Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 2808: Above the court, how can women be allowed to do politics!

The ministers said with irony expressions: "The concubine, why are you here, shouldn't you give us an explanation?!"

At this time, Nan Yan had already walked behind Zhu Chengxuan.

Feeling that the child was a little helpless and a little angry, her thin shoulders were twitching slightly, she stretched out a hand and gently pressed Zhu Chengxuan's shoulder to signal him not to worry.

Then he said: "The ministers and workers think, shouldn't this palace be here?"

The courtiers glanced at each other, and their faces were all knowingly asking.

Yan Gu sneered and said: "Above the court, how can women be allowed to do politics!"

Everyone immediately agreed: "Yes, there can be no women on the court."

"Where is this still pointing fingers, a concubine in the harem dared to sit on the court, Sichen, this is an ominous omen!"

"Our Great Yan Dynasty is going to change the sky!"

Seeing that the people below are getting more and more fierce, although Nan Yan is still calm, she can clearly feel that Zhu Chengxuan's shoulders that she is pressing are already twitching uncontrollably, and the tight muscles are trembling slightly.

This is a depressed and angry expression of a person.

He knew that Nan Yan did all this for him, otherwise, she would not risk the world and make herself the focus of all courtiers' attacks.

To this noble concubine, he was grateful and distressed.

At this moment, he remembered the situation where Ge Yunli, Qing Ge of the Dali Temple, was aggressive towards the imperial concubine, and killed him with a stick in anger, frightening all officials.

If you can--

But just thinking about it, his heart suddenly became contradictory.

Although he was in the Xuanqiong Treasure Hall before, he could slay the Dali Temple prince in anger, but now in the court hall, even if these people attacked the imperial concubine, they were all righteous and righteous. He did not have enough reason to rebuke these ministers, let alone any more Kill, otherwise, as soon as the ministers' spirit of war and remonstrance of scholar-bureaucrats is aroused, the court will really be completely chaotic.

At that time, without the invasion of foreign enemies, they can kill themselves.

Therefore, he was angry and contradictory.

Although Nan Yan could not see his expression, she could still detect his feelings from the tight posture of the child. She soothed him, then raised her head and said to everyone: "Why is Sichen Miji? It's not ominous, my palace doesn't know; I haven't seen the evil consequences of the harem's politics. But my palace wants to say that this palace doesn't want to do politics, nor does it want Sichen."

Yan Gu sneered: "The imperial concubine lady is already standing above the court. If you say this, isn't it insincere?"

South Yandao: "Above the court, there is not only the palace, but also the king of Wei."


"Why do all the ministers and workers only see the palace, but not King Wei?"

Yan Gu said: "Because there is King Wei, there can be no woman standing behind him!"


Although these two words seemed to be a thorn in Nan Yan's heart by courtiers, she immediately repeated them coldly, and with her cold and sharp eyes, they seemed to be held back by her, stabbed. To the courtier.

For a while, everyone was shocked.

The lofty concubine empress looked at each of them, her cold gaze was like ice skates, scraping everyone's bones, making everyone feel an indescribable sense of shivering, which made people shudder.

Nan Yan said coldly: "Is this palace just an ordinary woman to you?!"

Everyone closed their mouths, let alone speak easily.

of course not.

She is not an ordinary woman, she is the emperor's most beloved concubine, and also the concubine recognized by His Highness Wei.

It is also the seal of the phoenix on behalf of the hand and the assistant to the sixth house. Although there is no successor in the harem, there is a real concubine and empress!

Under the world, no one dares to treat her as an ordinary woman.

Although everyone was aiming at her, at this time, they did not dare to tear their faces with her. They hesitated for a while, so they lowered their heads and said softly, "Weichen wait, dare not."

Nan Yan went on to say, "Then, who do you use this palace as?"

Everyone looked at each other.

I haven't reacted for a while, and Nan Yan didn't wait for them to react at all, saying: "Now, the identity of this palace standing here is not an ordinary woman or a noble concubine."


"This palace is the concubine of King Wei."


"The emperor was assassinated, and now he is recovering from his wounds and cannot go to court. Wei Wanglin listens to the government and solves problems for the emperor. However, his Royal Highness is young, and my palace is worried that someone will bully the weak and bully the young master. As a concubine, my palace will naturally come to protect him so as not to save him. I was bullied!"

Hearing this, the courtiers below, look at me, and when I look at you, they didn't dare to gasp.

The crime of bullying a young master is indeed very good.

According to their previous practice, it is more than enough to buckle on their heads.

As a result, the situation in the court became a little weird. The courtiers rebuked the noble concubine for doing politics, and the noble concubine rebuked the courtiers for bullying the young master.

As a result, the scene froze a bit.

On both sides, no one can overwhelm the other.

Just in this somewhat stalemate situation, a calm but very calm voice sounded from the court——

"You guys, are we going to solve the problems faced by the court today, solve the problems for the emperor, and stabilize the country, or are we going to argue about whether women should be in politics and whether the young lord is bullied?"

Everyone looked back and saw that it was not someone else who was speaking, but it was Gu Tingqiu, the chief minister of the cabinet who only came to court today.

When he spoke, everyone frowned.

Everyone knows that he is the uncle of the imperial concubine and the relative of the imperial concubine group. Originally, he was talking between the courtiers and the imperial concubine, and the courtiers would not pay attention.

But now, the situation is different.

There was a stalemate on both sides, and he spoke like a compromise.

Just when both sides were hesitant, Gu Ting Qiuyi said sternly: "If you talk about the latter, it can make the world settled and solve the immediate problems, then the official doesn't mind discussing it with you. "


"But, if you can't—"

Having said this, he glanced at everyone coldly, and said: "Then please don't waste your words, let alone waste time, and solve the immediate problems. Only when we are ministers, we are the ministers, who will be the king. Worry about what to do!"

At this time, all the courtiers were quiet.

And Zhu Chengxuan seized the opportunity and said immediately: "Master Gu's words are reasonable."


"So, do you have any other opinions on how to deal with the Japanese pirates that the king just said?"


No one spoke, and above the huge court, it was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Okay, implement it immediately!"

Standing behind him, Nan Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded at He Yi who had been standing at the entrance of the hall; and the latter also smiled and waved gently at Ying Shao who was guarding outside the hall.

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