A few days later, a rare foreigner was invited to the palace.

Aunt Tongyun personally greeted her at the gate of the palace and led her to Yonghe Palace. Along the way, many palace ladies and eunuchs looked sideways when they passed by, looking at the guests invited by the imperial concubine.

No one else, it is Miss Xie Jiaojiao Xie Jiaojiao.

His Majesty's deeds of regaining the White Dragon City without a single soldier have been spread throughout the capital. When everyone lamented the emperor's Tianwei, they also became interested in these people who moved to the capital from the White Dragon City.

Especially where they settled down and bought a home, many people came to watch every day.

There were even more rumors in the palace. I don’t know who started to talk about Miss Xie’s ability to drive wolves. Later, the words became more and more ridiculous. Some people even said that she could speak birds and beasts and drive away birds and beasts on the ground What she used was amazing, so everyone was very curious about her.

And looking at her, she was just a petite and exquisite woman.

Even Concubine Yi "passed by" specially, watching Xie Jiaojiao being led into Yonghe Palace, and whispering: "Just such a little girl, does she have such great abilities?"

Xie Jiaojiao walked into Yonghe Palace, and was even more surprised by the beauty of the palace, his eyes widened.

Aunt Tongyun led her into the main hall.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Nan Yanduan sitting in front.

The two people had met countless times before when they were in Han Dongwei, but at that time, Nan Yan's clothes were very simple, and she didn't put on the royal concubine's score. But now in Yonghe Palace, the palace is gorgeous and magnificent, she It also has delicate makeup and a gorgeous long dress, just like the person in the painting.

Xie Jiaojiao couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

Hastily bowed down and bowed: "The people's daughter pays homage to the imperial concubine."

Nan Yan waited until she knocked her head and said, "Don't be polite, just flat yourself."

"Xie Niangniang."

Xie Jiaojiao stood up and looked around in amazement. Nan Yan smiled and said, "Come on, give a seat."

Tingfu moved a chair over, and Xie Jiaojiao sat diagonally across from Nan Yan. Then she knew that this was the royal manner and style, which was completely incomparable with the previous time in Han Dongwei.

Originally heard that the imperial concubine invited her into the palace, she still had something to say, but now, she was so crushed that she couldn't say a word.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Ms. Xie, how is the arrangement at home?"

Xie Jiaojiao said immediately: "Xie Guifei, empress, has almost settled down."

"That's good, my palace is still worried, you are unfamiliar with places, things are not so smooth."


Upon hearing this, Xie Jiaojiao immediately raised his head and said: "Some things are not going well. Mindv wants to find Commander Li, but she can't find him."


Nan Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, but did not answer.

She originally wanted to hope that Li would not hurt and walk with her more, but she knew about the Dixian Club as soon as he returned to the capital. Zhu Feng seemed to ask him to arrange manpower to investigate this matter, so Li Bushang must have no time. He took care of it.

So Nan Yan only said lightly: "He has business to be busy."


Xie Jiaojiao lowered his head somewhat lost.

Seeing her like this, Nan Yan smiled in her heart, but she didn't show her face, she just said: "By the way, I don't know yet, where are your houses, Miss Xie?"

Xie Jiaojiao said, "The people from the Minnu and the Song family are all settled in Baoning Fang in the south of the city."

"Bao Ning Fang..."

Nan Yan read these three silently, and then smiled softly.

Two more days later, as soon as Li Bushang returned to Fusi in Beizhen from the outside, he saw Fang Buyuan coming out from inside. When he saw him, he immediately said, "You are back."


Li Bushang raised his eyes and glanced at him, without speaking, he walked directly inside.

Fang Buyuan caught up again and said, "I'm going to find you, where have you been?"

Li Bushang walked forward without stopping, and said, "Naturally, I'm going to work."

"What to do?"

As soon as the question came out, Fang Buyuan himself said, "Oh, was it the old fairy meeting? The emperor told you to investigate. Did you find anything?"

Li Bushang glanced at him without answering.

Fang Buyuan smiled and said, "Okay, I know the rules and don't ask you. But there is one thing I want to tell you."

Li Bu hurt: "What's the matter?"

"The father-in-law Shun in the palace just now came to give you something."

"Send something? What is it?"

"You forgot, the emperor gave you a reward at the court that day, so naturally he gave you a reward."

As the two people were talking, they had already walked into the inner hall. Fang Buyuan pointed to the table that Li Bu hurt and said, "This is the thing."

Li Bushang looked up and saw that there was a tray on the table with a thick layer of satin. On the satin, a document was neatly placed.

He stepped forward and opened it.

It is a title deed to the property.

Fang Buyuan came up and took a look, and immediately said, "The house in Baoningfang, the emperor is really rewarding. However, this time you really have worked hard. Without you, the affairs of White Dragon City might not have ended smoothly."

After he finished speaking, he looked towards Li not hurt.

Seeing that the latter's face didn't look rejoicing after receiving the reward, he said in confusion: "Why, are you still not satisfied?"


Li Bushang was silent for a while, and said, "No. I'll check it out."

After speaking, he took things and turned away.

Baoningfang is located in the south of the capital city. Previously, this area was outside the city. After Zhu Feng expanded Beiping City and entered the city, it was only two squares away from Beizhen Fusi. Li did not hurt to ride a horse. Arrived at this mansion that is now in his own name.

As soon as his horse stopped at the door, the door opened.

A middle-aged man, looking like a housekeeper, walked out with a group of servants, and bowed to him: "My lord."

Li Bu hurt looked at them for a while.

Then he got off his horse and said faintly: "All get up."

"Master Xie."

Everyone stood up, and the person who looked like a housekeeper immediately went up and said: "The sir, the younger surnamed Wang, the first name Sheng, and these people are here to serve the adults.

Li Bushang said indifferently: "I don't need someone to serve."

After speaking, he went inside.

Everyone was stunned.

An official, who doesn't need someone to serve? Even for a small official, there are many servants at home, and Ji concubines are in groups, but they came here and waited for so long, only to wait for the master to be alone.

Wang Sheng said softly: "My lord, we are all placed by the noble concubines."


Li Bushang originally wanted to walk in. Hearing this, he paused and stopped to look at him: "What?"

Then Wang Sheng said: "This house, along with us, was ordered by the imperial concubine to choose for the adults."

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