Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2781: Controversy between the Ministry of Justice and Dali Temple

The atmosphere in the Xuanqiong Treasure Hall was tense, and Nan Yan and Zhu Chengxuan were both speechless in the face of the aggressive siege of those ministers.

Neither person has encountered this situation.

In fact, Jun Renchen Zhi, Zhu Feng, although he was born in the army and had a violent temper in his early years, but after he became the throne, he has been tempered by several major events, and his temper has improved. He can indeed bear the blunt advice of the ministers. The ministers also dared to speak bluntly, not only to promise.

It's just that the king Wei and the imperial concubine usually face courteous and gentle ministers.

But now it is different.

The assassination of the emperor was indeed a major event, and it was in Libushang's mansion. The inextricable connection with the imperial concubine prevented these people from believing her; what's more, Nan Yan was after the incident in order to avoid the emperor's assassination. The news, especially the details, brought these people back to the palace and put them under house arrest, which even angered these ministers.

In addition, after the emperor was assassinated, the case was not clear, and there was no way to give an explanation to the officials.

So at this time, the other party's anger came directly at them.

Seeing that the situation was a little uncontrollable, King Wei had an idea, and suddenly said: "Everyone, you guys, don't worry, this king and the imperial concubine are here to ask people from the Ministry of Justice and Dali Temple to interrogate the prisoner."


Upon hearing this, the ministers were taken aback.

Everyone looked at Zhang Lu and Ge Yunli who were standing in the front.

Nan Yan frowned slightly, glanced at King Wei, and then at the people around him, without speaking.

Indeed, based on the current situation, it is very difficult for them to get out of these ministers. If they really want to get out of it, of course, there is no way—the people guarding the door and following by are Nan Yan’s people. Can solve the problem.

However, once you start to kill the ministers, the situation will become even more uncontrollable.

So she also said: "Yes, if any of you want to delay this matter, just let it be noisy."

Everyone was quiet immediately.

For a moment, the two of them stood in the center of the main hall, surrounded by hundreds of civil and military officials, as if they were being surrounded and annihilated, as if they were confronting each other.

I don't know how long it took, someone said weakly: "If this is the case, please quickly find out the truth."

Yan Gu squinted slightly and looked at Wang Wei and the imperial concubine.

After thinking about it again, he turned around and said to Zhang Lu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Qing Ge Yunli of Dali Temple: "In this case, the two adults will work harder. To find out the truth about the assassination of the emperor, we must give us justice!"

The two men also glanced at each other.

Just as he was about to speak, Nan Yan suddenly said: "However, there can only be one person in charge of the trial and judgment. I don't know if it is the chief of the Criminal Ministry or the chief of Dali Temple?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Lu and Ge Yunli subconsciously spoke at the same time--

"Of course it's our Criminal Ministry!"

"Of course it is our Dali Temple!"

As soon as these words came out, the two looked at each other again, their eyes sharpened suddenly.

Zhang Lu said immediately: "Master Ge, such an important matter as the emperor's assassination should naturally be left to our Criminal Ministry."

Ge Yunli sneered: "Master Zhang, the case that your Criminal Ministry snatched from us a few days ago is still unclear. If you leave the emperor assassinated to you, how many years do you plan to handle it? "

"You—what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, it's just this matter, it should be handed over to our Dali Temple!"


The two sides immediately disputed.

Nan Yan was secretly happy.

Although she can't do politics, these days because Zhu Feng must teach her some ways to deal with things, she will also talk to her about the previous dynasty. Among them, she mentioned that the contradiction between the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and Dali Temple is often rushed. When handling a case, sometimes, people from both sides may even appear at the place where a case happened, and there will be a fight.

Sure enough, Nan Yan just said a word, and the two sides started to fight each other.

Seeing the quarrel between the two sides was so violent, Wang Wei stepped forward to persuade him: "Two, please stop quarreling."

Seeing them arguing endlessly, the stern on the side also looked like "hating iron can not make steel", and said, "Master Zhang, Master Ge, when are you still fighting for? The most important thing now is getting involved. Halt the truth, don't let people fool us!"

Both people stopped for a moment.

Yan Gu deliberately ignored the imperial concubine, and directly said to Zhu Chengxuan: "His Royal Highness, the emperor was assassinated, and the officials and other officials don't know what happened. Now you are the court, the pillar of our Great Yan Dynasty. . It’s up to you to decide."

When he said this, he just put aside the imperial concubine.

Nan Yan stood aside, staring at him with a deep complexion.

Although Zhu Chengxuan hesitated, at this time, it is indeed out of fashion to let the imperial concubine speak. It's just a matter of choosing someone--

He looked at Zhang Lu and then at Ge Yunli.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something.

Then he said: "In that case, the king will choose—"

Everyone looked at him holding their breath.

I saw Zhu Chengxuan slowly say: "Let's choose Dali Temple to preside over this case."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Lu immediately stomped his foot, turning his head away with anger, and Ge Yunli's face immediately appeared with a smile, and he was about to bow to Zhu Chengxuan, and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty— —"

Before he finished speaking, Zhu Chengxuan continued: "However, if the king remembers correctly, Aiqing usually sits in the center when hearing cases in Dali Temple, interrogating prisoners and recording confessions. These things are left to Dali Temple Shaoqing. Yes, right?"


At this moment, Ge Yunli was also taken aback.

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Is it right?"

Ge Yunli whispered: "Yes, yes, but—"

"That's fine,"

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Master Ge is getting older. If Master Ge is allowed to run around, this king will not feel good about it. This matter will be dealt with by Shaoqing of Dali Temple. When the matter has an eye, the palace will take care of it. How about he personally come over to Master Ge and give an explanation to the ministers?"

He said so, who can say no.

Zhang Lu snorted coldly at Ge Yunli who was dumbfounded.

At this time, Zhu Chengxuan said again: "Where is Shaoqing from Dali Temple?"

A clear voice immediately sounded from the crowd: "Weichen is here."

After speaking, a young official came out from the crowd. It was Ruan Hengzhou, Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

Although Dali Temple Shaoqing is only Grade 4 according to the official rank, it is normally not included in the invitation of Li Bushang. However, because his sister Ruan Mei resettled his wife a few days ago, and he tried the case of Cheng Guo Gong’s treason, and he was highly prestigious in the DPRK, so he was also included in the invitation of Le Bu hurt.

Upon seeing him stand up and Nan Yan standing behind Wang Wei, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

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