Tian Ye frowned and listened for a while.

Said: "My lord, I'm afraid some wolves will follow us."


When Li Bushang heard this, he frowned and looked around.

Although the night fell, he could not see the surrounding situation at all, but the low roar from the wind still made him keenly aware of the danger.

"Wolves, why haven't you encountered them before?"

Tian Ye said: "Before, because of the battle near White Tiger City, too many troops were dispatched, and the surrounding beasts were scared away."


"After the truce, the surroundings became quiet, and the wolves naturally came out to move."


"Furthermore, it is now in autumn, there will be no food on the grassland soon, and the wolves need a lot of extra time to survive the harsh winter."

"and so,"

Li Bushang said coldly, "Do these guys treat us as prey?"


Hearing this, Li Bushang sneered, and a little cold light flashed in the eyes of the wolves.

In order to survive training and become Jinyiwei, they have gone through too many difficult experiences, of course, including fighting with wild beasts alone.

These beasts, he naturally did not pay attention to them.

But Tian Ye looked around, but his expression was solemn, and he whispered to Li Buhuo: "Although these are just beasts. But we can't take it lightly. The wolves on the grassland are very cruel and cunning."


"The villains grew up in the northwest and have seen their ability to hunt around. In order to get food, these beasts can spend a few days in ambush on the grassland, tracking them, and when the prey is exhausted, they will be wiped out. It."


"In the past, there were a lot of caravans on the grassland, but they were surrounded and wiped out by them, and the whole team was destroyed."

As he spoke, he looked around again.

Said: "Looking at this, they followed us sometimes, they were eyeing us."

When several Jinyiwei around heard this, they all gathered on their horses.

Everyone said: "If it's a group of beasts, what are we afraid of?"

"Yeah, if you follow closely, then simply remove them, which can be considered as an eradication for the people."

Tian Ye turned to look at Li Bu hurt.

I saw that Li did not hurt his brows, he thought for a while and slowly said: "The emperor’s will, our task this time is to take over the group of guards sent by the White Dragon City, join them, and protect the patriarchs in the city together. They arrived at Han Dongwei safely, and it is best not to have extra branches."


"Moreover, these wolves, according to Tian Ye, are somewhat capable."


"If you really stop and fight with them, it will inevitably be hurt."


"Before joining with Bai Longcheng's people, we had better not make any movement."

After hearing the words, everyone immediately understood.

The mission is the most important part of their trip. Fortunately, Li did not hurt his calm and clear head, and did not have a hot head.

Being able to become a commander of Jin Yiwei at such a young age is indeed beyond the ordinary.

Everyone immediately said: "The villain will understand."

Li Bu hurt: "Go ahead at full speed and get rid of them."

Everyone immediately rode their horses to keep up.

The wind whizzed past the ear with the strength of a cold blade, and it hurt their faces, but Li could still feel the danger in the heavy night surrounding it, and it was definitely not his. I have an illusion that these wolves seem to have alarmed them. They run fast, and these wolves follow more closely.

Seeing, a place darker than night appeared faintly in front.

Li Bushang immediately understood that it was a depression.

Tian Ye said in a deep voice, "Master Commander, if the wolves want to encircle us, that is the best terrain."

Li Bushang said, "Speed ​​up and rush over there."


Everyone responded, waving the whips in their hands, and running wildly.

But just as they ran to the depression quickly, after a period of not too steep a slope, they entered a flat beach under the depression, and when they looked up, they found a pair of green eyes staring at them on the **** in front of them.

Li Bushang immediately raised his hand: "Stop."

Everyone immediately reined their horses to stop, and when they looked up, they were all startled.

In the night, a tall and sturdy wolf stood on the **** in front, looking down at them.

A bloodthirsty cold gleamed in the green eyes.

Tian Ye said solemnly: "That's a wolf!"

"Head wolf?"

"There is a wolf in every wolf pack, responsible for hunting command."

"Wolves, there is also a command?"

Tian Ye glanced at him and said in a deep voice: "Wolves are the kings on the grassland, the most cunning and cruel kings. They can survive because they also have wisdom."

As he spoke, countless green spots of light surrounded the slope.

Tian Ye glanced around and suddenly understood what was coming, and said, "It turns out that the wolves that followed us before - they didn't follow us, but drove us away."


"Deliberately drove us to this place, and the wolf has already been waiting here with other wolves."

Hearing this, Li raised his eyebrows slightly.

He raised his head to look at the strongest wolf, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Those wolf-like eyes shone with cold light, their eyes seemed to admire, but also as if they were disdainful.

With a sneer, "Compare this with me?"


"Still not sleeping, what are you thinking about?"

After spending a day in the study, Zhu Feng returned to the room with the coldness of the night, only to see Nan Yan sitting on the bedside, and did not sleep.

A pair of eyes stared at the candlelight, flickering slightly.

Seeing Zhu Feng's return, she immediately got up and helped him take off his clothes and hung them up. After Zhu Feng washed a little bit, she went to bed.

Although he had just reprimanded Nan Yan, but it was his turn and couldn't sleep.

Sitting on the head of the bed silently thinking about things.

Nan Yan looked at him and said, "Is the emperor thinking about Li not hurting them?"

"Yes? Are you thinking too?"

"They have been walking for several days. I don't know if they have met someone from White Dragon City, or if there will be danger on the way."

"This is not something you should worry about."

"But the emperor, aren't you worried too?"

Zhu Feng calmed his face and said after a while: "I'm just thinking about how I should punish him if he can't handle this errand."

Nan Yan hesitated to say something, was silent for a while, and said softly: "He, he is still young."

Zhu Feng glanced at him and said coldly, "Still young?"


"You really can still treat him as a kid?"

Hearing this, Nan Yan was speechless.

Indeed, Li Bushang is no longer the black, thin, weak child.

Even that night-the hurt and shock he brought to herself, she had long understood that this child was different from before. Not only did he break away from their vision, but also from the track of her hope.

It seems that a wolf is released into the wild, how can it be tamed again.

Nan Yan was silent for a while, and whispered, "If we can marry him a few wives and concubines, will he be mature and settle down?"

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