Jiang Shan stared at him with wide eyes, and seemed to be reacting for a while, but at this moment, a soldier guarding the city suddenly rushed in: "Master Jiang, there seems to be fire on the northeast corner of the outer city!"


Originally shocked by the words of Father Yu, Jiang Shan reacted quickly when he heard the news suddenly, and rushed out.

Grandpa Yu and the others also walked out of the Qiaolou.

When I walked up to the tower and looked north, I saw a flash of light in the dark night in the distance, like a firefly shining in the dark night, faintly shaking.

Apparently someone was shaking with a torch.

But this person is not swaying, but transmitting messages. The nine gates inside and outside are too far apart from each other. It takes a long time to transmit messages on horseback. Therefore, soldiers guarding the city use flags to draw semaphores during the day and use them at night. The shaking torch conveys the message.

As soon as he saw the message, Jiang Shan's brow wrung up.

Grandpa Yu immediately asked, "What is it?"

Jiang Shan said in a deep voice: "The soldiers who defended the city found something unusual outside the city."

"Change? What change?!"

"Shanyu said, I just saw people approaching in the distance, but for the time being I can't tell who it is."


"They are asking whether they need to go out of the city to investigate."

When Yu Duke heard this, his heart sank.

He originally obeyed the imperial concubine’s arrangement and rushed to find Jiang Shan to close the inner and outer nine gates. In fact, the most important thing was to close the inner city’s nine gates to prevent the outer city and inner city, especially the threat to the imperial palace. Ask him to do this, but with his years of experience serving with the emperor, he also knows that it is the right thing to do.

However, what he didn't expect was that the unexpected movement outside the city would come so quickly!

Grandpa Yu said in a deep voice, "Quick, let them close the city gate immediately!"


Jiang Shan's brows were tightened, and he looked at Grandpa Yu with heavy eyes.

According to the rules, closing the city gate at night should be at five quarters to eighth hour, and the time has not yet arrived. Without the emperor's edict, the time for closing the city gate cannot be changed at will.

He has faintly heard that the emperor went up to the wedding banquet in Li Mansion today, and it seemed that something went wrong.

But now, the emperor's confidant eunuch, Grandpa Yu, suddenly rushed to him and asked himself to close the nine doors inside and outside.

Obviously, something has happened.

If one is careless at this time, he will lose his head and punish the Nine Clan.

He said solemnly: "Duke Yu, this—"

Grandpa Yu's face was serious, and he was used to smiling at him on weekdays. At this time, facing him, he felt like a mountain of pressure inexplicably. He said: "Jiang Shan, our family doesn't need to explain to you what happened in the palace; but if the emperor gives you the nine gates of the capital, you have to explain it to everyone in the capital!"


"Now, no matter what happens in the inner city, there is an abnormality found outside. No one can deploy troops to defend against the enemy in a short time. If you don't quickly close the city gate, if there is any enemy situation next, can you afford it?"


Jiang Shan did not speak, but looked at him.

At this moment, his breathing was also choked.

The two people looked at each other like this. I don’t know how long it took, Jiang Shan was still staring at Duke Yu’s eyes, but suddenly said loudly: "Come here!"

The soldiers under him immediately stepped forward: "What's your command?"

Jiang Shan took a deep breath and said: "Immediately give the northeast corner-no, send a message to the nine gates inside and outside, close all the gates!"

The soldiers were also taken aback.

You must know that although it was not time to close the outer city gates at this time, the nine inner city gates could not be closed unless there was a major incident. Several people looked at each other and they all froze there.

Jiang Shan said: "Hurry up!"

With an outcry, everyone jumped up in fright and didn't dare to neglect, they hurried to various parts of the tower, aroused the soldiers below to immediately wave torches to pass the flag.

Soon, more than a dozen torches on the tower were lit, and the soldiers waved the torches, drawing a dazzling light in the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, those on the towers that saw the semaphore also shone in response.

In the night, there was a long and dull roar.

The sound of the city gate closing!

Hearing these voices, Jiang Shan seemed relieved, and his heart hung up high. He looked at Duke Yu, with cold sweat on his forehead, and said: "I listen to Duke Yu, I just hope-no It's a murderous disaster."

Grandpa Yu glanced at him, but did not answer.

Just said: "Now, you have all the guards at the gates to patrol all night, and no one is allowed to enter the inner city. Offenders, kill them!"

Jiang Shan was silent for a while, and said: "I will do the thing."


"I just hope that later, my father-in-law can supply me with an edict, even if it is a decree."


"Otherwise, the people in the capital will have nothing to do, and I will have something to do with Jiang Shan."

Grandpa Yu glanced at him and said, "Don't worry."

Hearing him say this, Jiang Shan nodded, and immediately walked downstairs to the city. Yugong said: "Where are you going?"

Jiang Shan said: "Go to the Northeast Corner Tower."


"Even though the city gate is closed, I have to go over and stare at what is happening over there. If it's really dangerous--" He paused when he said that, "General Luo needs to be deployed immediately. "


"I heard that after General Luo went to Le Mansion today, he seems to have never returned."

Father Yu's expression sank.

He is the chief of the palace. Although he usually seems to be smiling and he only circles the emperor, in fact, he knows that there is a bird on that wall in the palace. It is impossible for someone to bring so many people into the harem and put them under house arrest in the Xuanqiong Treasure Hall.

However, closing the nine doors inside and outside is a big deal.

Therefore, he didn't ask over there too much, he came here first to send a message to Jiang Shan; now the Jiu Men's matter has been dealt with, and he has to go back and look over there.

He thought for a while, and said, "You go over and stare at it, and if something big happens, immediately send news in."

Jiang Shan responded, and took out a token from his arms and handed it to Duke Yu.

Said: "The father-in-law returns to the palace, or if you want someone to pass a message, let the token be given."

Father Yu took a look at the token, nodded and said, "Okay."

Jiang Shan exhorted: "The soldiers who guard the city only recognize this token, which is very important. The father-in-law must not easily fake his hands. Otherwise, the nine gates inside and outside will be useless."

Jade justice said: "Our family knows, you go quickly."

Jiang Shan turned and ran down the tower.

In a short while, a team of people followed him to the northeast corner.

And Grandpa Yu immediately took a few soldiers down the tower, mounted his horse again, and galloped away to the palace without stopping.

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