his breath.

At this time, Zhu Feng said: "There is one more thing to explain to you."


"The White Dragon City has also sent a team of people first, and they will meet you halfway and take responsibility for the safety of this group of people."


"I hope you can go faster on the road, meet them earlier, and discuss a countermeasure. No matter what happens on the road, you can deal with it calmly."


"All of this, I leave it to you to handle it all."


"I still said that,"

Zhu Feng took a step forward. Although Li didn't hurt but lowered his head, he could feel a kind of invisible pressure coming, as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, and people could not breathe.

Zhu Feng said: "You have done this errand, and I will celebrate it for you; if it fails, you will come back to collect the crime yourself."

Li Bushang said in a deep voice: "Weichen understands."

"Get used to it, let's go."


After Li Bushang finished speaking, he took a deep breath, didn't dare to look up anymore, turned and left.

Zhu Feng stood on the spot, watching his back disappear into the deep night, and still did not leave. When he looked up again, there was only a faint, almost invisible dawn on the horizon.

It is a long journey for the light to break through the darkness.

It is a difficult journey to win victory from hardships and dangers.

After Li Bushang stepped out of Han Dongwei, he took his tribes and galloped westward. Although they traveled day and night, they also walked for five full days. After the sun set, the sky soon darkened.

However, all around is not completely silent.

The wind whizzed by, and the keen people heard a little other noise in the sound of the wind.

It seems that something is whispering in the wind.

Li Bushang waved to Tian Ye, a guard from the northwest of Jin Yiwei, and asked, "What sound is this?"

Tian Ye frowned and listened for a while.

Said: "My lord, I'm afraid some wolves will follow us."


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