Zhu Feng said: "Near, but not too close."


"Don't forget what I told you before."

Nan Yan immediately recalled that Zhu Feng had told her more than once when he was in Han Dongwei, that Li does not hurt such a character, like a wolf, and he should not be forced too tight. If he is forced too tight, he will bite back. A bite.

Nan Yandao: "I understand, the emperor asked the concubine to choose a route, but don't be too close, right."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Russ can teach."


"Although I don't think he is interested in that Xie Jiaojiao, since you want something to happen, it's best to create some conditions for them."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "If you don't have feelings at first sight, then you can get along with each other slowly."


"In short, give them a chance. It's up to them to see how it is."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "I mean that too."

Nan Yan smiled, leaning in his arms and said, "The emperor, don't worry."

Zhu Feng shook his head and laughed at himself: "I, the emperor, is busy with major events, and I have to match people up."

Nan Yan stretched out his hand and wiped his chest, and said softly: "The emperor can do more."


"Besides, his matter is resolved, the emperor and concubine, don't they all have a problem?"


Zhu Feng remained silent, just as if he sighed lightly.

Both were quiet for a while. Nan Yan turned his head and looked out the window. The sky was already dark, and he whispered: "Well, it's so late. The emperor stop talking and go to sleep."

Zhu Feng nodded and closed his eyes.

The two cuddled together in this way and fell asleep deeply.


Two days later, outside an empty mansion in the south of the city, Jin Yiwei Tao saw Bai disguised and dressed up, wearing a gray and shabby padded jacket, and slowly walked into the door with a few men in the same shabby clothes.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw that the yard was full of people.

These people are also dressed in plain clothes, and their faces are gray, but they all have some colored ribbons on their bodies, and they obviously know each other.

When they saw a few strangers walk in, everyone turned their heads to look at them.

Tao Jianbai lowered his head subconsciously.

At this time, the brother Chen, who came here with them, walked through the yard and walked to the gate of the hall, then stopped and beckoned to them, and said, "You guys, come here, come and see Xiangxiang first. the Lord."

Several people walked up immediately.

The hall is very spacious and not much smaller than the courtyard outside. However, there are no furnishings in the house. There are only two armchairs in the front, a table, and a row of three chairs on the left and right.

A person, dressed in clean clothes and satin, was sitting in the chair on the left front, with a cup of tea beside him, as if he was talking, and stopped when he saw a stranger. There were six people sitting on each side, their clothes were slightly more expensive than the people outside, and they were all wearing ribbons. They all turned to look at them.

Tao Jianbai lowered his head and looked carefully.

At this time, Brother Chen said, "Hall Master."

The "Hall Master" in front said, "Who are these people?"

Brother Chen said, "Qiqi, the hall master, these are all willing to join us, I will bring them to visit the hall master."

The hall master said: "Are they all compliant?"

"Don't worry, the hall masters are all people who have no land and no property. Like this, Li Nianwu, he escaped from the famine in Henan. The land at home was flooded and his wife ran away, knowing that our Xianghui has magical powers. I made a special trip to join our Xianghui."

As he said, a thin man came in and bowed to the hall master with a flattering smile.

The hall master raised his eyelids and glanced at him without speaking.

Brother Chen said again: "There are also a few of them, all of which are occupied by people in their hometown. They went to the capital to sue their grievances, but there is no way to go back home."

The hall master glanced at them again.

Then, his eyes fell on Tao Jianbai's body.

Among the group of people, Tao Jianbai had the tallest stature. Although he kept his head down and his face was gray and bumpy, he was still the most outstanding. The hall master said, "What does he do?"

Brother Chen said, "Oh, he, he is a native of Beijing. His father and mother died of illness a few days ago. As a result, the rich man near their house took out an IOU from the mourning hall and said it was his father and mother. Before he died, he borrowed money from the rich man’s house and took the land as a mortgage. He could not repay the money and could only take back a few acres of his family’s land."


The hall master glanced at Tao Jianbai and said, "Your parents borrowed money, why didn't they tell you?"

Tao Jianbai immediately said: "It's not like that at all, my parents never borrowed money from him."

"Then, what is the IOU?"

"He must have faked it."

"Then why don't you sue the officer?"

"I wanted to go, but the yamen didn't make money, so I couldn't get through at all, and they gave me a board to get me out. I can't survive. I heard that joining the Dixian Club can get the land, so I came. "

The hall master laughed, then looked at everyone, and said, "You all came here to get the ground?"

Everyone nodded immediately: "Yes."

The hall master said: "It is true that you can be assigned to the land by joining our Dixian Club, but you need to be pious. If you are not religious, the Dixian will not give you the land in vain."

Everyone asked: "How is pious?"

The hall master said: "Our incense lord is a person who can communicate with the earth immortal. As long as the incense lord orders anything and you do it, the earth immortal will naturally know your sincerity. The land will be there sooner or later."

When everyone heard it, they all said: "We are naturally religious."

Tao Jianbai said softly: "Then I don't know, when will we meet the incense master?"

When the hall master heard this, he immediately glared at him, and said, "The incense lord? Is the incense lord you can see casually?"


Brother Chen said immediately: "The incense lord is the person chosen by the earth immortal. He has supernatural powers. He doesn't need to see you, knows whether you can do anything or not, but those who have just joined the meeting are not qualified to see the incense lord."

Everyone immediately said: "We know."

Tao Jianbai frowned slightly when he heard the words, but still kept his head down and remained calm.

The hall master squinted at them again, and then said: "Old Chen, you take them down to explain the rules, the New Year will be in a few days, and we still have a few conferences, so that the swift and easy going to help ."


Brother Chen immediately waved to them: "Come on, come with me."

Several people bowed to the hall master and followed him on.

Leaving the hall, and walking to the side, Tao Jianbai lowered his head, but turned his face sideways, and looked at the small hall next to the hall, only to see a figure in white clothes flashing past.

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